*blocks your Spectre*
Other urls found in this thread:
How long until the Intel shills, ass mad that nobody likes their embedded piece of shit house fires, comes in to complain about Ethernet throughput?
It's indefensible really
Brainlet here, is it possible to use a raspi as a firewall of some sort to block spectre?
How exactly does spectre work?
She's cute, so she gets the job.
spectre/meltdown needs to be exploited locally on the machine via malware if I remember correctly. RBPi and other SBCs (beaglebone or libre computer board) can be used as what are known as "edge devices" to intercept incoming traffic. Just use the term edge devices in your searches.
Yeah, my autism required me to look her up.
That's the look I like, although she can lose the nose ring. If she wasn't too annoying, I'd introduce her to FPGAs and actual electrical engineering.
Impossible, Mathematica is proprietary.
tell me more
yeah, whatever.
It's the only safe way to do ethernet, since the mobo or PCI card versions can do DMA. Ditto with SATA disks, or any other device with potentially subversive firmware. But if they're using USB 3 for those, then you have the same problems. It has to be USB 2.
I see your point about SATA drives and firmware, but if you are buying the ethernet controllers, why wouldn't you want DMA? You program them anyways.
I wrote free, not Free dummy. Mathematica comes free on Raspbian.
This, the fewer devices with DMA the better.
The OS kernel has drivers for ethernet device, but it doesn't account for the proprietary firmware that's running on those devices. The OS drivers run on the CPU, whereas the firmware runs on device's microcontroller.
I thought you were talking about building your own hardware. That is where I confused myself.
this thot needs to be paroled ASAP.
She's a QT for sure.
I was going to make a joke about Raspberry Pi, Pentium 1 and row hammer, but forgot Raspberry Pi still uses decade old DDR2 RAM. What a piece of shit.
It's a beginner development board, I hardly think it requires anything more. By the way, shouldn't you be more concerned that you don't have the skills to write a DDR2 memory controller? Instead of shitting on people below you, improve yourself.
Yes. Buy 10 Raspberry Pis goy.
You think whatever you're told. That's the problem, goy.
It costs $35, is powerful enough for almost all typical normie uses, and is hundreds of times more powerful than the million dollar computer which ran my whole University back in the early 1990s. Stay mad, Intel shill.
It's really not tbh. Modern web pages are bloated as fuck nowadays, and believe it o not, most normalfags still care about muh games! They want a machine that can play the latest AAA shit like Fortnite BR
It is quite powerful enough for web browsing, office apps, email, and it even comes with FREE Minecraft.
Most people never play AAA games and are happy with Legend of Soltar. Anyway why don’t you Intel shills give it a rest for a while? People are beginning to resent your shilling, especially since the CTS labs fake news flop. You’re hurting the brand.
Grand Theft Auto V is the best selling traditional game of all time. It is over 60GBs to install and still costs 60 bucks because of Cockstar being a bunch of Jews
I'm just handing out reality you retard. And it doesn't agree with your shit-tier thread
How do you type with Eben's dick in your mouth?
It's funny to see you shills come out of the woodwork every time anybody mentions the Pi on the Internet, you even use the same canned talking points every single time. You're only hurting yourself, the tactics are just too dang obvious.
You realize most normalfags play games on consoles, right?
He's just regurgitating what he's been paid to vomit all across the Internet. The Intel shill cries out about games as he attacks the Pi.
Thanks for confirming that you're a brainlet.
Bump, looks like until RISCV arrives the Pi is the best secure shitposting machine.
I find it funny that you can get a 1Ghz cpu and 512 mb ram, hdmi capable minicomputer for about 10 bucks.
The Pi's more powerful than the most powerful supercomputers were in the 1980s.
And it still has worse single core performance than an AthlonXP from 2001.
Muh gaymes run fine though.
It's ironic that people will go to lengths to be "secure" while also demanding proprietary games and OS.
Have you personally audited every piece of FOSS you use?
I could if I wanted to unlike victims of proprietary software. Even if an individual user does not go through it, he still benefits from Free Software because there is less incentive for the developer to include malicious functionality than if it were proprietary because it would be much easier to discover and in such a case fork it and stop being dependant on the evil developer.
