Bases RMS puts back a joke deemed offensive in GCC
Fortunately for us RMS is still sane.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off leftist kike

Stop being triggered it's a joke not a political message.

Here is the supposed joke:
> Future Change Warning: Proposed Federal censorship regulations may prohibit us from giving you information about the possibility of calling this function. We would be required to say that this is not an acceptable way of terminating a program.
If I were reading this I would be scratching my head what on earth this was supposed to mean. Jokes don't belong in a reference manual, this is one case where I would approve of the removal.

Abortion literally scars the insides of the uterus making each following pregnancy more risky. That's because the fetus is a living being and not some machine component you can just unplug.

RMS joking about child murder is sexist as fuck. Check your baby killer privilege shitlord.

Are you 12 or a woman? This level of fact checking belongs in a kindergarten

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Sorry lads, The abortion joke has been ABORTED. This procedure is not reversible. You can spend the rest of your life wishing you hadn't but you can never put that joke back.

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technically, RMS is an incel?
He's also had several girlfriends. At the very least, there's the one he was going to name his kernel after and the one he had while his biography was being written.

While some free software projects have a benevolent dictator, the GNU project has something else. Once in a blue moon St. Ignucius descends from heaven to speak his mind about an aspect of the GNU project.
His word is right. His word is concrete. His word is final.

Put me in the screencap XD!!
Hello reddit.

>Zack (((Weinberg)))

do not ever pander to sjw's. do not give them a millimeter

How is this pandering to SJW's?

>censoring the GNU glibc manual because a (((Weinberg))) is offended isn't pandering to sjw's.

Did you read the joke? Or is this some leftypol crap tactic.

Are you trying to figure out whether you should be upset about a jew inserting a pro-abortion message into a technical manual or about another jew taking it out because it might offend someone?
This is peak Zig Forums.

it's not about the joke, it's about the censorship. this kike support's sjw's and their efforts.
just a sample of what this kike sits and retweets on twitter

he also loves the social media like ever other isreali sjw supporter

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fair enough

Proof please.
Also births aren't free of charge from danger too.

It's pandering to people who think the joke can be offensive (even if I don't know how) thus not inclusive if you agree with such people just because a ==MANUAL MADE BY A MIT HIPPIE == then your project is doomed it will start a fire who will begin to purge everything that can be considered bad to the eyes of the people judging it, it will render everything around it ==STERILE== .

How surprising.
Also how do you make these research so fast ?

One does not build a liberal kill list in one day.

And how the fuck do you think periods work? There's an entire literal wall between any permanent tissue and the fetus. You're just parroting Christian propaganda without knowing what the fuck you're talking about. I swear to god you fucking baptists and SJWs are the same fucking people.

joke should have been removed since it's an aspergers tier joke, not easy to understand
abortion is good, anti-breeders should be allowed to sterilize themselves like the robots they wish to be

technically, that disposable wall could still scar even if the scars are disposed of and leave within a month

God speed, user.


To avoid abortion avoid making babies.


woah... stallman is so based

>Richard Stallman, who added the joke sometime in the 1990s, asked that it not be removed. The resulting discussion touched on a number of issues. Carlos O'Donell, who has been trying hard to resolve the issue with some degree of consensus, suggested that the joke could hurt people who have had bad experiences associated with abortion. He proposed a couple of possible alternatives, including avoiding jokes entirely or discussing such issues in a different forum. Stallman, however, replied that "a GNU manual, like a course in history, is not meant to be a 'safe space'". He suggested the possibility of adding a trigger warning about functions that create child processes, since childbirth is "far more traumatic than having an abortion".
Never knew about this before

"a GNU manual, like a course in history, is not meant to be a 'safe space'".
GNU-sama!! I love you!

Attached: what am i willing to put up with today.gif (448x252, 1.93M)

Spotted the kike.
Have a link from a business in your "model city".
You can't scurry your way out of facts.

