Python a shit!

Have you ever wondered what programming language is the worst one?

My anwers is: python!

Its stupid """notation""" for many of its attributes and methods makes me laugh when I hear it should be a great languague.

It's so poorly designed and inconsistent naming style that mixes upper and lower case names and abbreviations with full names makes me laugh even more.

The ridiculous The Zen of Python is like a religion. It has also the most stupid pseudo-polymorphism that is justified by the naive duck-typing. Its dumb static methods can behave either like static ones or instance methods depending on how you prefix them or try to use them in a pseudo-derived class. python is the new brainfuck.

Just take a look at the Built-in Functions. There is a place for any or compile or enumerate but there is no place for a string! apparently it's too long to write (lol) so they made it a str; there is also a place for classmethod but there is no place for rawinput - no, this would be too easy. They've decided to call it raw_input - to hell with consistency!!!

Attached: 1420761495662.png (1200x1800, 1.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Thank you for the plethora of new information, I really didn't know and needed to.

The representations of languages in this image is extremely superficial. It seems like a wasted opportunity because there are so many relevant aspects of these languages' contrasting paradigms that could be artistically realized in imaginative ways.


Make a new one

lmao kys

look, Python is what it is, use it as a tool if you need, or dont if you dont have to, no one forces anything

fuck off newfag, 8ch used the same pattern in the past which you would know if you weren't such a cancerous newfag straight from reddit

Python's naming is generally good. There are some inconsistencies, mostly because of backward incompatibility, but there's a clear style. Read PEP 8, if you haven't, it outlines a convention.
In the sense that it contains guidelines? Not sure what you're trying to say here.
I don't understand what you're saying here. I don't know a way to make a static method behave like an instance method. Are you complaining that it's possible to call static methods on instances? object.some_static_method() is no different from object.class.static_method(), it's just easier to write. It's still static. Can you elaborate?
I think that covers all of your post. You've managed to say very little.

lmao kid

ValueError is a class. Classes and built-in singletons use CamelCase. That's part of the convention.
raw_input no longer exists.

ValueError is a class and therefore uses book case, while raw_input is a function. It probably should have been rawinput for consistency and was accordingly renamed to input in python 3.

It still does, actually, but your image filename is clearly from 4chan.

$ date -d @1420761495Fri Jan 9 00:58:15 CET 2015
I think that's before the de-unixfication. Correct me if I'm wrong.

cool story bro.
next time try something more sound than bitching about unimportant details, most of which are your own lack of understanding (I hope you're just trolling and not a real brainlet).
for example about weird scoping rules making you add something like `x=x` to a lambda, or something interesting about PyPI

Definitely. The picture itself is older, though.

Attached: fb_393268_10151029983750034_598680033_21778114_899520598_n.png.jpg (398x400, 24.44K)

Who cares about the picture, all we care out here on doublechin is whether someone may plausibly have posted on 4chan - sorry, cuckchan - after 2014-09-18

Fuck, for a moment I thought we were on a technology board or something. Turns out it's been /polb/ the whole time.

Attached: 1459857664593.png (382x395, 65.59K)

it's not cross-platform and it is somewhat tied to .NET which is M$ botnet


It is standing on an unenforceable promise of M$ to not sue for patent violations, etc.

Nah, I'll just wait for the EOMA68 to come out.

Is that the thing with 256 char limit on path length?


the names in pythong are consistent m8. i agree the duck typing is naive though
languages are partially ordered and pretty much all of them are bottoms

(it's Windoze but PowerShell only really exists on it)


they all are

PHP is cute. CUTE.

I make this exact typo every time I type pythong.

Until your local hackerman dumps your databases and you get charged with data protection lawsuits

If you're collecting and storing private customer data at all you've already committed a crime against humanity.

then what the fuck was Python 3 for

Things that were worth losing compatibility for.
Nobody cares if it's spelled "int" instead of "Int".

It's literally 99.9% print statements anyways.

Passwords are private user data. how are you supposed to sign in if the server doesnt have a hashed copy of your password?

Why does your shitty botnet site require sign in?

Don't have accounts

you don't know jack shit about python

because it's a shitty botnet site

I would be willing to learn python except for that fact that doing arithmetic requires a TCP connection to be opened when you use numbers larger than 53323

You're thinking of Elm

Attached: elm.jpg (1200x732, 79.18K)


if only pythonfags were better developers they would notice the connection

You're trolling me.

ffs just test it yourself

Attached: Dae0bpmU8AAYhH1.jpg (1024x1024, 172.21K)

It's obvious bullshit, it cannot be real.

