Brit/pol/ #2393: Paki Hates British Flag Edition

Home Secretary Sajid Javid Refuses Plea to Fly British Flag at UK Border Posts
Home Secretary Sajid Javid has rejected calls for Britain to fly the national flag above all border posts, where people enter and leave the country, as many other nations do.

Khan’s London: Moped Crime Surging, 97 Percent of Incidents Go Unsolved
Police failed to solve 97 percent of moped crime in London in the past year, with the proportion of solved crimes falling as the city is gripped by a crime wave, new data has revealed.

Migrant Crisis: Over Half of Criminal Suspects in Vienna Are Foreigners, Rape and Murder Up
Despite an average decline in crime across Austria, foreigners now make up nearly half of the suspects in criminal cases, and more than half of suspects in the capital city of Vienna.

Drink-drive casualties in UK at four-year high
Calls for cut in legal alcohol limit after more than 9,000 injuries or deaths in 2016

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I didn't want to say anything because everyone was having a nice civil chat tbh.

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They had families who depended on them and supported them.

just been listening to his reading of Beowulf, comfy tbh

According to the black man at the start of deus ex 95%+ of people were self employed at the start of the 20th century.

thats in the USA though

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centralisation of capital was a mistake

Ah yeah true.

Was that the one where they'd already taken his face off and they were just making random cuts into his head with a box cutter?

Master of his universe: the warnings in JRR Tolkien’s novels

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Is she the EU cartoon lady?


What should the Lib Dems do to fill in the gap lads?

She's the white wolf

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factorys were a mistake
division of labour killed the wider economic feasibility of the truly independent craftsman


Her fursona.


something about chinks I think

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I'm alright for sacrificing freedom for efficiency if our government was actually pursuing our long term ethnic interest smh.

Does anyone have the chart showing energy output of nuclear energy compared to other energy sources? The Nuclear bar basically goes off the charts compared to them.
Everything I am finding is rigged to high heaven to not actually show the output.

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its quarter to 11 on a thursday lad
save the scientific treatise for this weekend methinks

I'm all for nuclear power.
Coal burners should be banned tbh.

true tbh.


Good lad

Might be, or it might be a different one there are so many

No lad the jews are hiding the truth as they can use the necessity for oil to start wars in ME countries to control pipelines all so the money stays in their pockets and now they are hiding this graph from me as they know I'd energypill all the normies reeeeeeeeeee

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Nothing can compare to quality handmade goods.

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Here's his second-most recent article

here you go lad

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I would unban dorset and let him post if we could somehow hook him up to a generator.

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I admire medieval society. Free men like craftsmen were very independent and enjoyed more freedoms than we do today. The serf classes enjoyed more holidays than we do today and were pretty well protected by the upper class (who at this time were still a genuine warrior class which saw honour as an objective worth pursuing and money a means to an end), there was no real financial class except for the Jews who got routinely btfo'd. The priests fulfilled the purposes of the welfare state and also provided education as well as salvation. If you can look past the austerity, it was a nobler age.

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Sadly that was all dependent on a firm religious presence and a national population numbering a mere fraction of today's.

Also there was no real literate bourgioise or proletariat, everyone was forced into agrarian farm work. We should force them back into it.

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yeah the secularism/rationalism and the material prosperity caused by agricultural and industrial developments during the 1600-1800s killed all that tbh

is that you, Pol Pot?

The middle class simply must suffer before anything changes politically. That's why forcing an economic shock is one of the most sensible things to gun for tbh.

Nah we should just kill them.

As much as I adore the Middle Ages, a simple return to that lifestyle will be frankly impossible in a technologised, post-enlightenment England. We need a new machine.


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You can still build a communal society once we remove the attachment to the material.

Except any time that the knights might be, I don't know, on campaign?

Would if we killed enough people tbh

We can leave that to you, I'm certain.

come on lad it's a memi

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Good lamb

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I would be happy to.

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memmies = serious fucking business lad

The next one was going to be "Geothermal energy from a suspiciously warm Knights Templar cubicle" tbh.

might post that new Hyde video in an ethnic group

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Keek tell them to say thank you.

Oh the joys of London.

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I think I walked past there when I was in central London.

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It's mostly HKers

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And that's supposed to be better than what lad?

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we could be like the amish only 400 years further into the past


Right, sure, whatever.

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Did JF get dun in? Haven't seen any streams of his pop up for a few days.

Might just be butthurt slit-eye historians but apparently the Chinks were actually good fighters and the Brits broke before they did in the defense of HK vs the Japs. We should've recruited more of them into the garrison there, they were discriminated against as opposed to people of European stock.

honk gongers are the most pro-brit non-brits on earth tbh


I think the most energy efficient idea would be to blackmail Africans into running on treadmills generating muh leccy.

The HK lads garrisoning HK would have been the best of the best of the natives because HK didn't have it's own proper military regiments, whereas the British soldiers were the scraps.

Adam had such a chad lifestyle till the eternal thot (literally) sold him out to the devil

You could get a smart meter that told you which negro was powering your kettle or PC at that time.

could we actually do that?


If we gave them food and let them fuck each other, probably.

Why not

Fucking Jews

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Hey lamb, what model is your .22? I know it's an Anschutz but what specific model is it?

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I mean, the one area where they tend to actually do quite well is athleticism, after all.

Super inefficient tbh, you're converting food into electrical energy and that would be better done growing biofuel crops and running generators

Just wondering lad, wanna get a .22 for myself smh
How would knowing what model your rifle is help me dox you anyway?
I also deleted your dox folder anyway, smh, I only have a couple pics that N*o sent me

So, just how awful is that show? All I saw is that clip where he's hilariously pranking small town Americans by telling them he's going to build a mosque.

The 10,000m race or whatever was on the other day was just loads of brown people and then "Andy Burnham" in the rankings kek.

They will steal the treadmills?

Pakis would be great furnace fuel for a steam powered plant. Just a facility where they can inbreed to their hearts content and when the babby is formed, on to the conveyer it goes.

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I don't know the exact model I'd have to find it, you probably don't want to spend £350 just for target shooting really anyway. I want to own a .357 they look way more fun to shoot, yee-haw.

I don't believe you but well done if so I don't keep images of other people or try to doxx them because I think it's wrong. 😤😤

Fuck off, imagine getting up one morning to find the wind's blown the wrong way and the air is thick with curry smog

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