Anyone else hyped for Ryzen 2?

I definitely am, replacing my 4670k system with a 2700X. Moar coarz here I come!

Too bad RAM prices are fucked right now, oh well.

Attached: Adsız.jpg (1920x1080, 332.94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What a terrible low effort shill thread, get the fuck out turkroach

Attached: 43ab263c93ff7ded35bfedbeba426522b1cff9852147394f883b842fa58af288.jpg (306x459, 41.67K)

Oh, a second gen?
Well, if they can finally provide single threaded performance that can compete with Intel, I'm in.
Otherwise, I'm gonna have to get cucked because I specifically need single threaded shit.

It's just a minor refresh, don't expect anything. They say 12nm but it's just the usual marketing trickery, it's not actually 12nm.

Call me when it removes PSP.

It was competitive, though.

Performance/price ratio-wise, it was worse in single threaded consistently.

Don't really care about IPC since I do things outside gaming on my machine.
and the games I play are A. shitty Jewvidia optimized trash like GTA V or B. highly threaded like BeamNG, 1 car = 1 thread. inb4 crashing 16 Covets and Sunbursts at the same time with no survivors

It would be a nice start if these things wouldn't shit themselves beyond 4Ghz

Zen² at 5 GHz when, AMD?

By the way those prices are wrong. You can preorder the 2700x an Amazon for $329 and the 2600x for $229.

And yet tax will assrape me here in Yurop. Damn you 21% VAT!

At least you don't live in a third world country that has taxes just as high.

why would I be glad about a piece of hardware that's backdoored ?
I haven't bought new hardware in the past 15 years, and I'm actually saving for the TALOS 2 workstation.
Please stop making shill threads you won't make any friends here.

I doubt this is trustworthy, but if some rumored "leaks" have any truth to them at all, AMD could skyrocket from completely embarrassing to sort of reasonable for single-thread with Ryzen 2:

Fastest Intel single-thread:

Attached: AMD-Ryzen-2000-CineBench.jpg (984x710, 274.78K)


You're not benchmarking the hardware, retarded faggot. And competitive doesn't mean equal.

Burden of proof, faglord.

Not gonna replace my sandybridge machine until 7nm cpus hit the shelves. 2200g is really tempting though.

this x100
t. argentine with 21% VAT. Minimum wage is €400/month, average wage is €490, and you need €900 to live comfortably. 40%+ of people under poverty line

I'm still rocking a i7 860 on a motherboard that doesn't even support AHCI. It's starting to show its age since jewtel won't fix spectre for pre-sandybridge it so I think I'm going to pull the trigger on the 2600x. I'm not sure if I can wait another year for Zen2 to come out (after it inevitably gets delayed because of 7nm manufacturing demand).

Well, look at Moronix:

found the intel shill

My VAT is only 15%, but I still ain't paying that shit. I can get one of the better ARM board that does everything I need for less than just the hardware monster's tax.

Attached: 1516352955542.gif (660x546 40.37 KB, 325.75K)

Not me. Assuming this isn't advertisement thread, I don't need more cores since I run OpenBSD. The only reason worth upgrading from Core 2 Duos is component failure, in particular, motherboards, PSUs, magnetic disks

Almost flying colours

I also use a first generation Core 2 Duo (T60) and OpenBSD. I've actually been worried about what I'll do when everything switches to a 1080p standard... not that contemporary entertainment (be it chinese cartoons or whatever) is worth watching anyhow.

Performance it isn't like in the doubling mhz days but it isn't like it completely stopped increasing.

I do expect a significant frequency bump, according to leaks.

The top model will come with a 4.35GHz turbo ceiling straight from the factory. I'd wager you can squeeze at least a few hundred extra MHz with decent cooling.

I am excited

Too bad Zig Forums is too autistic now and thinks everything is botnet

Attached: madman.jpg (600x600, 52.06K)

Just airgap. Do all your beefy rig gayman on a pozbox, all your 1331 sekrit deepnetting on an FPGA OpenSPARC meme SBC.

Or how about I don't because I am a healthy productive member of society that doesn't need a million computers because some anonymous weirdos told me I did

that's 2 computers you nigger

wake me when theu make a threadripper that can beat my 7 year old Dell Precision with 2960XM in single thread performance.

the future has been here for years, bub
not that it matters for you if you use a BSD, but still

single-threaded performance has not increased anywhere near enough to be useful
quad cores are only standard because bloat is hard to cull

I'll concede on the cpu argument, it's merely an excuse. If your motherboard dies, simply buy a new motherboard of the exact same model

You sure do sound like a lemming to me, just go back to /b/ and stay there.

Now there's a word I haven't seen in years.

Every single one can do that, retard.


Specs look similar to ps4 but is probably clocked a bit higher.

does psp matter if its going to be an airgapped compute processor?


Literally have proof more than we need but yeah it's our imagination.

i have come to accept that no matter what you do you will be in a botnet. Your only choice which botnet to join. My choice is microsoft, I use all microsoft software and services. Bing/Azure/OneDrive/Win10 etc. I think they rape my mind less than google does. For one I can search up jihad on bing and it comes up with jihadwatch, unlike google.

What is the RYF hardware certification.
If you already choose to loose go buy a gun and shoot yourself.

Confirmation bias =/= proof. That goes to the rest of the mentally ill users on this board

You're fucked either way, cease using computers.

I'm thinking of getting 2700X. Is it a good time to buy it now, or are prices likely to come down?

I'd wait until July/August or so, or if you're patient, Black Friday.

got sumthin to hide,lad?

AMD Reportedly Allows Disabling PSP Secure Processor With Latest AGESA

In light of the recent Intel ME vulnerabilities, AMD appears to be exposing the support in their latest AGESA update to allow the PSP to be disabled by the user through their UEFI/BIOS area.

This was brought up today on Reddit with some users reporting to see a "BIOS PSP Support - Disabled" option when updating their BIOS.

Unfortunately, none of my Ryzen motherboards have seen vendor BIOS updates since September, so not yet able to confirm this feature on any of my motherboards.

I'll wait for a confirmation from a coreboot dev that it really does something.

Ryzen 1-gen is still perfectly fine, nothing to hype about 2. I'm waiting till 2020 when AM4 support is due to end to beef computer with last Ryzen.

Ryzen 2 is just that little bit better to entice the many people who were on the edge but didn't make the jump because of the teething issues.
I can't see why anyone would want to upgrade from a Ryzen 1, I would wait until zen 2 microarch if you had an upgrade boner.

It's perfect for Windows suckers. The gcc segfaults for early fab weeks are still here.

I was waiting for virtualization to get better. While Ryzen 2 has better support for IOMMU groups it still isn't good enough for high end gaming or low latency VR in a Windows VM. The Zen 2 should have it dealt with by late 2019/early 2020.

But with modern PC games and VR being such a massive disappointment I'm starting to wonder if I'd even bother. I might just buy the last generation while everyone else upgrades, with any luck DDR4 prices will come down as DDR5 is introduced.
