Why do (You) think there are so few women in programming?

Is it really because of a sexist and unwelcoming atmosphere?
Most nerds would love to have a woman among them right?

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Are am*rican feminists unironically paedophiles? Disgusting!!

Most women are not analytical, and tend to prefer jobs where they can work with other people. Why do more women choose to enter nursing than men?


Wow it's as if men and women have different interests or something!

They don't prefer programming.

Norwegian documentary called "Brainwashing" which hammers that point home (english subs)

Because in free societies women choose to do different things. Just look at math majors. Its almost 50 50 men and women. For math grad students though its almost entirely male. This is because all the women become math teachers.

Because there are already too many.

It doesn't matter.

Programming is, generally speaking, rough and unwelcoming occupation. As a programmer you are at intersection of math, engineering and business and you need to constantly balance between all those.

I do not care about coworkers sex, but whole modern feminism bullshit makes it a bit harder to work with females.

Modern feminism bullshit has poisoned the well in many ways.

women are too smart to waste their lives in front of a screen to make a machine obey arbitrary rules

True. They just need say 3 magic words to an unfortunate cuck, who has to waste his time in front of the screen in their stead.

Because programming expects you to study and train for years, all the while (rightfully) getting shat on by everyone because your code is shit, after which you'll eternally have to argue why you are worth more than pajeet, who can't use a toilet let alone a computer.
Nobody that doesn't love programming is going to seriously pursue it, and women are genetically incapable of love.

thing is, even if you don't have a vagina you can still find cucks who obey you and do things for you. It's called being an entrepeneur.

Same reason there are more men in mining and more women in teaching. Everything else being equal people pick something they enjoy. The only way to avoid it is to have the government force people into specific jobs to make the numbers look neat despite the people being miserable.
Depends. If I have a stake on the product I prefer not to as they distract me (unless they're ugly but then what's the point?). If I don't care however, yeah as they're easier on the eyes.

Women can love their children if nothing else.

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They do until they figure out how much of a problem is causes. Women are primarily concerned about the social pecking order no matter what the situation is. This is why they're so awful to deal with in the workplace and gravitate to positions where they have social power (HR). If you cross a woman in the workplace she will drive you out somehow, you're either going to get fired for harassment or she'll turn your co-workers against you. This isn't (((all women))) but it is the vast majority. Assuming a woman does like you at your workplace that will quickly turn the hate. This is the worst possible situation you can find yourself in at the job. It will not end well for you once she's set her mind to having you as more than a co-worker. Even if you turn her down gracefully you'll be signing your own walking papers because she'll use everything in her power to oust you once this happens.

It's simply impossible to be genuinely nice to women in the workplace. They either see it as a creepy attempt to come on to them and report your for harassment or they'll assume you're flirting and keep pushing you until you turn down their offer of a date and activate the hate. It's best to simply ignore them and get a job where you do not have to worry about women hanging around.

Guys own girls. Ummmmm isn't that a little sexist?


If you could choose between doing something as autistic as programming or getting married and just having sex for a living would you pick the former?

If you could just strawman or make a proper argument would you pick the former?

Look, there are plenty of intelligent, good-looking women out there that share my interests. I've dated a couple within the last year. I didn't meet either of them through work.

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Ugly. Beautiful grills are structures!
bool willGoOutWithGirl(girl* grill) {return !grill->ugly;}

We already had a thread "Let's prove Zig Forums that women can code too" and it was horrible with soyboys and even a fucking woman screaming about how capable their vagina is.
Thread pls die

Because they're being pushed out of the market by Indians that'll work for less money.

I don't think that word means what you think it means bud

strawman. isn't it obvious?

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And it doesn't even compile. Congrats ladies, you sure showed us who's boss!

This. My company no longer hires women after certain #metoo inspired incident in her social media. Basically what happened was one bitch was virtue signaling hardcore of "micro aggresions" and "toxic masculinity" she "experiences at work" which legit has no grounds whatsoever. Thank god boss is smart and just ignored it all, he knows what's up. Now everyone is pretty much waiting for rest of the ladies to walk themselves out as atmosphere is stupid tense.

