Christian Game Reviews: Thoughts on Johanka's ending (Kingdom Come: Deliverance DLC)?

If you've played through this DLC in which Johanka's story focuses on something of Catholic or Christian significance, spoilers alert:

She receives visions from Mary that happen to be true but ends up being trialed by the inquisition in which the outcome can result in her being lashed and complying with agreeing to never preach again, in which a miracle happens and somebody is healed by Mary.

The other is sentencing to death by the inquisitor.

What are your thoughts on the storyline and do you think it was overtly biased against the church in any ways? If so then how etc?

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Other urls found in this thread: Kings 6&version=AMP

Here's a video of the trial?

I heard this game was good and had a lot of religious themes but was horribly buggy so I never got it.

i think you could take the money you'd spend on this and spend it on an actual history of the church

Not like that stuff hasn't happened before where they a saint gets executed and then pronounced a saint years later.

has there ever been a saint martyred by their own church?

St. Joan of Arc comes first to mind, and I think there are plenty more that a lot do not know about.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola used to be harassed by some retarded inquisitor for awhile abusing his position, it's not the first time saints had to endure bureaucracy and patience.

no, not really

St. Joan got executed because her inquisitor was working with the english.

Would St. Thomas More count given that the Anglicans still venerate him despite being the ones that killed him?

St Joan was excommunicated at three time of her death.

So when it released it was, and often times it was funny, but it seems theyve fixed er up

May get, but I have my hands full of games after this year.

No, because More was Catholic and thus he was not killed by "his own Church." Anglicans consider him a Saint, but he is not part of their flock. This is because Anglicans understand "Catholicity" to apply to any Church generally accepting the first 5-7ish ecumenical councils (or really just anyone who believes in Christ… depends who you talk to.)

Rome would clearly state that Anglicans are not "the Church" and they are only a "church" and one which is fully heretical. I think Joan of Arc is the only one who comes close, as she was only allowed to be executed because of her excommunication which was later proven to be null and void post-death. Though technically it was the English state that killed her.

Writer, director, producer, and lead game designer is a pagan who hates Christianity. Admits to worshiping pagan gods and hates on the Church via twitter.



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That's pretty based.

I mean, nonchristians can make stuff that appeals to Christians even unintentionally. Mark Twain hated religion, but his book on St. Joan of Arc irronically is great and beloved.

God is so powerful that even the wicked are made to serve him.

The real funny thing is that a christian will not make this game.

To be fair, it's hard to make a game with direct Christian references without ironically getting accused of either religious extremism or satanism. Think about the "Christian" reaction to Doom. It also doesn't help that christian groups STILL get in a tizzy at the mere suggestion of violence in any sort of media.

The only really directly religious game I can think of that's actually good is the Visceral Dante's Inferno game. Which I still consider to this day to be one of the most fascinating and disturbing depictions of hell in any piece of media ever.

I still wish for a PC port of that game to be quite honest famalam.

Same, but EA… Need I say more?

It's still an unoptimized, broken mess. People in the steam review page for it are still complaining about broken main quests and terrible combat, which is exactly what everyone was saying when it came out.
Here are more tweets, in case anyone wasn't convinced. Also, no surprise, he's pro-homo and unironically "my ancestor :)"posts because he's 0.0000001% "nordic".

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Good to know I'm not actually missing much.
Pic related

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Have no problem with all the above except the fact he's pro-homo marriage (doubt he still is since the villain in KCD is a faggot).

Game is good, m8.

Doesn't surprised me but still rather a disappointment.

cringe and cuckpilled

Christian video games get made they are usually not big budget or on the public's radar.
The man who made 5 nights are Freddy's also makes Christian games

Varg isn't a pagan, though. In his book about nordic paganism he clearly states his atheism.

Maybe if you're Italian.
Change that to ~1500 years if you're English/French, and ~1000 years if you're Scandinavian

Oh boy, Zig Forums is here in force today.

Odalism is based on pagan teachings according to the man himself

Oh no, only ONE MILLENNIUM instead of two. Such a short time span… How many generations is that? like 15 minimum? I'd rather lay claim to the post-dark-ages side of European history than a bunch of pagan marauders.
Either way it was a joke/meme, so pull the stick out of your ass.


Better we be pagan marauders who worship the moon or something.
G8 b8 m8.

Nice rebuttal, cuck.
The world was in your hands and you lost it.
You got NTRed by jews and tiggers, chinks and mudslimes and you don't even realize it.

Go back to your renaissance fair you hammer swinging sodomite.

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Well, that explains the anti-Church bias in his game.

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I don't get it. Are you actually agreeing with what Vavra is saying?

I didn't bother clicking the links.
I just saw cringe and cuckpilled and smelled Zig Forums a mile away. Other than that I really don't care about the post.

I don't think you should buy into the crap on that board, but at the very least try not to wear it on your sleeve when you come here by spouting immature vulgarity at the most minor things. At least let there be some buildup of aggression or something.

Also, ironically the term "cuck" is ""cringe"" to me in any context at this point. It's so overused and meaningless at this point. It just means "person who disagrees with me in any argument" now.

if you clicked the links you would see he is pretty cringe and cuckpilled lol

See, you say those words and even if you're right I'm put off. It's like "problematic". The internet has made me preemptively dislike/distrust anyone who uses those terms unironically.

i understand. but i think this guy is a good example of the average pagan LARPer

OH, I thought you were talking about the poster, not the links.

Why do clergymen needs fine robes and gold threads? Gold chalices, extraordinary and expensive cathedrals for their churches? Jesus would be whipping these misguided fools for repeating the same mistakes, so little surprise to me that God wouldn't be giving his guidance to those who aren't willing to listen, and instead pay more attention to their love of wealth and privilege of power over others.

Didn't Solomon cover the entire tabernacle in gold and gems? They don't where "fine robes" 24/7. They are used for mass and that's it. Same goes for "gold chalices" and the "extraordinary expensive cathedrals". It's called reverence.


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bread and gospilled

heresy and evilpilled

The house of GOD needs to be beautiful, not ugly like a protestcuck dirty atheist cellar "church"

(btw, I'm not catholicuck, orthodoxcuck, or protestcuck. I'm Apostolic) :-D

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Brother, I do not believe that God is vain enough for materialistic items

agreed bro, but it helps if you can afford it Kings 6&version=AMP

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They patched it, it's pretty solid now, definitely no worse than a Bethesda title. If you're into the whole RPG sandbox thing & want a more "realistic" take than Skyrim it's pretty good imo. A lot of the bad press also came from it being "pro-Christian" (and "pro-Europe"), although I actually thought it was just being neutral in that regard - there's no shortage of corrupt or hedonistic clergy in the game, rulers abuse faith as justification for war - again, a pretty realistic take on that time period.

I hope Mount & Blade 2: Warlords Bogaloo will be good. I loved the first.
KCD seems a tad too edgy for my tastes.

Lol, nice meme, please repost in the memes thread