Just set up gentoo on my thinkpad and holidays are coming up and I was thinking about finally diving into the programming meme. What is the best programming language out of
Best programmer language for intermediate brainlet
programming* in subject, still getting used to new keyboard
c family really, 'cause unix is shit
What is better, c or c++ and is rust considered part of the c family? I know it's pretty heavily based off of c
Of those? C or Perl. But really, you should try to learn scripting at a high level first -- most people don't realize how useful sed/awk are.
If you aren't dumb, C, otherwise start with python.
I'm not into mathemtics or anything of that sort, maybe physics, started with C and had very hard time learning the language itself, not mentioning actual writing programs. But once you get into it, it's somewhat easy. Now I know Go, little bit of python and cpp. Time and dedication are essential if you are more human than machine.
C if you want to be programmer.
Python if you just want to create cool shit quickly.
Doesn't matter. You should be able to switch between those without issue.
And LISP is not a programming language, it's a family.
The only fun things about programming is making games. Learn Lua.
woah impressive
awk is a programming language.
this, python is great if you want to be lazy and don't give a fuck about performance, C for the opposite. anything inbetween these is a waste of time and not worth learning.
cjeets out in full force today
Ok mr. larper. Post an awk program you wrote.
Of those Lisp is without a doubt 'the best' and has the best literature surrounding it, but if your objective is to write useful little programmes to help your general computer use, Lisp is not the right choice. It's not really at home in the Unix world.
If you're interested in programming for its own sake, then by all means, learn Lisp. It's wonderful to use.
Downloads non-free binaries upon installing a compiler.
Ken Thompson says hello to all bioluminescent agents out there.
Just don't.
Not a programming language, it's a userscripting tool. Good substitute for bash.
Lear this, or better, start learning Go.
Not a programming language, it's a userscripting tool for jews.
Not a programming language, it's a userscripting tool for non-humans.
1. think about what you want to do.
2. decide on a project.
3. choose a fitting language for it.
4. if you don‘t know that language, learn it.
Stop learning languages for the sake of learning them.
Best for what, exactly? And what do you already know?
nice unfunny forced meme
Just whatever you feel comfortable with. Don't use a language just because you "should".
I'm programming my game in Pascal. Because all the others had flaws that bothered me.
{"Hello World" println 0 ret} argv (ptr ptr char) argc (int) :main define.{{{{{i "{d}" println} {"Fizz" println} {i 3 mod 0 eq} ifelse} {"Buzz" println} {i 5 mod 0 eq} ifelse} {"FizzBuzz" println} {i 15 mod 0 eq} ifelse i ptr inc { nil ret } {i 100 eq} if } i (int) :fizzbuzz-inner define 0 fizzbuzz-inner} :fizzbuzz define.
Are you doing it on purpose?
Golang is superfaster you ching-chongs
Brainlet? Python
Otherwise learning C is never a bad idea.
Go is a fantastic language. Personally for me it's a pascal killer.
Why is everything backwards?
Postfix notation/RPN. Stack-based languages like Forth usually do that.
i have yet to see an argument against go, surely you have a valid reason to dislike it, right?, surely you aren't just another stupid larper, right?
no generics, no round fnction for floats, no abs/min.max functions for ints, import github
My knowledge of Go is very limited, but -
- Annoying arbitrary classical Unix-style limits, for example the idiomatic way of reading a line from the standard input silently fails if the line is too long
- Really weird other shortcomings, like how they didn't add monotonic time until Go 1.9 because apparently who even needs that right
- No generics
I also keep hearing things about how they, for example, claim their garbage collection is really great when it's just optimized for one particular use case and metric and doesn't outperform that of, say, the JVM in general.
It all feels very Unixy, and not in a good way. It feels Unixy in the way of programs that work 99% of the time but sometimes fail because the system designers knowingly didn't cover edge cases because it would take extra work.
How is Go better than Java/C#?
The only things Go has going for it are short GC pauses, goroutines, duck typing (which also has its downsides) and being a Google project.
Meanwhile Java has the JVM (which is actually pretty fucking fantastic), multiple GC algorithms tht you can tweak to your liking, Generics, Maven and mature libraries.
Go is absolutely useless because for every use case there exists a language that is better at it than Go.
Harmful bloat. I hope Rob Kike doesnt give in to the pressure.
Wrong. math.Round
Please stop. I cant handle this level of retardation.
func min(a, b int) int { if a < b { return a } return b}
It imports git repos, not GitHub specific.
Try again.
This was added in v1.10 which was released on the 16th February this year.
I agree. Not having abs/min/max functions for integers in the standard library is really fucking retarded.
This is retarded. You know that, right?
Try again.
It doesnt silently fail. The method sets global variable in that package that you have to check for error (if it is important for your case). Go doesnt hold your hand you need to increase the buffer size. Method not returning error is done for performance reasons. There is a legit use case to have small fixed buffer and ignore if it is too big.
