Is it really the best all around language?

Is it really the best all around language?

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It's the PHP of system programming

explain to brainlet like me. i just want to have a language that isn't a clusterfuck like c or c++, is consistent and is up to date on new stuffs

C is not a clusterfuck of a language. Your understanding of computers is a clusterfuck which prohibits you from using anything without an experienced guide to hold your hand. You need a Disneyland language. Might I suggest starting with MS BASIC or C#?


Both of those are very Windows-centric. Rust is not. Also Rust (afaik) compiles directly to machine code, rather than to bytecode or some shit.


Yes, I just installed it and can already feel my harmful testosterone levels going down.

Attached: rust.png (2048x1024, 72.95K)

I read through a good portion of the Rust guide and while I find the idea pretty cool, I really don't see it taking the spotlight from C.

C is literally on everything. It's had 30+ years of autistic manhours dedicated to it, and for what it's worth it's not entirely that bad of a language when you consider it more as a portable assembly language.

I think it's unlikely everyone starts switching to Rust to replace C.

C++ on the other hand...

With your logic, nothing will ever improve. We'll be stuck on legacy technologies forever just because it's what we started with.

The difference is one of scope. Wayland and X11 are Linux based and probably in even further minority use once you segregate out all the headless Linux servers.

They're both great though.

C on the other hand is literally in everything. Literally everything.

Do you really think Rust has the brass to be the next lingua franca of the computing world?

That's a funny way to spell java, faggot.

Name 1 (one) commonly used server application that is written in java.

Minecraft server, Cassandra, Hadoop. Tons of big important shit. Depends on what you mean by "server". If you mean HTTP only 2 are actually used by anyone so its not a big pool.

I was mainly joking and Ruby would have probably been a better example. Basically, Rust is more focused on politics and autism like memory safety. Setting a goal for memory safety isn't bad in itself but they've focused on it so much that it restricts a lot of what can be done with it and nothing will ever truly be safe anyway. C is so widely accepted for a reason and despite allowing you to do "unsafe" things you can avoid them with proper practice. You'll be better served by learning C because once you have a grasp on it you can use it anywhere. There is far more software written in C that you can learn from and/or modify.

The main issue most people on Zig Forums have with Rust are the politics of it. It has an army of SJWs involved in the project and is constantly shilled here as the best thing ever but you very rarely find any good reasons stated for using it aside from memory safe. It reminds me a lot of the days when Ruby on Rails became the new thing in web programming. Ruby shills were everywhere singing its praises and for a few years it looked like it may go somewhere. With time it was proven that Ruby wasn't good for much for various reasons. Nowadays the people that liked Ruby have moved on to things like javascript on the server which goes to show how much you should value their opinions. I should mention in those days PHP was just getting to version 4.x and becoming widely used so Ruby shills had a lot of folks willing to give anything else a look. It never did take off like people were expecting it too and most eventually figured out that webdev was awful no matter what you had running on the server. Most stuck with PHP/Perl because even free hosting supported it most of the time.

Rust is a solution looking for a problem to solve. Its main claim is you can write something without worrying about memory safety but this is putting the cart before the horse because you should be solving those problems yourself instead of relying on software to do it for you. Also, you shouldn't be restricting yourself to one programming language. A good programmer knows multiple languages and learns the bad and good points of all of them. With an understanding of multiple programming languages you increase your skill set and are able to understand how more software works. There is no all around language, there is no best language, there are several for different uses and you should know all of the ones that apply to whatever work you need to do.

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nigger cattle use it

IBM Websphere which is very commonly used by big organizations.

I agree except Ruby is actually not a bad language. Whereas Rust is easily one of the worst languages I've ever tried.

A shitton of them, my LARPer friend.

You can say the same for yours.
Nothing will ever improve if people are overly focused on reinventing the wheel and rebuilding already existing libraries for new languages as opposed to building upon or from existing ones. You'd be stuck with legacy technologies more if you made existing old things with new tools as much if not more so than new things made with old tools.

This TBH. Rust folks prove themselves to be absolutely unable to innovate, as they express with the rewrite it in Rust meme.

You have written a whole lot of text. The second paragraph is about muh SJW which I'll ignore because I don't care about that. The third paragraph I don't know what it is about. Looks like you are taking down a straw man.
But in the first paragraph you have said that Rust is too restrictive. Mind giving an example of what you can't do in Rust?

Give me an example of what you can't do in Malbolge. It's Turing complete so you could technically do anything with it, right?

As expected from an anti Rust shill. Once he is prompted to justify his bullshit claims he goes full retard.

Of course you can do anything in Rust. It is Turing complete and it even has C interop. Problem is how you do it.
Not saying this is difficult to understand (in fact, I salute the absolute madman for making something so simple to grasp in such a language), but the fact that it took Rust programmers so long to figure out how to make simple and idiomatic graphs in their Byzantine ruleset says a bit about the language.