Abortion, along with alimony, welfare, birth control, and "equal rights", destroys women and countless numbers of children.
It's true that widespread abortion cut down on criminals, but the declining birthrates were used as the pretext to import pajeets.
The loss of criminals also softened the police, women, and men, who are now allergic to criminal activity.

they're right, you know

Go back to reddit.

yeah this is one of the reasons we still love RMS.
stand up with me and say:
long live RMS!

lel if you check the comments on OP's source, just like the recent article of the pajeet programming manual ( are sjw as fuck

there's a thread for that

so that's what RMS cares about

How do I remove the bump-lock from a bump-limited thread?

A mother failed once should never be a mother, every abortion should be followed by full sterilization.
And for god's sake, dear alt-tabs, get into UN or whatever high-flight org and bring that shit to Africa, niggers can't seem to deem the concept of condoms yet those are dumped on them in tonnes.

This has nothing to do with SJWs, jokes of any kind do not belong into a reference manual. This joke is particularly bad, because unless you are from the US and are aware of the legislation that is being mocked, it will fly completely over your head and you won't even know that it's supposed to be a joke. When I read it the first time I was left scratching my head, like "WTF is any of this even supposed to mean?". It only adds confusion and the sole reason why this "joke" is even in the manual is because Stallman abused his position as technical writer to add a quip about a political topic.

Nothing is free of danger, every time you have a meal there is a real chance on you choking on it. And yet women have been able to give birth for millennia quite successfully.

The uterus consists of more than one kind of tissue. A period is a natural process, just like skin shedding is, but if you cut your skin you still get a scar on it. And I'm neither a baptist, nor an SJW.

Who really cares? You should be using other libc's, or (gasp) Linux directly.


I think that's literally true, due to the word "mostly", but peoplecould get the wrong idea from it. GNU Libc is not an independentproject.The GNU C Library is a GNU package -- part of the GNU Project. Thatmeans I appoint official maintainers who are in charge of the work.They are responsible to the GNU Project and specifically to me asChief GNUisance. I appointed the GNU Libc maintainers in that way.Occasionally I give specific instructions to package maintainers aboutsome specific point. But that's the rare exception. All the otherpoints, I leave to the package maintainers to decide -- following theoverall policies and goals of the GNU Project.For many GNU packages, the sole maintainer does the work. However,maintainers can recruit other contributors. The maintainers of GNULibc recruit lots of contributors, and delegate many decisions tothem; but the maintainers are responsible to the GNU Project for allthe work on the package, including what they delegate.As long as the maintainers carry out their responsibity, on the issueswhich that touches, how they decide everything else is up to them. Ifthey wish to do it through consensus among the community of projectcontributors, that's fine, as long as they get good results that way.Thus, it may be well be the case that the GNU C Library is _mostly_ aconsensus-based community-driven project -- if the maintainers havedecided to delegate most decisions that way. However, on _some_questions they have specific responsibility to the GNU Project,so they can't delegate the authority to you.I exercise my authority over Glibc very rarely -- and when I have doneso, I have talked with the official maintainers. So rarely that someof you thought that you are entirely autonomous. But that is not thecase. On this particular question, I made a decision long ago andstated it where all of you could see it.If you would like me to change it, it is up to you to convince meto change my decision.

This is gold. GOLD.

This is the fault of Nogs, not Whites. Abortions and Castrations are targeted at whites.

The right answer is that Nicholson is in the bigger wrong here. We need more gas chamber jokes to combat the abortion jokes. All is fair in the meme war.

Salutations to mein kamaraden.

Meme him to death. We need it, does not matter if SystemD takes over.

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Oh, so like birth itself?

aw the nazi is triggered... ironic

Yeah, you christcuck. One is aware of its surroundings and the other was never a concious entity.

Neither are you trannyfag.


its not necessary but it is hilarious

You've got kike in the brain.


Fuck off, (((Catholic)))

Honestly this is history and that's why I think it should not be removed, besides of course for censorship reasons.
Let's go back in context why was added, when this added the feminist movement was struggling for woman to have the freedom to choose to keep the baby or not. Nowadays it's fortunately the standard.
Let's also remember that computer MIT people in the 80s were hippies to the contrary of the sterile environment that we have today.
Free software projects can add whatever they want in their lines of comments I don't think that it's particularly negative to have jokes or not, if think it gives them some sort of uniqueness from the time it was done.