Here's another question
Why do (You) think there are so many women in children care?
Here's another question
Why do (You) think there are so many men in oil drilling?

Because there's discrimination against men going anywhere near children.

Because it requires strength and resilience and men are stronger than women.

A better question to do would've been why pretty much all the greatest names in philosophy, physics and sciences in general are men and the answer is because women simply are not as smart as men. Thousands of years of evolution made it so women are valued by their beauty instead of their brains or strength and there's nothing wrong with that, it's just mother nature doing its thing.

Possible but you miss the point.
Yes but you still miss the point.
I wouldn't say smart. Woman's have their own way of thinking than men. I think that we are comparing something that isn't comparable because both thought process of the two sex are different. Of course that does not mean that none of them can't have similar process on exceptions.
I agree.

My question is that why are some woman or men are constantly trying to know who's the best ? Aren't males and females goals just to find mates and produce offspring's ?
I say that because the actual general climate goes against the most basics of our instincts (which is survival).

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because men don't like kids and teaching in general, and the pay is shit. that's all. Also, you get shit on constantly by self-entitled parents who think their special snowflake son failed because of you (while their kid has a blank binder and no textbooks).
Education is in the gutter right now at least in the 3rd world thanks to (((inclusivity))), (((welfare checks))), and (((no child left behind)))-like policies. You can't expel kids ever, even if they do drugs beat up their teacher because expulsion is "stigmatizing". Truth is, schools shouldn't put up with such delinquents at the expense of ruining everyone else's education.
Due to the former, most public schools are flooded with uninterested, illiterate niggers and drug junkies who attend to collect welfare, while white people opt for repetition, nigger, and druggie-free private schools which is bad because most private schools treat teachers worse than Walmart, jew you out of your money, and consider parents customers, so they pass their kids even if they don't know shit so they won't switch schools.
t. relative of teachers

most guys were into programming because they were socially isolated and had nothing else to do. otherwise they'd play football, have a girlfriend, and be CEO at nignog corp. now as of the last decade programming has become a fad and everyone is into it period

James Damore explained this pretty well, and his memo is backed by solid scientific evidence.

I think you got something mixed up there

They write documentation and make icons user. Sometimes they edit comments in source code. The development is all done by others.

Do the exact same then against women and you will be targeted for life.

Please go back to leftypol.

Projecting hard, I see. Men are more into programming because autism is almost a male only thing.

Tfw this is true

who cares?
not few enough

The program filters out guys over age of 22 and ugly ones.
Dating 20-year old children is outright peadophilia and ungodly thing in the Land of the Free!

On the contrary, if you actually read the image, you'd notice she is looking for guys equal or over 22 years old (which is her age btw).

Why isn't she referencing the age defined in her Girl class and instead hardcoding 22? Makes zero sense. She creates her new Girl object, doesn't set the age (what's the point of the method then, sweetheart?), and hardcodes 22. What a dumb bitch.

The fact that she creates a class and an object but doesn't actually use the feature set that comes with that garbage and just decides the hardcode the age of 22 is fucking retarded. This just serves as another piece of proof that normies (and most women) should get the fuck out of software development/engineering. How can you fuck up something so basic?

Because they all use thisUglySyntax()

Women aren't biologically capable of doing the hard stuff. They don't think quickly and have poor reaction time. They always need a "women's league" when competing with men. Trying to force them into roles they aren't any good at is stupid. They have an important and difficult job to do in raising the next generation and it should be obvious why certain people (psst it's the Jews) don't want them doing that.

Less women are social outcasts and it is usually social outcasts who take the time to learn about computers. When socially successful women attempt to break into technology with no knowledge or effort, they are met with reasonable ire which they attempt to bullshit away as misogyny.

There have been technically capable women throughout the history of computers. Don't conflate low incentive with being incapable.

