Western civilization is based on the European peoples, a set of peoples who have their homeland in Europe since the Bronze age, as their final form was achieved when they received their Yamnaya/Corded Ware ancestry along with their Early European Farmer and European Hunter Gatherer ones.
These are Europeans
By this definition, what these people created is in the realms of Western Civilization. Everything, as they were and are different flavours of the same peoples.
By this notion, the Aryan India, Persia, Hittite Kingdom, Mitanni Kingdom, Armenian Kingdom, Celtic Kingdoms, Germanic Kingdoms, the Roman Empire, Hellenic Confederation, British Empire, French Empire, Russian Empire, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Islands everywhere and the whole of Latin America were created on the bases of a singular people, whose traditions and genetic output were crucial and unique.
Not all of these are alive today, or were yesterday - especially the peripheral spaces, considering Europe at the center.
This is Western Civilization
Science has many aspects, do you know about history of Science? From Pseudo-Sciences such as Magianism and Theology to Philosophy to Mathematics to Philosophical Mathematics to Physics branching into Chemistry and Biology, having the Scientific Method, the Kantian interpretation, the Popper resolutions.
Science today is not Science per se in many areas because it breaks its own rules of research and fool proofing.
It doesn't uses the Golden Rule of never starting with a Theory, but creating it later based on the Evidences to prevent False Causation and False Correlation.
It doesn't make Double Blind where it should, it doesn't analyse long term consequences for temporal discontinuity, it doesn't recognize the imperativeness of Physical reality and allows Metaphysics, it considers Social studies as scientific instead of them being what they are, conjectures and opinions only to an applied micro-selection, biased for demographics, sex, race, age, lifestyle, you name it.
Now, really, stop embarrassing yourself.
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