This quote is as old as the GNU project if not older, RMS was nothing besides a hacker at that time.
It totally is, for 20+ years this wasn't a problem and now it is.
I don't consider the death of the mother to be a successful thing. Same when both mother and child dies.
The ratio of death from birth as almost disappeared with modern medicine (and I say almost it hasn't and cannot be stopped because shit happens).

Why do you have to greentext so much? You aren't proving any point except that you are annoying.

Great point. I'll consider it.

You don't seem to be aware of your surroundings either

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Try to put your thoughts into a coherent argument if you want serious replies, otherwise you'll just look like somebody who has no idea what he's talking about

You're not a real person, you're not conscious, you aren't even an animal. You're just some kind of object. Don't cry about about me ignoring your points, this isn't personal because you're not a person. It's mechanical flush.

So he was a retard from day one. How does this make anything better?

It always was a problem, it's just that no one bothered with it now.

What the fuck are you talking about? Women have been popping out babies in the past like crazy since there was no contraception. Due to higher child mortality this was not much of an issue. Death during childbirth was an exception, not the norm.

I bet you passed Newspeak class with a double-plus good. Women always had the choice of whether they wanted to have a baby or not, it was called "not being a whore". What feminists were advocating for was for a mother to kill her child simply for her own convenience.

Based RMS is based indeed.

Yeah, women today don't get to have nerve blockers injected straight into their spine. That doesn't happen at all. And the vagina hasn't evolved over millenia to allow for childbirth. That never happened.

you will burn in a lake of fire for all of eternity heretic


Correction he was autistic since the beginning.
Time proves you wrong.
You need to go back to school.
Please just stop with that bullshit by "being a whore" you mean having more than one sex partner.
No these are your own views and you are completely putting aside other facts, what about woman's who were raped ? what about accidents ? what about down syndrome or other plagues the baby could have after birth ?
You are justifying the decadence of people because modern/western society let woman have choice over having a children or not which is preposterous decadence comes from multiple factors and from my experience seeing what happens to unwanted children raised by unwilling parents it's one of these factors.
The decadence that you seek to eradicate has from my point of view three known roots:
-Too much distraction.
-Lack of education.
-Violence over discussion.

Take this shit to Zig Forums or Zig Forums or wherever you come from.

says the nazi

Add a fourth:
-Misinformation, beveling in fallacies and bias.

mfw user can't even know on what side other anons are when the user in question isn't in the black or white zone.

Stop with the nazi bullshit he isn't a nazi.

nazi sympathizer


oh the little nazi doesn't like being called out :^(

Dude you breath air just like him which makes you and myself a nazi too.
This thread is going down because of christfags and polfags

and you're defending nazis which makes you a nazi

Stallman x nagatoro doujin when?

That's because the first self-described social justice warrior was none other than Father Coughlin.


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As you indicated, he is kinda cool tbh desu.

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Stallman is a kike after all


Can you hear me now?

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clearly not the reason it was removed as you continued to quote the article.
are we really doing clickbait now? this might be what finally makes me leave Zig Forums


Nobody cares about the joke. We care about who's in charge of projects. Nobody who works on free software appreciates being suddenly bossed around by people who aren't paying them.

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Still triggered.


Why? The joke doesn't even make sense.

Why would you put weird, autistic, non-sequitur jokes like this in documentation anyway?

It shows a lot about how Stallman thinks about his work and what really matters: politics. It's not about the software; that's why he stole the ABI from UNIX and paraded his GNU around as GNU NOT UNIX but still passed it as UNIX substitute. Really gets the nogging joggin.

Very true; he also completely failed to understand what made UNIX good (picture related).
What GNU should have done was write separate tools to implement features they wanted - not aggregate them into simple programs like ls/echo.
These programs are also supposed to keep quiet unless the user asks them to say something or unless there is an error. GNU programs in contrast print their warranty information/license each time you run them, and if you make a typo they spew the manpage at you.
Perfect example:
The GNU code is less readable than assembly. GNU cat(1)? 12 options. Plan 9 cat(1)? 0 options - yet you can still achieve all the same features through piping and using programs to do what they were designed for.

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It does, though it's obscure for non-Americans and those who don't follow abortion politics. It's also not that amusing. But Stallman is quite taken with his own sense of humor. He thinks he's very funny.

What a wicked man.

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