Would it be possible to implement some js here to detect user agents, and kick off anyone using a non-free operating system?
I'm unfamiliar with both 8ch board operation and javascript so my apologies if this is a stupid question, but it seems to be possible according to 8ch.net/tech/res/802384.html
why even bother. I started using Linux because I used to lurk on /g. /tech is a gateway drug for Unix/linux
Wyatt Morris
Levi Foster
It would help if you actually knew how this shit worked. User agent is sent to the server every time any HTTP request is made. No JS needed.
Xavier Turner
But no board can modify server software.
Michael Rivera
no board can modify javascript either
Xavier Cox
low-quality post prevention
no other option
Ayden Collins
user agent is like a header thing or something, I forget but it would be annoying if I got kicked off from ripping images from a thread because i didn't change my curl/wget's user agent into ebin ganoo+loonix freedumbs
Camden Turner
Grayson Wilson
He's suggesting blocking posting client side with javascript.
Can someone who has maintained a board here definitively say it is/isn't possible?
If this can be implemented, should it? Let's say only as a posting block.
That would be an issue with a whitelist but not a blacklist.
Bentley Carter
What the fuck do you think would happen if Jim let every random fuck run any javascript they wanted on a board?
Jeremiah James
Easton Carter
Sure, by inspecting navigator.userAgent, and convincing everyone to paste it into the User JS box. There's no way to force javascript on your users. It would have been possible with CSS by covering or displacing everything with an external image that only loads for people who request it with a proprietary user agent, but stylesheets only allow external hosts on a whitelist basis and it would have the side effect of logging everyone's visits which is not great. But we're not interested in doing it in the first place. If you want to limit your own freedomâ„¢ that's your call. I think the BO dual boots.
Nolan Martin
It's possible if you're the Zig Forums administrator. You can't do it client-side.
Obviously not. Retards like yourself don't run sites for a reason.
You can also set your own stylesheet in the options, or view the board through mod.php (works even if you're not a mod on the board you're viewing), or hand-write requests and read them, or use an adblocker, or use a browser that doesn't support CSS. It's infeasible to make something secure, but it's just for elitist purposes anyway.
Bentley Fisher
Would still filter the retarded tech support questions.
Ethan James
I sincerely believe tech should move to its own server and provide a .onion only site. Vichan is no good for the quality of the content provided in tech. This should keep out most of the jews, pajeets and niggers.
Grayson Jackson
lmao how about you fags actually try making any of your other boards even remotely appealing instead of typical entryism
Ethan Smith
OP is a faggot, here's a better idea:
Make a js script that blanks the whole site, to kick off retards who use js by default.
Ayden Perez
Javascript was a mistake.
Carter Jackson
The browser's useragent doesn't have to tell you anything about the OS. And also, it's trivial to change it.
Shit ring, even the option to use CSS to block proprietary user agents won't work on Zig Forums. We can't add CSS from our own hosts. We're locked into what Codemonkey decides is appropriate because of content security policy. If CSP wasn't on Zig Forums I could easily setup what you're describing with nginx and a css file.
Logan Reyes
Congratulations on being this obviously new.
Parker Baker
(((J)))Scriptcucks get the gas
Gavin Ward
I hope we've went beyond "Please use the newest firefox or this website won't display properly".
Gavin Bennett
Then is Typescript Kikescript?
Caleb White
This is a good idea. (Although a cleaner implementation would be simply purging the document tree.)
This gave me an even better idea: block everyone who doesn't spoof his UA to be that of Tor Browser (which may be, I think, the most widely adopted spoofed UA out there). This would filter out everyone who doesn't care about privacy.
Cooper Bennett
Ask Hotwheels to implement it server-side, like they did it on commie 2ch: 2ch.hk/s/
Spoofing your UA as Tor browser when you're not using tor exit or onions only puts you in danger of being more identifiable, Windows 7 is not the most used operating system anymore.
Austin Johnson
Oh it's not? Then what is? inb4 10
Jayden Torres
android + linux
Anthony James
user, I...
Christopher Richardson
since this is a user agent thread now, anyone willing to share their lists of popular user agents? i've only got that huge xml file from user-agent.info but even then I don't think it has nearly all possible agents.
Hudson Cruz
Go drink some bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you dumb fucking shit smear.
Eli Powell
Why shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?
Chase Harris
js sucks balls. it's miserable to work with and produces ugly, unmaintainable, impossible to debug code.