Stephen Hawking kicks the bucket, press F to pay respec

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Other urls found in this thread:–2018

RIP in peace


anyone see him on Futurama?

I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone.


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Get right with Jesus people, you never know when the hour will come.

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He was an atheist and he's burning in hell right now

Wasn't this faggot using his position to spread bullshit?

He will be missed.

Press F to pay respects

He was a real man.



Rest in Peace, Hotwheels.

Probably overrated but he still deserve some respeck.

Not Zig Forums related.

I remember in a thread years ago someone saying that he's a hack who makes stupid claims then refutes them himself in a paper to get his dick sucked

any truth?

Based cripple.

The user who said that was probably an idiot, but there might be a grain of truth to it. You can get away with otherwise unremarkable papers in academia if you're famous enough.

he's in Hell right now


yes. basically he was once useful but then he got really famous and stopped being of any use to the world while still receiving praise as if he were the next Einstein or Tesla.

I give zero shits that he died. his later years were spent talking without actually knowing what he was talking about, acted like he knew more than he did. no "F" from me.

this isn't tech or related to it, unless you wanna talk about the shitty voice software he used, fuck off

Great idea.
Maybe Zig Forums can put a button that make SAM read posts. There's a javascript available that could be audited before being implemented here
Test website:

good riddance, he turned into a pozzed libshit cripple near the end.

also: how fucking selfish of him to breed with such extreme disease. what the fuck.–2018
Damn that's pathetic. He should have an heroed.

That would be a pretty funny picture.

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scientist used him to push the religion of science by destroying god claiming the magical big bang created everything out of nothing.

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Christfags shitting up funerals with their gay ass agendas. A man is dead and you just want to spread your cancer. Have you considered suicide? You should.

It was.

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Feel special yet?

check facts you retard, people with ALS live for only about 4 years, he died a 50 years ago.
they put a puppet there and type shit into his computer for text to speech, and make up a bunch of horeshit science they want pushed to the public.

it's amazing you are on the tech board and cant even fathom wireless technology and text to speech.

Idiots will create a mental block to justify their retarded and warped worldview so it isn't shattered.

76 year old for someone with ALS i pretty damn epic !.
Its a decent age even for a regular joe

How did someone with ALS had kids?!

Ironic if you know the history of the big bang theory. Atheists dismissed it at first because they were worried it implied God.

This is a board for intelligent people, get out.

good riddance

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90%-95% of instances of ALS aren't genetic in origin, I'm pretty sure Hawking's case wasn't either.

He was actually quite an athlete before onset, and only became crippled by his mid-20s.


Today I will remind them.

do u guys think he visited his own birthday party as a time traveler right b4 he died

goodnight sweet prince

"Turned myself into a pickle, Morty!"

-- Carl Sagan

"Shut it down, the goyim know"
-Carl Sagan

It's funny that you put that on me. You're literally claiming that it's more believable to think that Steven hawking was a robot than to think that mommy and daddy's bedtime stories were wrong. Stop believing nigger control stories.

Was this a knee jerk reaction to one of it's proponents being a literal priest? Because otherwise I don't see why people should care either way.

"Shut it down, the goyim know"
-Carl Sagan

"goyim were born only to serve us. they have no place in the world - only to serve the people of israel"

-Joe Rogen

You may be the most pretentious person I've ever come across

Get the fuck out, we already have to deal with polacks, furfags and cuckchan rapefugees, we don't need your kind around here as well

>The """greatest""" mind of (((Modern Science))) is dead.
Your move atheists.

I miss the internet back before Christians got over their fears of phones.



Shitting up my rossman vids, at least business insider gave me a laugh.

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i nver claimed he was a robot you stupif cuking retard, learn to read. they put some paralyzed guy to play as stephen hawking and they in exchange took care of him while they used him to push their bullshit agenda.

What a man.

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>>>Zig Forums
get out brainlet

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

Darn... Science is fugggd

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Don't worry, his memes have been spread far and wide.

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It's sad Hawking died before someone hacked into his speech machine mid-lecture and explained the holohoax.

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Why didn't anyone position his head and body upright and left it tilted to the side making him permanently leaned over? That always bothered me

I don't mean to sound callous, but it's about fucking time.
Fifty fucking years ago, they told him he had a few years to live.

Too bad you wont be able to hear him scream as he burns in the flames of Hell

The fag badmouthed the yet to be born, intellectual children of our species.

Fuck you faggot.

You only know him because he was a quad.

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Just hit F and move on, faggot.

Seriously, fuck both of you. All you had to do was hit F, but instead you had to bring the gayest, most pointless debate in the history of the Internet into this thread.

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That's rude. We're all God's children.


He was a muh Drumpf fag. I'm glad he is finally dead.

grow up and read a book that isn't the bible.

I'd rather burn in hell than live my life sucking the dick of every deity in some desperate attempt to not be punished in the afterlife.

Remember, Yahweh isn't any more plausible than Zororoaster, Allah, or any other sky daddy. The only reason your god/heaven/hell takes priority over others is because you arbitrarily decided it does.

btw, YHWH IS Allah. Please educate yourself.

You have no rational argument for the existence of your specific version of of your god.

Allah in Islam and Yahweh in Christianity(and then also Yahweh Judaism) have different rules to follow in order to not get punished, so a distinction is appropriate.

Tip tip tip, you can't stop me or address the point I made.

The book of Job was written for people like you

They're the same god with mortals intepreting YHWY's teaching differently. All the Abrahamic religions acknowledge that it is the same G--d.

Educate yourself.

Look at this:


Waste your time with idiots, get called an idiot. It's very simple.

Nah, fuck you too

and no conversation was started from your shitty attempt. this thread needs to die.

As if we were not plagued enough by the poltards, now we have christians too. There is probably a lot of overlap though.

Thank you for letting us live rent free inside your head

you're a nigger.

See how this works yet?

You probably are both wrong considering the subject matter. That said, I was talking about the pointless arguing over shit neither of you CAN EVER PROVE. Go to Reddit for that crap.

Fuck off neophyte.

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is this a Jew?

Converts are the most zealous...

I didn't know you browsed Zig Forums, Vee.

so many contribs, father of Assembly language, invented the "turning machine" that lets programs take turns aka "multi-tasking"