Just want to share this, wich I just wrote and say that there is hope. Why don't you guys post your best screenshots that you or other ppl posted.
Most informative, cohesive and coherence screenshots:
It was only a matter of time until this got posted again
I posted these in another thread a while back, but these are great for those who would say that Christianity is a weak or effefinate religion. I wouldn't say it's cohesive by any means, but I love threads like these.
More material to use against anti-Christians.
Just realized that the third pic contains the first
Last one here that's pertinent
are those rigged somehow?
It's hard for me to believe there isn't God's hand in these posts. Conventional wisdom would dictate that post numbers mean nothing in all honesty. Obviously though chan culture treats them as significant. It's quite curious, and no one would doubt that God works in supernatural and natural means.
I've prayed many rosaries for the angels to inspire people to get GETs that are unmistakably from God to convert sinners who believe in meme magic.
God has had a tendency to speak through random chance for a long time now. Like when the sailors on the ship to Tarshish cast lots to figure out who's fault the storm was and it just so happened to land on Jonah. Normally these kinds of things don't mean anything, but sometimes God's providence works through them.
None of it is random chance if you believe in a God who's in control of life itself, he uses some things to reach people and however you interpret it, randomness is certainly not one of the elements of Christ at work
Makes me feel comfy deep down…
I can’t find the thread where someone brought up how Jesus was the first to claim that the faithful could go to be with God instead of going to Sheol. Did anyone get a screenshot?
Everything you posted is literally wrong. You also shared your own meme like a retard wow
I'm going off-topic and what I'm gonna tell is kind of silly, but relevant about this subject. If my memory is not betraying me, around the end of 2016 or beginning of 2017 there was a Jesus post with large digits, and it was really good for me. I saved it, but HD is long dead. I couldn't find it, but only trips with similar content. Is my memory betraying me?
It happened around the same time I was deep into developing and memeing lores for imageboards with Kek, Pepe, Tzeentch and other "entities", making them use digits, personifying chaos, making use of chaos magick and serving as egregores. Then, things got weird (actually, it was entertaining and I shrugged it off) as I was always getting good digits (quads, quints, sexts; quoting trips with trips etc) non-stop when memeing such characters. At same time, some few anons were talking about the frog-like creatures from Revelations and, while I was (previously on a thread) memeing we lived in a simulation, I got to seriously speculate, along other anons, the Beast (one of them) was related to skynet-like machines and the Internet (this one, as hypothesis, I did take seriously by that time and still do until this day, "Beast" is very fitting for a trans-humanist abomination; we, anons from some IB, still call Google "the Beast" because of it, dunno if it's a common conclusion)…So a filthy frog-like spirit from the mouth of the false prophet (could it be Kek or our digits?), one from the Beast (the Internet?) and one from the Dragon. I'm not saying I believed that, but on that day I used that for enriching the IBs "lore".
But then immediately I felt bad as I was using things on Bible for pure vanity. And the "praise Kek" thing, although "ironical" and shallow, was really some kind of idolatry. I got annoyed by this thought and then, just after that, I got to Zig Forums (or some other board) and witnessed that "Jesus post" with large digits. There was this odd synchronism and I thought to myself: "I'm really spreading and feeding false idolatry, I should stop with the 'praise Kek' and be careful with what I do". And so I did. That "ironical" idolatry was going too far away for everyone.
As silly as it is, this experience got me closer to Christ and helped me to get other anons, as well, closer to Him in the following months and helps me to this day. I'm way more careful now about blasphemies (but not as much as I should, as you can see by my first pic, although it's related enough for my situation).
Found these off-topic pics while searching for that large digits post (it could just be the 777 trips in fourth pic, though, and my memory failed me). First pic is very fitting to myself. Second one is just before Fidel Castro dying, a nice coincidence winnie the pooh Leftism that amused me and motivated me to keep memeing. Third is for what the anons above proposed.
Now, if something like the content of the fourth pic helped me, so these digits could really be a deed of God, as silly as it may seem, I'm not underestimating that and I'm glad such posts exist.
I still, to this day, find it very likely the Beast is some technological abomination and "chips" as the Mark of the Beast could coexist with the moral flaw (most likely) hypothesis. Things could go so crazy in the future that literal fulfillment of things written in Revelations would be shrugged off by humanity, as many wouldn't fear God anymore. I always keep my eyes on Sweden and China to see what they, two of the most morally corrupt nations on Earth, are doing with technology.
OP here.
Mine is the worst. So, I wanted to make a thread about it in order to see the real good ones. It's true, mine is the wost. However, it's on purpose.
Congrats on your trips user.