Attached: human female bait.jpg (943x1275, 216.06K)


Are you 100% new to programming and a LARPer?

Attached: jews bait.jpg (700x700, 102.94K)

Python programmers only ever know python, i'm sure you are actually the special snowflake exception tho.

Wow, even on /tech I rarely see so much bullshit so closely packed together in a few consecutive replies.
Are you trying to insult me? I've heard it's a swear word nowadays.

Attached: 46c78a105de469054097883a1a26e1b26956d1b401bda18fa99f0581c983d5d1.png (1398x768, 90.79K)

Attached: terminology.mp4 (240x240, 421.82K)

please leave python fag, come back once you finish highschool and have learned a real language

5/10 somewhat funny

factually incorrect


Attached: DasMJ0IVwAAna5y.jpg (585x452, 47.11K)

Which subreddits do you recommend, buddy?

you have to go back

I don't know where exactly is your "back". I just checked the landing page, if I got what website you are talking about, and it's full of shit.
Also stop bumping shit thread.

python fags these days smh

Attached: DUP8d06VMAAAaQo.png (1022x731, 722.01K)

Python was juat an elaborate troll.

This inspired me to write better descriptions of PL girls, and this is the most fun I've had in weeks.

You better post results.

We hear all about python 2 and 3 these days, but where is python 1?

Windows limitation. You can get around it in PowerShell with some fuckery. Robocopy comes packaged with Windows and you can pipe it through PowerShell, no such character limitation there.

It choked on a Perl regex and died.



So which language would you recommend for AI? I love c++ but it's too time consuming and lacks the ai libraries of python

Ignore the OP altogether. There are problems with Python but you won't find them there.

LISP is what Stallman and co. would use in the AI labs at MIT.

Attached: perl-scripts-done.jpg (600x425, 27.21K)

For some reason there's a porn named "Python 2".
I guess that's roughly how bad it is to convert your code from 2 to 3?

Java and Ruby are cute. CUTE.

Prolog or LISP

Python was going good until Guido decided not to make it homoiconic.

Fucking awesome language for AI and rule-based automation.

Which is why all the modern AI tools are written in c++ and python.

We have a thread on this board of an user who parses JSON with his homemade C library. People use the wrong tools for the job because its what they know.

What would be a better alternative for data serialization than JSON(that's what you're saying, right)? Curious because I am going to have to pick a format soon and I hear bad things about YAML(no idea if they're true).

Attached: spurdo wall.png (260x260, 83.35K)

Well AI is starting to go the JS route... it only gets worse

Is this accurate? Should I pick my programming language of choice base on zodiac signs?

only if you hate yourself

protobuf, or Bencode if you want to be special
it's more complex, so you will make more errors if you do it yourself for some reason
and it only makes sense for data which should be human readable in serialized form, otherwise it's a waste of power and space, just like JSON.