Biological differences between men and women that everyone pretend to not exist.
Talking in the level of collective, women tends toward working with other people and men tends toward working with exact sciences (engineering, computer science, finances...).
It's good to have this division, if everyone was the same, many problems would end up not solved. But useful idiots have to tell women that they should do men's work because everything else is evil and patriarchal and doing men's work is freedom, but having babies or working is some other areas is female slavery.
Typical social marxists talking points.

women are niggers

it's hard to say for sure but the programming courses that I've taken over the years have only had 3 girls (more or less) in each course. For the most part 1 or 2 would wash out within a few assignments. The girls that stayed were usually women that didn't care about their appearance and would dress in t-shirts and jeans. they wouldn't talk to anyone and some would just sit there and read manga the whole class. watching them program
was no different from the other programmers in the course. they would sit there and hack away at the key board or sit staring at the screen looking for bugs in they're code.

of programming is what girls aren't willing to put up with. they are social creatures that like being out and about with each other. the few that are willing to sit at a desk for hours on end writing out functions are the same
that don't shower as often as they should and don't wear make up. they look like tomboys.

mostly had beta males around them do all of the work for them. every (EVERY) assignment was done as a small group or as a pair. some beta retard would nervously hack away as the woman would be on the phone and
occasionally ask the guy a question. watching that parasitic relationship take place in plain sight was something that would occupy my mind at night.
poor fuckers didnt have any kind of defense for such an interation
they would happily slave away coding only to turn they're assignment code over to these leech qts

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Heres a heretical thought (in the current year dark age): Perhaps the two sexes are not identical and are better at different things.

office jobs aren't manual labor

Same reason there are fewer women with autism.

underrated post


Every single software engineering job I've had except for my first has had at lead one female, but most two. I've always worked in close proximity to the entire department and never have I heard 1) male employees striking up inappropriate discussion or 2) making crass remarks to the females. I know I don't represent all workplaces, but I've worked with more male engineers than I have fingers and toes x 1.5 and you would think at least one of them would be cracking dick jokes, talking about tits, or degrading other females even on the "micro" scale.

The truth is that engineering requires a logical and analytical brain. This is what attracts males to the field. Females simply lack these attributes which is why they choose professions centered around care-giving or fields for which emotions are prime requisites.

Also, the code in OP pic SUCKS. Holy shit I want to rewrite it but realized I have other things I'd like to do.

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This. There are plenty of female chess grandmasters. Sexists btfoed

Also all female GMs are rated below male amateurs just like in physical sports

Pattern recognition is literally the definition of intelligence you stupid fuck.

This. Go is the thinking man's game.

Because it's a free fucking country and women don't want to be in programming so they don't. God fucking damn jesus cocksucking christ cunt why can't anybody fucking get the bull fucking pussy over it.

This new cuckchan wave is hitting pretty hard

Nuh uh, women don't want to be in programming because of all the sexism.
If you remove all the men from programming then women can reclaim it.

I work as a programmer in a fucking boring big company. Alla i do are programs about taxes and stuff. I work with females everyday and all i can say is that they are so fucking annoying and most of them so stupid compared to males. I hate them most of the time.

elaborate, how are they annoying you? are they also programmers?

They are more inclined to pursue something like gender studies which only really qualifies you for working in Human Resources. Or starbucks.

Because programming isn't fulfilling to someone with a woman-sized ego whos pride needs to be validated with compliments and positive reinforcement 24/7.

forgot pic

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Why are women so dependant on this shit?

Because they're women.

Imagine if a guy had written:
class Guy { private int age; Guy(int age) { this.age = age; } public boolean willGoOutWithGirl(boolean isGirlFat) { return (age >=16) && (age

It's probably because all the managers are business majors and they constantly harass the women to ask them why they don't feel welcome in the field. I'd hate being in a room where I'm constantly singled-out for being who I am and told I'm special just for showing up.

Then the soyboys have the gall to blame the "misogynerds" when it's their behavior that drives the good ones out. Worse, the women who just want attention and to get a free pass when their work sucks will stick it out because they won't be fired. Then women actually do get a bad reputation because all the ones there are the unqualified ones.


