Web Frameworks

What is your favorite web development framework?

I love Ruby on rails

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Haskell Yesod


You will never be white. Frameworks are for fags, all you need is something to wrap the HTTP protocol, and you're good to go.

ExpressJS (expressjs.com/)
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js

Seems about right


I don't use one anymore, but when I did, I liked Sinatra.

Ohh shit is only a fucking girl what is wrong with it , sjw .

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Is there a way to access a mysql database with from JS in a browser?

Attached: tmp_30726-3f6968e1470ac234321d5c9daede0dcf7b5d1a563f3e1e2c2a8ebaa7d63f03031009584444.gif (320x320, 230.08K)

you can make asynchronous http post requests to a server side api

I love Anna! ~^-^~

Talking to a server side API is not directly accessing the database. You need a REST interface of some sort that communicates via HTTP and not whatever binary bundle mysql uses on the actual machine it lives in. Even mongodb needs a secondary REST interface if you want to hit it from the browser, and it was basically invented for javascript.

Probably werc. If I ever need something heavier, I'll just shit something out with Go.


a folder full of static HTML files and something to serve them
if i wanted to do a gimmick such as dynamic content I'd open a socket and read/write to it

I too love memory errors caused by doing string manipulation in c.



OTP is not web framework, it is framework for building distributed software.
There are few Erlang web frameworks like ChicagoBoss, N2O, Nitrogen or Zotonic.

zduchac is too dumb to understand that