Brexit: UK 'to keep more of its fish', Michael Gove says
Jaguar Land Rover boss: Brexit threatens £80bn UK investment
'It smacks of a STITCH-UP!' British MEP DISMANTLES Theresa May's Brexit fisheries plan
Brexit: UK 'to keep more of its fish', Michael Gove says
Jaguar Land Rover boss: Brexit threatens £80bn UK investment
'It smacks of a STITCH-UP!' British MEP DISMANTLES Theresa May's Brexit fisheries plan
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IMAGINE MY good lad.
Cod wars 2 doggerland boogaloo soon.
good lad
Do you remember TV Offal? That was pretty funny.
Sometimes I command my 56% team to victory over voice, I shout at them what to do and sometimes get angry, but then I will have dozens of commendations and almost no reports at the end of the month when my player report card is visible. They knew my harsh leadership was necessary.
This is the outlet for my natural urge to lead and explore, in the past I'd be with Cook doing a trigonometric survey of another island added to the Empire, today I am trapped in a virtual world, unable to reach self actualisation.
i want to rule over you
More like waiting to kill.
Brazil isn't all that bad.
They get to play as much sega as they want thanks to the import taxes and tectoy's doing
tune in
You can still work on a survey vessel.
Although nowadays they're just counting seals to add to the empire.
I want to conquer foreign lands. I want to be Suvorov or Kutuzov.
Previously you worked to be able to surivive, now you work to afford your 2 week holiday in Ibiza
Holy shit I love these guys
Thanks lads
Sometimes I daydream about the state of the world and it's like an Ilya Ehrenburg poem on steroids.
Feels like a World Peace sketch.
lmao this nigger is so passive aggressive, so many niggers are effeminate
sorry lad i've never read jewish bolsheviks
True. Niggers put up a tough guy pose but it's all a front when they're not in a group.
"Kill the German" is a must read for anyone who is interested in the Eastern Front, this is the sort of propaganda the Russian lads were reading.
tbh they probably mute you
Cut me finger the other day. Most alive I've felt in years.
Dark skinned Englishman looks shocked.
yeah very true
lmao this russian is such a mall ninja
This is a good one.
This is what Russia needs!!!
Kek I always get that gun owner feeling when someone brags about owning an air rifle.
Nice peashooter little man.
10 former communist good lads.
What interesting timing to be repeating this now.
Just got extremely /comfy/ tbh
There's a new Joe video but I dunno if it was already posted or not.
I love these gopniks
yeah its kind of sad, but guns are also just a memi and even gun owners can come across as faggots
I was at a pistol range shooting my pistols and this guy walks in wearing full multicam ACUs and has a rifle bag (at a 25 yd range), he opens it and its a literal intervention from COD, all the boomers were kissing his ass about it and then he just left
I feel like these gopniks are about to rekt this wog
Oh god
top kek
This russian is a fucking lad
Gun ranges should have the Zig Forums fashion guide pinned to the walls.
You can't shoot that at 25 yds can you? was he just showing off then
yeah I mean you could but idk alot about scopes because I am not a richfag but you would not sight at anything less tan 100 yds
this gay nigger literally wants to get raped by gopniks
kek the bugman negro is so annoying
Terrorwave working towards Partisan-core.
yeah he literally just walked around with it at the shop and talked about it then put it back in the bag and left and never even shot it.
Can't watch this anymore, I feel bad for the guy but the violence is O V E R W H E L M I N G L Y black on white yet they will never run this documentary on how blacks gangraped and threw a child in a rubbish bin, it's only ever used to browbeat whites into submission.
this slavic union leader guy has the beard I want to grow as a 30 year old boomer
inb4 it was just airsoft
I think that's most people tbh, did recently buy some nice polo shirts though.
Here's a British mummy for you Steiner
That's a real man, sad to say but I wish my father was half a man as he is.
fucking nigger
the slavic union symbol is so cool looking, best dafty symbol IMO
Switch to 80s nostalgia:
russian dafties seem very serious
GLOBAL thanks lad
Can see why reading about the chechen insurgency.
Why don't we have a daftie group lads? Why are we all such wimps?
secret state is too strong
Slav dafties tend to be fairly extreme tbh
We had Combat 18 and various Loyalist groups
half of this board has been vanned for daftyism
wheras secret state in russia supports the dafties secretly
I'd forgotten about them. That was the 80s/90s though right?
was cromwell a dafty?
we all know wat tyler was a dead end roads daftie
Cromwell was anti-British deadend and (((zionist))).
wish he was my dad or at least brother or uncle tbh
Yeah, I don't know if C18 are still around tbh.
Yeah they were with the BNP, dunno if they were still around but they were ready to coup the government on the BNP behalf.
>have a meeting with Job Centre
If you want to meet ex-Combat 18 lads, just get on PREVENT.
Yeah I've heard.
daily reminder that the jews failed
You don't have to have children to go Dad-mode, you just need to come to terms with not being young anymore. Quite liberating if you can do it. You probably are 18 though so none of my boomer advice applies.
they died for something bigger then themselves lad
32 yo boomer tbh
he really is a true american