Fraudulent Web Traffic Continues to Plague Advertisers

Fraudulent Web Traffic Continues to Plague Advertisers...

Adobe found that about 28% of website traffic likely came from bots and other “non-human signals”

In a recent study, Adobe found that about 28% of website traffic showed strong “non-human signals,” leading the company to believe that the traffic came from bots or click farms. The company studied traffic across websites belonging to thousands of clients. Adobe is currently working with a handful of clients in the travel, retail and publishing industries to identify how much of their web traffic has non-human characteristics. By weeding out that misleading data, brands can better understand what prompted consumers to follow their ads and ultimately visit their websites and buy their products.

“It’s really about understanding your traffic at a deeper level. And not just understanding, ‘I got this many hits.’ What do those hits represent? Were they people, malicious bots, good bots?” said Dave Weinstein, director of engineering for Adobe Experience Cloud. While hardly the first study of online fraud, Adobe’s findings are one more indication of how the problem has roiled the fast-changing ad, media and digital commerce industries, while prompting marketers to rethink their web efforts. Non-human traffic can create an “inflated number that sets false expectations for marketing efforts,” said Mr. Weinstein.

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are they saying dogs aren't welcome on the internet?

Attached: Hitler-Dog-06-300.jpg (300x294, 11.04K)

Like pottery

So know they know that there's some faggots who send shit, great fucking strategy faggots, instead of playing the spy game using umatrix and blocking 99.9% of botnet content (JS and canvas) you let them know that you are sending shit.
You're a bunch of idiots.

Needs more archival bots, your every movement and action isn't recorded precisely enough yet.

Those poor marketing jews!

That said any of you guys using AdNauseam add-on?


I've been using it and happy to boast that I've cost advertisers almost $1k on the least click frequency level

I'm not sure about the actual impact of this addon. I feel like there's already an army of chinks or pajeets defrauding clicks on a magnitude much bigger than whatever number of users adnauseum has

The advertisers are eventually going to find a way to get the upper hand.

The right to use websites anonymously is going to disappear. Be prepared to eventually see log-in prompts that say "You must be logged in with a verified Google or Facebook account to view our website."

This shit will absolutely be implemented and will be kinda like the mark of the beast, but for websites. Only the most bluepilled of normalfags will swallow it.

How do they know who's a bot from someone who just doesn't want to buy their shit?

Nope, there is no way I'm running javascript.

It uses javascript, but

This has literally been an issue the day web advertising was created. Any news about it is just an attempt to create a narrative to use to make new internet laws.

Nope like this user said it's better to be in furtive mode than sperging that you are here.

Then don't give them a fucking reason to force you to do it if they don't know that you come on their website instead of sending them irrelevant data that shows that you're here then it's going to take more time for them to understand what's happening to the whole system, if they don't have JS or canvas to spy on your system then they loose without knowing exactly why.

I ain't clicking that shit nigga

Don't they already do that shit?

(((AdNauseam))) OP image
OP confirmed to be a megafaggot.