They do have it now. They were wrong and they added it. No what? What is the new up to date complain?
Harmful bloat. If Go adds 100% Java style generics I will quit using Go. I didnt sign up for this garbage.
You can tune garbage collector with 1 line of code. The current default is good for most situation.
Go is not he best language by far but all criticism is shallow, extreme nitpicks.
The opposite actually. You might realize this if you ever learn to program a more complex language than one for Gen-Z faggots.
And? How does impact you writing code now? What is your next complaint?
Stop programming.
I misspoke, it doesnt import git repos. The path is the code in the GOPATH, but the the directory structure is the same as URL. You are go get-ing the git repo into the correct directory structure. It is great way to avoid shitty package managers.
So much legit things to complain against Go, but you are uninformed retard. Literraly you can nitpick any programming language wih pointless shit. Go read a book kiddo. :^)
Says the smelly Pajeet. Ironic.
Thanks for conceding the argument. We learn now that not only do you misunderstand generics, you also do not understand irony. Consider repeating K-12.
I don't write Go. I also don't use anything written in Go. All I'm saying is that retarded Gophers had to write the round function themselves which they of course fucked up.
Maybe you should start programming first before you larp on Zig Forums?
Great argumentation. Nearly on the same level of retardation as the Klabnik poster.
Which is why the round function was added in. Same reason any programming language has that included. Too many retards.
You are too retarded to realize how retarded you are. Keep using Go. It is the perfect language for you.
Literally a language made for brainlets.
Butthurt sage. I love it. :^)
go was made just for you
check out this amazing website: golang.web.fc2.com
Lisp. It's literally the Reddit of programming languages, so even the biggest of retards will be able to grasp it.
Depends on what you're doing.
In physics, for example, a lot of people do everyday things where performance doesn't matter in Python, and more intensive stuff in Fortran if necessary. Or they just use Fortran for everything.
Python for scripting, C for anything else. Period.
shoo shoo rustcuck
Honestly just learn a language. If it is a shit language you will just fucking figure it out later. Even fucking Javascript has a ton of applications, uses and resources.
Too bloated.
Prefer scripting with RC.
if i learn forth, how likely would it be to start hacking on power mac openfirmware and be able to boot up a non-standard video card?
Go learn first how switches work.
C / C++ are good
Python was great, it's okay now
Rust is meme
Lisp is good but will never get you anywhere
Perl was okay, it's worthless now
Java is absolute cancer and will only land you jobs where you, as a junior, are hired to train your pajeet replacement
You did not list any good languages though
If you can't figure out the answer to that question yourself, and make an estimate, don't bother. I can't answer it for you, I don't know anything about you. Also OpenFirmware isn't the kernel
(nice trips bud)
Not asking you to answer for me. I am asking as a generalized response. Also, openfirmware should boot the card if the card has compatible firmware on it. Only problem is finding a video card to rip the EEPROM off and finding a board with compatible pinout to replace with said EEPROM.
Learn Python first, then C++ or C (C++ is better but harder), learn Perl if you want too.
It's a shit programming language because it doesn't have many external libraries and isn't particularly suited to general programming. Awk one-liners are the only thing I've ever used.
BEGIN { printf("hello world\n");}
I need a nice language with built in fixed point datatypes or arbitrary precision, preferably a language without much overhead and not slow as shit, but efficiency is not my main concern. Any suggestions that are not C with libraries?
You mean to say "python 2 was/is great, python 3 is just okay"?
awk and sh should be used in tandem, the whole OS userland is the external library.
Not the most useful thing as everyone is abandoning shell.
Ho boy aint that the truth, I wanted to check out scala and the play framework, how do you setup? well the recommended way is to clone the hello world git repo then run sbt inside it.
It took 20 minutes to download and build everything it needed, for a fucking hello world webpage.
I will never understand the java meme.
Lisp, because the rest of those are UNIX languages. In a "traditional" UNIX language, 00011 means 9. Rust doesn't do that because it's supposed to be an improvement, but the rest of it is all UNIXy. These languages are full of so much bullshit like that, that nobody cares about doing anything else the right way either. PHP and JavaScript are UNIX languages too, which explains why they suck.
And I hacked the renderer code to throw cpp the proper"-DFRAME=%05d" to spit out numbers the way I wantedthem. Why did I want the leading zeros? I don't know, I justthought it was cleaner.So I fired up the animation and let it run for a while(days).Well, the output was quite amusing (or at least it wouldhave been if I didn't need the results for my thesis defensea week later). The object would go down for a few frames,then jump up and go down a little, then go back to where itmaybe should have been, then jump up....After a little headscratching, I realized that the leadingzeros in my frame numbers were causing cpp to treat them asoctal values. How precious.But still, if I say "#define FRAME 00009" then "#ifFRAME==00009" should still fire (or it should at least whineat me). Well, 00009==00009 does trigger, but so does00009==00011.Huh? Well, some C library thinks that the nine in 00009 isn'toctal, so it interprets it as 9 decimal. And 00011 is a fineoctal rep of 9 decimal. So, both "#if FRAME==00009" and"#if FRAME==00011" fired and I applied two translate callsto my object geometry. And(!), it's not that having adecimal digit makes the whole number decimal. The string00019 gets interpreted as 00010 octal plus 9 decimal = 17decimal. Lovely, not.