It is also always fun find out shortcomings of the language that are never mentioned in the book, like struct enums. Have fun working with them inside match expressions, hope you enjoy the post-Java verbosity. :^)

What's this cringeworthy shit.

Oh wow. What a great argument. Not that I expected anything else considering that Zig Forums is full of LARPers that can barely program Fizzbuzz tier shit.
Please name a single real world scenario where you need to use a Graph and reference counting the Nodes is unacceptable.
Protip: you can't because you are an anti Rust shill. Also btw you can use raw pointers in Rust too.


Lel. Keep shitting up yet another Rust thread.

grow up

I didn't make the thread. I put effort into the OP also the last Rust thread is still alive.
I also don't have a problem with well argumented criticism. Unfortunately Zig Forums can't form a proper argument because they don't know enough about Rust.

rust uses C calls for everything lowlevel so why use rust in the first place?
go write me a program in rust on windows that does memory reading/writing and enumeration of processes without falling back to C

C# is a fantastic language stuck on an unfortunate OS.

Is this all you've got?

Mone and .NET Core exist

and both are shit

you wot?

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It's such an elegant language, and the standard library that comes with it (standard .NET Framework) is virtually full-featured. And hey, if you want to play with fire, you can mark a block as unmanaged code and do whatever the hell you want with it. Interoperability is also fantastic.

It's what C++ should have been.


It's basically trash


Compared to mono, .Net Core is excellent.

you know c# runs on everything right (and its still shit).

Everything should have a GC unless there are strict timing requirements. The amount of bugs a GC prevents are well worth the slight performance hit.

Except you cant. C at every level makes doing anything safe impossible. Experts that have been writing it for 30 years still make trivial memory errors. Constantly have to cast void* around, constantly have to edit raw bytes that can easily cluster fuck your whole program.

Languages like Java and C# are marketed as idiot-proof but if you don’t want idiots writing bad code for your project, then don’t hire any idiots.

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Says who?

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Single most popular game server program ever.

t. angry woman that can't write in a language designed by and for white men

I hope you enjoy getting fucked by the CIA faggots every time one of your god c programmers makes a trivial memory error.

That's why you use ECC memory you retarded nigger.

there is reason why Microsoft rebooted Vista (the entire operating system development) because C# is HORRIBLE

Zig Forums nodev does not understand what buffer overflow means


The other "what C++ should have been" language, D, can be programmed without utilizing GC, but I've read most of the standard library can't be used that way

with normies. The other players often play nothing but minecraft.
Also: Minecraft has been reimplemented in C for everything but the Java version thus allowing really far view in the pocket edition but Microsoft only made it available for W10.
Otherwise nobody would play the Java version anymore.

They just did that for DRM shit worked fine before. Microsoft wants to make every buck people can and destroy general purpose modding. Java was too open for them.

No. Java is slow as fuck.
Minecraft has a horrible frame rate on BOTH low end and high end devices.
The java version has always online account DRM.
when you're offline and there is no way to play the game. The "play offline" button is long gone.
You're just a JAVA programmer making up excuses instead of trying to better yourself.

Yeah this is just wrong. Server operators can just choose if they want to allow people without real accounts to play. You don't need one.

I don't know Java. Mostly do c.

I was talking about the Launcher.

You just use an alternate launcher lol.

I might be wrong there, but wasn't that mostly due to it using GL function rendering like this is 1995 instead of VBOs, shaders and VBAs?

t. person who doesn't understand anything that isn't written in C-like languages

python is the superior hacking l;anguage

Wow, Ruby, PHP and JS all sucked?
Praise Python

GO USE Go, fag

Rewrite Minecraft in C/C++ please, or just write it in Lua/Go/IDGAF

They literally did.

Notch hacked Minecraft together in a weekend or so after he played Infiniminer. The code quality of Minecraft absolutely stinks and it used immediate mode which basically means that you send individual vertices to the GPU.
In modern OpenGL you use vertex arrays (don't know the exact name) to transfer vertices in bulk to the GPU and then just issue a draw call every frame with the id of the vertex array.
The rendering code and not the GC was the real reason why Minecrafts performance sucked.

No. They rewrote the launcher in C++. The client/server is still Java. But instead of improving the code they managed to fuck it up even more.
They did this by introducing an immutable BlockPos class which consists of three floats (or doubles). They thought that passing around three variables was too verbose or some shit.
Anyways loads of BlockPos instances are created every frame. You can't mutate them so you have to create even more of them. If you have mods installed this also means even more instances are created. What this means is that Java has to clean up hundreds of mebibytes of garbage every second which results in huge GC pauses.

yeah meanwhile in modern fagya land you need opengl 4 to render pixel shit 2d games. lmfao

I really want to like rust but i can't do it
Also doesn't look like it's going anywhere

No, they're not, you faggot. It's also the fault of the developer to utilize a newer OpenGL version, the features of which he does not need.

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bumped XDDDD

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