Something about her insta makes me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
This is a strawman and it's been used so often on this board and across the net that you just unequivocally outed yourself as an ass blasted shill.
Stay mad.
I disagree. FOSS tends to put users at ease with a false perception of security. FOSS users tend to assume that because the source is open that all bugs, malignant or accidental, would have been found by now, so it is safe to use this software. However, if no one except the developers actually work with the software and never say a word about malicious functionality, then there could potentially be end-users using malicious software under the pretense that it is safe because FOSS.
Sure. Because you say so. Just because software is proprietary does not mean that it is compromised or inefficient or undesirable. Contrarily, proprietary software must be safe, efficient, and desirable otherwise the companies would be out of business. Haha! Get it? They couldn't keep making money if they kept putting out inferior software.
No, because it's a trope by this point. This has already been haggled out over a period of literally decades (Halloween memo was almost twenty years ago) and either you're brand new to the Internet, or you're an actual shill repeating a tired saw.
This board really needs IDs.
It'll run Wesnoth just fine.
Better luck next $35 Pi shills.
It's a ripoff, and they are behind lowRISC too. Look forward to slow, expensive, BSD/proprietary RISCV boards.
Why would I buy some shit from a fly by night company assembled in botnet People's Republic of China when I can get a Sony-made Pi of which tens of millions have been sold?
It's like, BOOYA you can buy a Chinese car rather than a Ford Fiesta!
Let's keep this thread bumped shall we?
It's not fully OS either IIRC, so likely has other backdoors.
It has been possible to use the thing without blobs for a couple years now. You're right that it does have a binary blob but so far there is no indication it has a backdoor. It remains a possibility of course.
The open source firmware package is being worked on steadily and has commercial backing so in time it's likely it will become a completely open platform.
Do you need a personal memo from Snowden?
It's faster, has more RAM, it's the same price, and it's made in Korea.
For $15 more than the POS Pi. you can get a 2GHz Quad Cortex A15 (WITH speculative execution) SATA3 onboard controller, GbE onboard controller, and 2GB DDR3 RAM
So it's not Spectre-proof then?
Did you think Intel, AMD, and ARM were no longer using speculative execution you mouth breathing moron?
For about that price you can get an 8-core Cortex-A7 with 2 gigs RAM and without the problems of A15 core. The other stuff like ethernet and SATA is pretty easy to find on SBCs as well, but you're better off to run those on USB 2 instead, so they can't do DMA (since those two are some favorite devices for cianiggers to hide their nasty firmware).
Did you read the fucking OP's link, you ass breathing moron?
Raspberry Pi uses ARM cores that don't do speculative execution.
So this board's NOT immune to Spectre? What's the point then?
The shills are losing it.
I'm gone from the internet for a few months and this is what greets me. Sad.
BSD plus proprietary?
What are you, some freedom-hating windows user? Be careful before we sent you to the GNULAG, sucker of proprietary cock.
Which is why it's a slow piece of shit. Did you morons really think Intel, AMD, ARM, IBM, and MIPS would stop using speculative execution because of Spectre instead of fixing issues where applicable?
Did you really think spaming irrelevant loaded questions makes you look less of a moron?
Facts are now moronic on Zig Forums. WEW this place has become shittier than /g/
alas the desperation of ye without ideas
Posting this from my Pi, everything works just fine.
I need evidence, at least with the Pi we don't know for aboslute certain that there's a backdoor like on Intel machines.
It's something to consider but it's not nearly as bad as the alternative.
Nigger this place has been retarded with shit threads like this for a couple years now, where have you been?
The issue isn't speculativeness itself, but rather that it wasn't done in a proper manner, thus leaving an exploitation window. However, some ARM chips have been able to correct this in firmware.
You can use other brands. There's dozens of them.
Are there any with ps/2 and vga support?
According to that list in
there are several with VGA port. No idea about PS/2. You'd have to check the individual data sheets.
Yes, BSD is fully functional system, proprietary is merely an essential component of it.
Get a blue cube and a dongle.
Link to board pls. I want it!