OK. How about: switch (x) default: if (prime(x)) { int i = horridly_complex_procedure_call(x); case 2: case 3: case 5: case 7: process_prime(x, i); } else { case 4: case 6: case 8: case 9: case 10: process_composite(x); } Is this allowed? If so, what does the stack look like before entry to process_prime() ? I've been confusing my compiler class with this one for a while now. I pull it out any time someone counters my claim that C has no block structure. They're usually under the delusion that {decl stmt} introduces a block with its own local storage, probably because it looks like it does, and because they are C programmers who use lots of globals and wouldn't know what to do with block structure even if they really had it. But because you can jump into the middle of a block, the compiler is forced to allocate all storage on entry to a procedure, not entry to a block. But it's much worse than than because you need to invokethis procedure call before entering the block.Preallocating the storage doesn't help you. I'll almostguarantee you that the answer to the question "what'ssupposed to happen when I do ?" used to be"gee, I don't know, whatever the PDP-11 compiler did." Nowof course, they're trying to rationalize the language afterthe fact. I wonder if some poor bastard has tried to do adenotational semantics for C. It would probably amount to atranslation of the PDP-11 C compiler into lambda calculus.
So what doesn't suck? Visual Basic, C#, ASP.NET and Powershell?
Uriel realized he was harmful and deprecated himself.
Yeah that's what everyone uses. And they use it like once a year. It's one of those things people can spend 5 minutes reading the docs then unlock the learned another programming language achievement.
Lisp obviously. Haven't you read the unix haters shitbook?
No, he sudoku'd because he had realised the futility of fighting the GNU Jew, much like Hitler in the final days of his Berlin bunker surrounded by ruskies, brits and americans being led by their kike masters.
Python is slow, but worth a try. The decimal and fractions modules in the standard library respectively provide custom-precision fixed point decimal numbers and arbitrary rational numbers, both of which tend to play nicely when used instead of or even mixed with ints and floats because they implement the proper abstract base classes.
Funny thing about awk is you find plenty of its constructs in Perl. Like that whole BEGIN and END block thing for example.
TBQH, I'd have found awk very useful if Perl didn't exist. As it is, I hardly ever use sed either. Perl does all that and more, all with nicer regex (and no need to escape shell matacharacters constantly either). I once even compiled a vim with perl, just so I could use those regex instead of the vim ones.
C++ if you have a brain. C if you're stuck in the 90's.
It completely depends on what you're looking for. For a complete understanding of general languages, go with C.
If you'd like a smaller but incredibly smart community, go with Perl5/6.
I don't think everyone in the 90's was dumb, if that's the accusation you're trying to throw at me. However, modern design paradigms are better then old ones (in the same way that buildings built today are safer, more robust, and generally better then buildings built in the 90's. Doesn't mean that 90's architects were dumb). And C++ offers support for them at zero (or close to zero) run-time overhead. So why not C++?
Such as?
That is a logical fallacy that you ought not to commit.
This is heavily dependent on the building, the location and the economic situation, and the statement is blatantly false when you go back several centuries ago. Cathedrals built in the 14th century stand still even today. You won't be able to say the same of modern skyscrapers in the 24th century.
The next step is to realize that programming itself is the key and not the language in which it is done.
words of wisdom.
Still, we need to make Python more modular and easy to use
You mean pushing Scheme a language that no one uses for anything in real life? Autocad uses their own lisp (not Scheme). Only thing that uses Scheme thats real is GIMP. The worlds shittiest image editor.
Objectively false, but nice LARP otherwise. Let me guess, you torrent Adobe® Photoshop™ and pretend you're a professional photographer?
Nope, but all the photographers I have met that started with GIMP all moved to photoshop cause GIMP is shit.
Great system you got there
thats how outdated it is
No one talked about it being outdated, also GTK hasn't been the GIMP Tool Kit for ages now, grandpa.
Merely an argument for Photoshop being better suited to photographers, hardly an argument for GIMP being the literal worst thing ever.
Photoshop has had this shit solved for a long time and its what everyone uses.
Back to the scheme though. You failed to address literally any of the points in
What point m8? I replied to a LARPer who said "C for literally everything that isn't done with Python." I don't need to defend Scheme here. I don't pretend it's a language for everything.
Well I don't, so it's already not everyone.