Skipped 2304 because we had a double thread earlier (#2288)
Spain: Students Kicked Out of €750/Month Dorms to Make Way for Boat Migrants Spanish students have been “left out on the street” after being given just 24 hours to vacate their dormitories in order to make way for ‘Aquarius’ migrants.
Jeffrey Barry: Brutal murder of Kamil Ahmad was 'avoidable' The murder of a man by a violent schizophrenia patient "could have been avoided" had a medical tribunal been given complete information on his past, a report has concluded.
Won't be happy until Britain kicks out the globalists and neoliberals, installs a nationalist government, re-unites the Anglosphere under one large Imperial state, recolonises Africa and then reconquers India and the rest of SEA tbh.
like a mustard seed which grows, we need only to ignite a Christian flame in the spirit of the British nation and you will see how it grows and conquers all before it.
Cameron Morris
The united will of Britain reborn is indomitable and irresistible tbh
Landon Moore
Because the migrants are clearly already qualified doctors and engineers while the students are just dead weight.
Nicholas Thomas
Jayden Gutierrez
the people are too degenerated nothing's more important than feeling good from our senses and the dopamine rush from social media
We've had decades of dysgenics but we once evolved from single celled organisms given the spark of life from an almighty creator. We have the genetic potential to become masters of our reality.
Joshua Anderson
This. We need an Protestant Anglo Ethnostate, kick out the Jews and Catholics and enshrine the Law of Moses.
Lincoln Mitchell
Psalms 71:20 - [Thou], which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth.
Thomas Moore
That is the cause to which I am devoting my life
Connor Lee
I don't know much about that fancy booklearnin' stuff but I want my country back and to be a good man.
we need to raise an elite minority totally separated from the multi pronged poisons of the world, for a new ruling class
Luis Young
Proverbs 3:13-15 Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. If you read only one book in your life, let it be the Bible.
Dylan Perez
why haven't you got involved in LOCAL politics yet?
We definitely need people with an aristocratic mindset.
Who should I join? I considered joining the DvP but they don't seem to be going anywhere. Should I join UKIP? I used to be a member but I believe my membership expired.
Kayden Morgan
Inspiritational livestream for you neets and wage slaves to be inspired by.
why are the traitors in government more concerned with us than the rise of a new caliphate? are they that fucking deluded they believe themselves untouchable? that it wont affect them?
Colton Hernandez
I'm not even so sure myself lad, foreigners love Primark and the free-market open-borders satanic consumerism.
Andrew Long
Happy Midsummer lads
seen an inpoint with the new EU law tbh
Justin Edwards
I like listening to his speeches tbh.
Jordan Carter
Parker Lewis
Muslims pose 0% threat to the establishment, they are 5% of the population and most are reliant on the state, the far-right however does pose a threat, since they mostly target the establishment, they shoot politicians and blow up government buildings rather than school kids at a concert, even Brevik who basically shot up a school only did it because it was a left wing training camp for future politicians.
How many bets that amid the bomb plots and mass stabbing plans these 4 "attacks" involved even worse crimes such as leaving bacon outside a mosque or making a public speech about stopping immigration.
hope he didn't address them in English, that's supposed to no longer be a significant language in the EU smh
Colton Green
he's saying that we were all equal in Eden I guess
Gavin Brown
Man, that must be the longest case in recorded history since it usually only lasts 2-4 weeks
Nathan Walker
Cromwell was right to crush the Diggers. Nowhere does the Gospel forbid private property. The communal sharing in Acts was not commanded for all Christians.