The only people demanding games are the same shills who bring up USB2 Ethernet, ie Intel shills. It's hurting their brand.
The only people shilling anything here is SJW Zig Forums LGBTQ faggots like yourself. Why don't you take a day off and be a kike someplace else?
No, I'm going to stay here and battle with you, you idiot shill.
You still have no rebuttal to OP's post, you just come in here all jacked up on Soylent and shitpost with your approved list of catchy comebacks.
What's the point? You aren't stopping Pis from selling, and Intel should be devoting more resources to fixing Spectre and less to shills.
Unless Intel doesn't want to fix Spectre, that is. It's more than possible that they love it and benefit from it.
Are you fucking braindead?
There's literally dozens of compatible ARM boards that are better in every way, some of which even are explicitly in support of your ideologies as well. If you can't handle that fact, you can always flee back to /soypol/.
None have the support of the Pi, most are running some jiggered-up kernel that's ancient and a lot have been abandoned by their one-off Shenzhen shell companies.
I love how angry the Pi makes you, it's like you can't sleep at night knowing that there are tens of millions of these things replacing Intel machines and your shitty botnet alternatives you proffer.
Just relax, go shit up another thread. There's still shilling to be done in the fake news CTS Labs thread.
There's no reason to buy raspberg unless you want to give them money. You want cheap? They aren't it. You want good? They aren't either.
So why are you shilling the worst of the bunch? Why say it's a desktop replacement? Why say SATA and Ethernet over USB2 is better than an onboard controller? You are so transparent at this point, I'm not even sure why you're here. What is your end game if not to sell more of these shitty boards?
On the contrary, unless you're a street shitter $35 is cheap and unlike the alternatives there is a huge user community that's normie friendly to help the user get started with this board. I realize that the Pi is a threat to you, and think it's pretty good humor.
You're missing the point of the thread. Also this has been covered, you dipshit shill:
Are you a bot? It's almost as if you lack the cognitive ability to accrue new information and integrate it into your shill game.
You really are an idiot aren't you? If you're seriously going to continue this "if you hate rpi specifically you're intel shill" tactic that's failing you so miserably, at least try a more gullible demographic like reddit or cuckchan.
Anyway, even if the noncucked ARM boards have less community support than the Pi- they'll at the very least have a distro image ready with the necessary dev tools. Unless you're a cuck for propietary software, finding a port for ypur board of choice shouldn't be a problem. Be the change you seek instead of complaining about the lack of dev support.
Speculative execution isn't a bad thing. This is also quite humorous. It's like you're flaunting DDR2 over DDR4 because of row hammer. Nobody in their right mind is going to be excited about decade old tech. Meanwhile all of these issues have been fixed or worked around. It makes you Raspberry Pi shills look retarded.
I wouldn't call you a shill if you weren't a shill, shill.
Most of the Pi alternatives don't even have a recent kernel and are still vulnerable to KRACK you shill.
You're really convincing me by defending the honor of a singular product and dismissing all alternatives, some of which are more or less compatible and perform better for the same price. There's really nothing special about the Pi other than being the first SBC to be thrust into the public eye. I say this having used one of the things.
If you haven't noticed, saying shill constantly doesn't make you not a shill.
Wait, it gets worse
Enjoy your Jewish tranny processors
Can someone fill me in on those chink Banana Pis?
It says they're open sauce and I don't trust Broadcom closed source fags.
Name the alternative in the context of the thread, which is immunity to Spectre. So far you haven't.
That's all irrelevant. Until somebody can prove that there's an actual backdoor in the Pi you're just shitposting.
closed source main part
They also produce the (((wifi))) hardware.
Your hilariously attempt at starting a flamewar is irreverent shitposting you dumb nigger
Is ARM Jewish? Yeah, but its massively better than kiketel because
Even if it was backdoored to hell, the design of ARM actually WORKS compared to kiketel that breaks down that has fucking ACIPC bugs to this day.
He wasn't a woman when he created the archutecture.
Also the internet was create by a tranny, you might as well get off it.
That explains a lot.
My question still stands
They don't have backdoors, but docs are horrible and its chinkshit. You should rather give your money to whites for RPI than gross chinks.