An abnormal spike in anti-Muslim abuse aimed at women wearing the hijab and niqab has been recorded by the government-backed hate crime monitoring group Tell Mama.
Like that cannot be rigged (even if is warranted). The only thing holding me back is that I'm a good law-abiding citizen. lel
Pic related from r/milliondollarextreme. Question is, why did Canada ruin its relationship with us, butcher her historic flag, and rely wholly on the USA? Smh.
Really getting more respect from Boris here, even if he has no real principles: he's being manly about the game that he /is/ playing. He must know how much popular support he has on this, like Corbyn.
My ex wasn't fat but she was short. About 5' 2" iirc. Lots of fun. In more ways than one ;)
Adam Rodriguez
wtf I love pakis now
William Rogers
Ban incoming
Jason Rivera
Is Boris refusing to apologise? If so, fair play to the turk. He is going to go for "diversity training" which is the brain child of Common Purpose™. Basically NLP brainwashing.
Camden Turner
Never did that lad. That's narsty.
Ayden Cox
Stop denying it lad, we remember
Jackson Perry
Really want to talk to her but have to wait to see if I see her tomorrow Need to ask her out tbh smh
Regret buying that piece of shit. Seeing kaiserriech becoming an epik reddit memi made my heart sink.
Aiden Barnes
HoI4 Kaiserreich is a complete memi from the start tbh, gradually got better in terms of balance and worse in terms of memmies, there's a fucking race mixing focus for one nation.
Josiah Cruz
Let me guess: South Africa?
Liam Jenkins
Liberia is think, you can turn it into a ebin wakanda superpower.
It just sucks the fun out of playing it, and the base game is so infantile that the whole experience is boring and shit. The appeal of kaiserriech - having thousands of events, creating dynamic games - is dead when every war is a boring automated cheesefest.
At least CK2 is getting the best expansion for any Paradox game in years.
Angel Barnes
Gutted it's going to come out whilst I'm at sea tbh Will have to go ashore specifically to download it.
HoI4 is such a broken mess it isn't funny, you can invade the US as Fascist Britain in 1937 (at the earliest) and then France after you win in the US, making you a completely unstoppable blob by the start of the actual WW2. only stopped by your allies taking land
This doesn't include the 800,000 diversity indoctrinated 16 & 17 year olds they've given the (((vote))) to, and I believe in Scotland they want fresh off the boat illegals to be given the ability to vote in such elections as well.
Best thing is to ignore the (((polls))). Just like the EU vote, if they get results they don't like they shelve them and poll again.
Dominic Young
Yeah feel free to put it on your channel or do whatever with it lad, as I've said it's too big to post here and it doesn't fit my channel.
God-tier tbh, pretty much the only choccies I buy anymore given that they cost like half the price of anything else and are just as nice and since we don't even make fucking Cadbury's here anymore
It'd be fascinating to see the results of YouTube and the other social media sites going down for a couple of days. We [First World humanity] would get to see just how much we rely on them.
Nolan Davis
What is it with the left and awful poetry?
Grayson Hill
I wouldn't really care personally tbh, don't use it and other sites like it that often