anyone know miniKanren?
It's like prolog but purely relational; the DSL is very small.
I dunno shit about AI, so maybe read a book before asking the internet.
#lang racket; stream routines(define (lazy-flatmap p l) (cond [(null? l) '()] [(pair? l) (lazy-interleave (p (car l)) (lazy-flatmap p (cdr l)))] [(procedure? l) (lambda () (lazy-flatmap p (l)))] [else (error "invalid stream")]))(define (lazy-interleave s t) (cond [(null? s) t] [(null? t) s] [(pair? s) (cons (car s) (lazy-interleave (cdr s) t))] [(pair? t) (cons (car t) (lazy-interleave s (cdr t)))] [(and (procedure? s) (procedure? t)) (lambda () (lazy-interleave (s) t))] [else (error "invalid stream")]))(define (lazy-take l n) (cond [(or (null? l) (zero? n)) '()] [(pair? l) (cons (car l) (lazy-take (cdr l) (- n 1)))] [(procedure? l) (lazy-take (l) n)] [else (error "invalid stream")])); variables and unification(struct var ())(define empty (make-immutable-hasheq))(define (unify-subst x r) (if (and (var? x) (hash-has-key? r x)) (unify-subst (hash-ref r x) r) x))(define (unify-extend key val env) (hash-set env key val))(define (unify s t r) (let ([s (unify-subst s r)] [t (unify-subst t r)]) (cond [(equal? s t) r] [(var? s) (unify-extend s t r)] [(var? t) (unify-extend t s r)] [(pair? s) (and (pair? t) (let ([r (unify (car s) (car t) r)]) (and r (unify (cdr s) (cdr t) r))))] [else #f]))); kanren goal constructors(define (pass r) (list r))(define (fail r) '())(define (== s t) (lambda (r) (let ([r (unify s t r)]) (if r (list r) '()))))(define (conj g0 g1) (lambda (r) (lazy-flatmap g1 (g0 r))))(define (disj g0 g1) (lambda (r) (lazy-interleave (g0 r) (g1 r)))); instantiation(define (free-var n) (string->symbol (format "._~a" n))) (define (inst x r n) (cond [(var? x) (if (hash-has-key? r x) (inst (hash-ref r x) r n) (let ([sym (free-var n)]) (values sym (hash-set r x sym) (+ n 1))))] [(pair? x) (let*-values ([(s r n) (inst (car x) r n)] [(t r n) (inst (cdr x) r n)]) (values (cons s t) r n))] [else (values x r n)]))(define (instantiate x r) (let-values ([(x r n) (inst x r 0)]) x)); kanren syntax(define-syntax delay-goal (syntax-rules () [(_ x) (lambda (r) (x r))]))(define-syntax conj* (syntax-rules () [(_) pass] [(_ x) (delay-goal x)] [(_ x y ...) (conj (delay-goal x) (conj* y ...))]))(define-syntax disj* (syntax-rules () [(_) fail] [(_ x) (delay-goal x)] [(_ x y ...) (disj (delay-goal x) (disj* y ...))]))(define-syntax fresh (syntax-rules () [(_ (v* ...) r* ...) (let ([v* (var)] ...) (conj* r* ...))]))(define-syntax conde (syntax-rules () [(_ [r** ...] ...) (disj* (conj* r** ...) ...)])) (define-syntax run (syntax-rules () [(_ n (v* ...) r* ...) (let ([v* (var)] ...) (map (lambda (r) (instantiate (list v* ...) r)) (lazy-take ((conj* r* ...) empty) n)))]))(define-syntax run* (syntax-rules () [(_ (v* ...) r* ...) (run -1 (v* ...) r* ...)])); demo(define (appendo x y o) (conde [(== x '()) (== o y)] [(fresh (s t v) (== x (cons s t)) (== o (cons s v)) (appendo t y v))]))(define (inserto x l o) (fresh (lhs rhs tmp) (appendo lhs rhs l) (appendo lhs (list x) tmp) (appendo tmp rhs o)))(define (permo x o) (conde [(== x '()) (== o '())] [(fresh (s t p) (== x (cons s t)) (permo t p) (inserto s p o))]))(run* (q) (permo '(a b c d) q))

Attached: 753aa526c88cb9730e058bb7146ce8146c23f2580fc6587c5518b5d40600d7f2.jpg (1000x665, 353.62K)

Don't mix up mini and micro kanren. They are not the same thing. One is wayyy smaller.

ye I'm talking about microkanren mainly.

python is not worse than bbc basic

I'd even take MBASIC or Palo Alto Tiny BASIC instead of Python tbh.

when you aren't going to get a job, you can choose whatever you want without any consequences, indeed.

Nothing wrong with JSON (I recommend it, btw). My point was that he wrote his own parser in C, probably because he's familiar with string parsing in C and decided that was a good idea (it's not). Similarly, people use Python for AI because they're scientists and not engineers, and Python syntax is dead simple. Once that trend starts, its hard to reverse too, because then all the libraries are written in that language. It's a shame because languages which are a much better fit to the task at hand are not adopted and developer mindshare never reaches critical adoption mass.

It's all bytes in the end, so why is C a poor choice? Too much work?

this is not pozzoverflow, you aren't gonna troll us with your entry level question.

fuck forced indentation is all I have to say on this topic

I will indent however the fuck I want! Freedom!


Can you give an example of code written in C or a similarly-syntaxed language that's indented in a way that's not accepted by Python but not hot garbage?

Java - design-by-committee is gay, type generics all fucked up, two ways to do exceptions
C++ - fucking templates, god forbid you need to debug a compiler error, basically C trying to be Java
Pythod - whitespace, other retarded idiosyncrasies
Ruby - too weaboo
PHP - favored by retards
C# - java done right, actually no major complaints
JavaScript - event-based but lacks any synchronization primitives = lol, single threaded execution, no type checking
Perl - write-only language, great tool for trolling other programmers/scripters
C - breddy gud for intended purpose, falls behind modern languages (not sure if good or bad)
VB - insanely utilitarian, not for real programmers tho
R - specialized for data analysis, good at what it does, not an all purpose language
Scala - relatively obscure, fewer resources available
shell - has its place, but doesn't scale well to larger programs
ActionScript - specialized version of javascript

For me it's a tossup between JS and Python for shittiest.

Folks getting extra creative with C and whitespace (or lack thereof):