Why is this still the fucking case? What could possibly be so secret that you need to send it as a PM?
Find thread on forum that seems to have my exact problem
Other urls found in this thread:
I'll send you an e-mail with the answer.
PM'd you the answer, bro!
It's time for both of you to go back.
back where?
Actual quotations from the Arch Linux BBS:
Well considering it took you 3 days to respond to me. You must have been somewhere else in the meantime. I suggest you leave Zig Forums and spend more time wherever you were from now on.
i was on reddit and pointed out this thread to some anons over there, so expect company.
sent ;)
The goal was to game Google with SEO techniques to get you to click and thus hopefully view the banner ads deployed on the site, and have your IP collected.
Check bugmenot.com or login2.me for shared logins and hope you get lucky.
That's not bad at all compared to being left completely in the dark. At least you have a starting point and can probably get shit to work if you put some elbow grease into it.
prefix image URL with web.archive.org/web/
it works pretty often.
only 90's fags will remember this:
[tor users can't post images]
Anyone have the screencap about being banned from a forum for forgetting to warm the towel? I think it had a reaction image with "Let go" on it. Could've sworn that I had it but I guess not.
Why again did forums die?
How many forums do you still visit regularly?
How many do you post in at least semi-regularly?
How often do you find traditional message boards in your search results nowadays?
Forums for linux distros and bug tracking are still a thing.
And older forums do still exist but are just plagued with inactivity.
Eh, there's a lot of gaming forums still around where people post every day. But they probably have much lower pririty than facebook and places that pay money to get listed in web search.
fugg :D
I visit two, one very small (Salix forum), and menstennisforums. I don't know why they died? I think they are better than anything invented after.
But one reason could be too heavy moderation in most of them.
It's almost as if spreading the linux userbase across a million autistic pointless obscure operating systems is counter-productive or something.
How about this one?
< Hurr durr, y u no use Google? Closed
Oh right, those assholes who recommend re-installing the OS. That's like burning your entire house down and rebuilding it just because you have have a leaking pipe.
I made my bed when I installed Void Pony/Linux on my PS4. Grow a pair and stop being a nigger.
cuckflare no longer seems to block you if you use tor's user-agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0
must be le advanced risk model based WAF filtering or some shit
0 because they're all full of autistic mods/admins who ban you for saying nigger and block le evil IP addresses
install gentoo.
feels good to be a win KEK
how is it counter productive?
I have literally never seen this in my life