It's genuinely hilarious how popular media has been able to convince every generation of women that horny, young, usually less socially capable males just can't stand the idea of having more access to females who are interested in the same things they are.

I'm a carpenter and a welder. Guess how many fucking woman I see at my job.
Guess how many secretaries I've seen. I don't think I've seen a male secretary in my life.
It's just interests.

Would anyone even hire a male secretary tho?

or is this Java? I don't know I've never seen Java code before...

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Sain syövän.

I tried, but all male applicants were either faggots or otherwise mentally disabled.

Because women are too mentally retarded to handle it.

No matter how much this new wave of stupid liberals fumes at it, men and women are different (who could have guessed, different things are different?), and have different interests.
It happens that men have more qualities relevant to tech, and the nature of men makes them attracted to tech, whereas women are not only less fit for the field as a whole they are also naturally put off by it.

If I was asked why I'm not a nurse I'd answer I don't have an interest and I don't know if I'd be any good at it, and I can say most men think the same, but I also think women would be more confident in their nursing skills and they would be more interested in it.

Nurses are very important so why do they earn so much less than tech guys?

because there are more available nurses with the skills to do the job good enough to get by?

I'm tired of all of this women in tech bullshit.

A more interesting question these so-called feminists should answer is why our society is so quick to dispassionately dispose of male humans on the bottom third of the bell curve. The pussy-pass is a hell of a drug.


but dealing with children is hell

Because they legitimately suck at it. Programming is the process of making many thousands of decisions. Women suck at making decisions; therefore, women suck at programming. It really isn't that complicated.

women aren't shit at making decisions

see QubesOS

Attaching oneself parasitically to a beta provider doesn't demonstrate decision making skill. In fact, it demonstrates the opposite: a woman attached to a beta provider delegates responsibility for her wellbeing to the provider, freeing her from the responsibility of having to manage her own affairs.

I run QubesOS. Joanna is certainly better than average; but if you've ever spent any time in their google groups troubleshooting issues, you'll quickly learn that while she's the public face of the project, the real heavy lifting is done by the men behind the scenes.

Did you tell her that she is just a public face and doesn't do any real work?
Would you get banned if you did that?

More than likely. Stronk womyn who've made a career out of being stronk womyn tend to be allergic to truth. But it's not like she's incompetent or unskilled; just that if it weren't for the fact that she is a woman, there would be nothing to differentiate her from the crowd.

I have fixed the code. Girl's age is private and not accessible by Guy. Girl's virginity is private and not accessible by Guy. Cupid chooses to inform Guy of Girl's age and virginity, because Cupid is the initializer and knows everything about both of them. Guy's ugliness and richness is public because he's not a liar, and freely provides them. Through Cupid's configuration of Girl, Guy, and the information provided to Guy, Cupid can control the outcome of the matchmaking.

public class Cupid { private boolean girlIsVirgin = false; private boolean girlAge = 22; private Girl girl = new Girl(this.girlAge, this.girlIsVirgin); private Guy guy = new Guy(true, false); Cupid() { try { guy.willGirlGoOutWithMe(girl, this.girlAge, this.girlIsVirgin); } catch (ThotException) { System.err.println("Caught ThotException: " + e.getMessage()); } }}public class Girl { private int age; private boolean isVirgin; Girl(age, isVirgin) { this.age = age; this.isVirgin = isVirgin; } public boolean willGoOutWithGuy(Guy guy) { return !guy.isUgly || guy.isRich; }}public class Guy throws Exception { public boolean isRich; public boolean isUgly; Guy(isRich, isUgly) { this.isRich = isRich; this.isUgly = isUgly; } public boolean willGirlGoOutWithMe(girl, age, isVirgin) { if (age >= 22 || !isVirgin) { throw new ThotException(); } return girl.willGoOutWithGuy(this); }}

not enough men willing to do their homework.

Lack of interest.

What suggests to you these are private class? I'd think by either docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/classes-and-structs/access-modifiers or wideskills.com/java-tutorial/introduction-to-java-access-modifiers that these classes should be accessible by at the very least(if this is Java), classes in the same package.