Functional programming is communist. Prove me wrong

Functional programming is communist. Prove me wrong.

Attached: haskommunism.png (2000x1000, 43.67K)

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Haskell is a pure functional language. The entire language is designed around maintaining the purity of the code through strict type system controls. Haskell is fascist.

You make a meme with the haskell logo and don't even know basic features of it. Haskell has a metric shit ton of type classes.

By this logic, any classless language is communist. That would make procedural languages like Pascal into COMMIE languages

Pascal is a commie language. No classes, and everyone marches via the imperative of the dictator.

Your last thread was effortless and crap and this one is too. OPs like this should be banned tbh.

atleast he made a meme to go with it

It is too primitive. There are no classes because classes didn't exist yet. It isn't class conscious.

I think you're on to something OP


Everyone report this cunt. Programming languages, programs, computers, the internet and free information as a fundamental concept is far from communism which is a political/economic/social system that controls or influences all aspects of its users life. Free information as a concept is not bound by such restrictions as socioeconomics, politics or even individual differences. Wanting everyone to be equal in the public distribution of knowledge just as humans are equal in their ability to reason should not ever be mistaken as communism which seeks to have complete equality at the expense of reason.

Report this fuckwad.

1/10, some will fall for it.

There are humans out there who can't count past 3, not even if they got adopted as a baby and raised in the west.
What's your take on that?

Bullshit, you don't need to be Magnus Carlsen to be able to do 2+2=4 or more importantly be self-aware. Its been reported numerous times that self-awareness stays in humans through a fuckton of brain-injury and rewiring. Unless you have seriously fucked genetics like downs or being brazilian there is no way in hell that I can't get you to do the same reasoning as everyone else if I put a gun on your head an a long timer on the table. Even lemmings and normalfags are dumb as fuck solely due to combined laziness, over-socialization dependacy and being too beta or crazy to be motivated to do things instead of actually being dumb.

See here:

They are not human.

But they are.

I already said fucked genetics, if you took any japanese man that didn't have a genetic disorder his reasoning would still be good enough to solve most problems faced when programming or doing everyday things. The average for iq is so high in a functioning society that anything outside genetic dead ends only have a harder time than the rest of us. Ever hear about that college student with half a brain? Homeless, criminals, neets, etc aren't that significantly dumber than the normal population its just more of a social thing than anything else. Not saying there aren't geniuses and morons but if everyone pulled their weight you would find a lot of the retards to be mostly dumb voluntarily.

No, but you see, you said this here:
You're fundamentally wrong, and no matter how smart you are, your intelligence is divided, so someone who can code like God can actually also be a retard in every other area - the reverse is also true.

And you have forgotten how smart people are being bred out of existence, what's the future you envision?

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is functional programming just spamming functions?
thats what i kinda do when theres no objects xddd

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The IO monad is kind of like being surrounded by niggers. It's low-trust due to user input and you can't relax or you'll get enriched by an exception. And then it spreads everywhere unless you stop it by separating pure from impure.