A Trip Back to 2010

So I recently got an original iPad for free, and I just want to say, its incredible how far mobile devices have come in the past 8 years. But after jailbreaking it and adding some tweaks like true windowed multitasking, I think it also goes to show how damn robust old iOS version were. Not sure about new iOS versions because the last iShit I ever owned was an iPhone 4. Adding windowed multitasking for example, was a tweak of just a few hundred kilobytes. What fascinates me is how limited the virtual memory system used is. There's no swap/page files/partitions as far as I can tell, Apples documentation tells me its all done by the kernel and the main partition is used for offloading cache. The reason I find this so fascinating is because the whole OS seems to optimized for the little memory it has, only 256MBs of DDR memory. And writes to the early and less robust NAND flash also has to be kept at a minimum, otherwise it would be dead by now. iOS will simply shut down any application that uses too much memory in such a way that interface responsiveness is not compromised in any way, let alone keeping important process memory available. Too much memory gets used by an application? iOS just kills it before it can slow everything down. This may sound horrible, but it never happens unless I am blatantly trying by using more browser tabs than Safari can at stock while running 3D apps. Its the level of optimization you just don't see today. The only things compromising usability with this thing is the lack of upload support (and the fact no Safari upload tweak works for me) and that's it. Even Jewtube videos work through Hooktube. This device is NOT y2038 compliant, but that doesn't really matter since few standard apps rely that much on keeping time past a certain point. https websites will fail but that's it. Its a lost art man

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It's pretty sad 2010 is now considered long ago

What has happened since 2010? Nothing.

Its nearly a decade bro, we're all getting old


Of course it's robust.
I've never had a problem with Apple's technology but always had a problem with how locked-down iOS is.

You faggots would always shit on iOS because of the arbitrary restrictions, not realizing how well-made OSX and iOS are, preferring instead to shill your broken and hacked togeter Linux+Java Pajeetdroid whose's singular advantage happens to be the source license.

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Typical brainlet attacks from some i3 nerd who's never even touched an OSX product let alone knows anything about it.

Typical apple user in denial who just won't accept the fact that apple makes overpriced shitty products. Go buy a dongle or something.

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Naw Luke, I'll use what works. Normies aren't going to use Loonix if they have to use LibreOffice and Windows 10 is AIDS on top of spying on you.

Hackintosh is the perfect choice for anyone who wants a computer outta me.

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There was a 2? I can't tell if this is a troll post because I'm not familiar with Apple tech and have no idea what it's used for

Old iOS aesthetics look nice.
The new style just looks gay.

It just goes to show what a lost art optimization is to be able to avoid OOM conditions to the same degree iOS does with just 256MBs of RAM
And Linux didn't get compressed RAM based swap until version 3.14 with zram. Fucking Windows used compressed RAM pages since forever

Reminder Nokia did everything "modern" smartphone OSs do, with kilobytes of RAM.

Today's RAM/VRAM compression in Windows, iOSuX, and Linux is still more primitive than what Macs back in the early 90s had using RAMDoubler.

That misbehavior is system-wide, a symptom of the fact that the Mac GUI (especially OSuX's, which doesn't even have the typical 1-pixel black line) was originally designed without any function being associated with window edges. Note that the one time pre-OSuX Apple added function to window edges (dragging the window, NOT resizing it), in OS 8-9, they also added a permanent 5-pixel-wide border around every window in the default theme.

Steve was still alive and he wanted iOS to be actually good.

With that outsourcing / Pajeet hiring pro they have now everything became, well, gay as fuck.

That's how RAMDoubler worked? I always thought it was a proprietary version of Virtual Memory and used HDD for additional space.

It did that too as a last resort, but its main features were online RAM compression, along with deduplication and (yes, pre-OS X Macs didn't do this) defragmentation.

It's sad that modern Mac and Windows no longer have thick, discernible window borders. Who the hell thougth that was a good idea? Why is usability going backwards?!

Make a powershell script that fixes it and just bring it everywhere you need to use minicooper wringcloth 10 or 7.

Retard. There's nothing wrong with window edges on OS X up to El Capitan.

That's the weirdest cat I've ever heard of.

just leaving it here

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Every decade is bad until people are old enough to feel nostalgic for it, when it magically becomes good