When is the new Icecat slated

Yes, yes, I know we have three browser generals on the front page. This thread isn't for shitposting, though.

It's so hard to keep tabs on libre software, since they don't prioritize publicity. As you can tell, ESR 60 was released just a few days ago, so has anyone seen an announcement by the IceCat project whether or not they're going to fork the new release? Obviously it'll take some time, but I've seen no intimation on them even working on it, which is disconcerting.

Attached: release-overview.fddbdb1b7d81.png (650x650 14.3 KB, 177.09K)

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stopped using this when mainline frefox's change to require pulseaudio slipped through to it. Use surf instead, it sucks less

Gentoo doesn't have this problem.

it only works on gentoo because the alsa code is still there and can be flipped on at compile time. pozjew will remove the alsa code eventually to force people into pozaudio and systemD.

icecat doesn't even do security updates until weeks or months after the fact. GNU's biggest problem is that the maintainers for the vast majority of GNU software simply don't care. They don't pay attention or acknowledge the bug tracker either, even when there's a critical bug that prevents use completely and someone gives them the patch to fix it, it sits in the bug tracker for years.

You utter idiots have got to realize that making new threads isn't a good way of asking small questions like that.
is where you should go.

Attached: OP is a faggot.png (500x700, 84.36K)

What is apulse.

Is ESR 52.9 going to be the final stand for anyone unwilling to give in to the Quantum cancer? How long will ESR 52.9 remain usable (for security/compatibility/functionality reasons)?

And yet here you are making another one.

Attached: DZ7o7dfW4AAlqZ9.jpg (532x448, 75.16K)

holy shit how did she get the blue bunny ice cream mascot

Attached: 28911775001_5777333037001_5777328319001-vs.jpg (1280x720, 20.04K)

she's like the yin/yang counterpart to elliot rodgers
he had money but flipped out cause he couldn't get no respect
she had respect but flipped out cause she couldn't get no money

Who is that? Is that even a real person? It looks like some 3D model deep in the uncanny valley.
It kinda spoops me.

It's the YT shooter.


Just go back to Chrome and Windows. I mean, you clearly don't care about the community.

Quantum is actually very good.

open recently closed tab


A way to open the most recently closed tab. You can access that with the mouse in two clicks.
I think that post is talking about the list of all recently closed tabs. That takes five clicks.
Might be useful. I've never used it, though.

You could also just pass the command in a runner like pic related, which is much quicker and less convoluted.

Attached: stream.webm (960x1072, 418.55K)


It's literally right in the OP picture.


right click on tabs area and select undo, it's always been there, still present in quantum

Get good user, apulse exists, or better yet, use an external application to play video/audio.

It's like you enjoy being fucked in the ass.

Literally Waterfox.

Learn to use a keyboard

Or (better yet) use Dvorak.


That would be right if it weren't for Emacs 26.1. The poor floating window management doesn't even matter because you can force floating windows to tile.