8ch CSS Thread

Let's make Zig Forums look good.
Here, I fixed the shitty code blocks for you.
@font-face { src: url("misc.nybergh.net/pub/fonts/terminus/ttf/Terminus.ttf");}/* --- BOX --- */pre.prettyprint { padding: 4px !important; border: 1px solid #444444 !important; background: #0F0F0F !important; font-size: 14px !important;}/* --- CODE --- *//* uncolored text */span.pln { color: #AAAAAA !important; font-family: 'xos4 Terminus' !important;}/* BLUE (keywords) */.kwd { color: #6675EA !important; font-family: 'xos4 Terminus' !important;}/* YELLOW (brackets, semicolons, operators, stuff like that) */.pun, .opn, .clo { color: #D5911A !important; font-family: 'xos4 Terminus' !important;}/* CYAN (numeric values) */.lit { color: #00AD9C !important; font-family: 'xos4 Terminus' !important;}/* GREEN (strings, chars, quoted stuff) */.str { color: #5AB738 !important; font-family: 'xos4 Terminus' !important;}/* MAGENTA (idk) */.typ { color: #9566EA !important; font-family: 'xos4 Terminus' !important;}/* RED (comments) */.com { color: #F22C40 !important; font-family: 'xos4 Terminus' !important;}/* proably nothing */.pln { color: #FF0000 !important; font-family: 'xos4 Terminus' !important;}

Attached: 8ch_code.png (648x520, 11.92K)

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Honestly, look at this garbage.

Attached: 2018-05-14-042025_1600x900_scrot.png (660x544 47.88 KB, 62.54K)

Why is this allowed?

Attached: 2018-05-14-041949_1600x900_scrot.png (724x676 88.72 KB, 56.53K)


Not him but its poo brown. I agree its shit though.

Some more NICE scrots.

Attached: 2018-05-14-063658_1600x900_scrot.png (1036x518 62.95 KB, 19.03K)

too little contrast on all your screenshots tbqh looks like some 2003 gaymer forum.
also set .thread { max-width: 80em; }

what the fuck is wrong with whoever made the default theme

May be worth picking these apart:
userstyles.org/styles/148948/dark-pastel-for-Zig Forums
userstyles.org/styles/155107/Zig Forums-neutron
userstyles.org/styles/154874/Zig Forums-photon
The first one is commented.

here's what I scraped together ix.io/1az2
the code is a complete clusterfuck
I thought about making it into a nice template for others to use before posting it, but I don't have the time atm
I'll just post it anyway

Attached: 2018-05-16-202841_1600x900_scrot.png (1600x900, 473.25K)

some more scrots

Attached: bottom and quick reply.png (1600x900 596.31 KB, 523.28K)

Attached: catalog.png (1600x900 529.54 KB, 483.61K)

weren't they selling user data or something?

well in any case, you don't have to use stylish for custom css

Yes. Ever since Stylish was bought out, the Stylish extension has blatantly been tracking and selling their users' data. That's why there's no Stylish in the new Firefox. Because it violates Mozilla guidelines for security (not that Mozilla itself is too much better).

Even the site itself, userstyles, will literally not load if you don't allow their malicious, proprietary frameworks to harvest as much information about you as humanly possible, yet no one has been arsed to make a new site. It's almost as if people are feigning ignorance because they literally don't give a shit. Kind of ironic considering the overlap between retarded ricers and "muh privacy" whiners. It just reveals how much Zig Forums really doesn't give a shit about they things they claim to care about. We're all just looking for excuses to whine.

User css is dead.

Pretty cool user.

I still see it on mozilla addon site. I wondered if I got it wrong.

You're right. I must have been mistaken, although the WebExt Stylish may have been different. But I'm certain about the surveillance. Just read the gHacks article to be sure. As a psa for people who are still using userstyles.org, ==userstyles.org is a malicious site that breaks if you don't use their telemetry frameworks==

Use freestyler.ws/ instead. And you should also use Stylus.

I can't testify whether the site is good, but it cannot possibly be worse than userstyles.

It looks like freestyler scraped most of the css's from userstyles. There was a time when userstyles decided to impose a size limit and ruined a lot of the css's on the platform, so I wonder whether it was scraped before or after.

It's also ironic how obnoxious Arch ricers are also the ones who instinctively bitch about js but use userstyles to get their rices.

Look faggot, not all of us completely braindead drooling retards. CSS are the easiest possible things to write, if you give a shit about a sites style fix it yourself. I've themed about 30 sites myself and not one line came from userstyles.

Sage because this thread boils down to

That really isn't a criticism directed towards me, especially when I explicitly stated that the css community is just as cancerous as you think, so I'm not sure what to tell you, other than your covert bragging about something so menial isn't as discreet as you think it is.

This is a good desktop thread. Especially the part where there are no screenshots of desktops.

Is there not a 4chan X/Oneechan equivalent for Zig Forums yet?
>Your browser sent an invalid or no HTTP referrer. Are you sure you are using 8ch.net/ as the URL?
Absolute cancer if I can't strip this.

Yes, it's called 4chanX, you fucking imbecile.

Is there a way to add css lightbox gallery for extra hipster experience? Opening images in new tab is soo 2010.
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