Zig Forums crusader purges YouTube HQ

Active shooter currently gunning down proprietary (((people))) and saving us all from terrible non-free services.

So now YouTube is dead will bitchute finally rise?

Attached: gtgentto.jpg (1920x1080, 521.68K)

Other urls found in this thread:




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Some of you guys are all right, don’t go to YouTube tomorrow.



Dammit it she was defeated

About time someone hits the right target.

This level of edge.

Should have storm into google HQ instead

Attached: Google-botnet..png (917x2378, 263.15K)

According to the last Bloomberg update, he's already dead.

Active shooter at YouTube HQ. Heard shots and saw people running while at my desk. Now barricaded inside a room with coworkers. — Vadim Lavrusik (@Lavrusik) April 3, 2018
Safe. Got evacuated it. Outside now. — Vadim Lavrusik (@Lavrusik) April 3, 2018

Re: YouTube situation, we are coordinating with authorities and will provide official information here from Google and YouTube as it becomes available. — Google Communications (@Google_Comms) April 3, 2018

>— With assistance by Ian King, Mark Gurman, Polly Mosendz, Sarah McBride, Olivia Zaleski, and Margaret Talev


Oops, formatting looks more horrid than I thought it would. Oh, well. I really wish we had post previews sometimes.

The deceased shooter was a woman who may have known one of the victims. How likely is it that this stonk female employee shot her one night stand when she found out he was sleeping around with other stonk female employees?

This kills the botnet.

When you are in a life threatening situation why are you using social media???
Is their will to violate there own privacy so strong that they prioritize it over their life?


Warning people about potential issues in their area is one of the few upsides to social media. If you've heard shots but don't have a gun pointed at you, I don't see the issue with sending out a tweet in hopes that your coworkers/people in the general area will see it.

Im not glad that people died in the shooting. Im just glad they are gone.

Shooters name confirmed to be Samantha Hyde. Image is her and taken from her facebook.

Attached: hyde.jpg (970x545, 65.41K)

Just nuke the valley already.

is bullshit

is true

Google is a threat to the internet.

I uncrittically support former employees against Google imperialism.

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My mom said it was some woman.

Shooter has been identified as Nasim Aghdam, a vegan Turkish Jewish Muslim tranny. >She has been accusing Jewgle of censoring >her animal rights videos, and apparently launched the attack over demonetization.
I'm not making this shit up.

You're making part of that up.

Correct. someone else is and you are believing the speculation.

I'm glad that they're gone not that they're dead.

The shooter was apparently a female Muslim

So expect absolutely nobody to report on this

Oh, here is a twist for you on Iranians. It is another word for Aryans made by the Zoroastrians that reside there.


Oh, I got to shoot up my pizza parlor brb.




I love the bait keep it coming

>>>Zig Forums

>>>Zig Forums


10/10 webdesign though:

but it already has been reported, even on ars technica

Attached: The killer inside me.webm (960x408, 11.38M)

Attached: just a bunch of triangles.png (368x376, 1.04K)

She's not Muslim, she's (((Baha'i))).

Taqiya bullshitter. She was a slime and she wore the gear to prove it.

>Zig Forums bitching about (((jewtube))) and (((jewgle))) 24/7
So, will Zig Forumsacks now start supporting the great (((American))) Google?

Nah, she did the favor of removing kebabherself