Cicada 3301 thread

Dump your ideas and techniques for ARGs here.

Ideas: PGP, Prime cracking, Steganography

Attached: Cicada_3301_logo.jpg (405x246, 11.62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Which one of these program is the best for steganography?

The last puzzle has still not been cracked after 4 years. Is there any indication that this is possible or just an incredibly sophisticated troll attempt?

Well we should assess puzzles from 2012 to 2014, and also other "side" puzzles like Tengri and "red triangle". And there are more of these puzzles coming our way.
Reddit has them and the techniques are getting more sophisticated.

It's not something worth solving if you have to collaborate with reddit in any way, shape or form.

Cicada 3301 is also on Reddit, so...

Better to drink yourself to a stupor.


Yes if you want to learn Capture The Flag or Cryptography


It feels so scummy but I'd do it for $6,000 a month.

Same psyop you get on MK Ultra like the animal print psyop that turns people into sex kitten

Why can't Zig Forums make an ARG?

what is q

Please refer to about Q, I meant real 8/pol/ and excluding cuckchan or reddit

Anyone who claims they solved cicada 3301 is lying. No one has gotten to the VLT/JMP puzzles yet or the geocaching puzzle. I was involved with the making of a lot of this autism.

Also there will be no new puzzles. The main website that it was run from (strategic intelligence network) is down and the owner is missing, along with the gpg key needed to sign messages and give out additional clues.

Its a dead meme and I hope it fucking dies, and everyone forgets our failures.

Attached: Clownpiece_191_Cry.jpg (600x700, 400.73K)

If you want some cool ideas for puzzles, here were some WIP ideas that were being tried before things fell apart:

There are more but I can't be bothered to remember them. If you guys want to start your own Illuminati or some shit then you can make some puzzles.

Attached: 109affef8a0b05f0d9fff9b64816948ee64397e4.png (141x388, 9.33K)

Thank god, user. But nobody have the answer key? Nobody can walk us through the process?
Just kill the Libre Primus with the solution!

You want a serious hint? Libre Primus is a red herring, and is meant to explain the ideology of the group to new members. Remember this is an Illuminati style organization (I mean in the literal Bavarian Illuminati sense, not the take over the world sense).

If you still want to go after the rest of the puzzle, then go back and look at stuff relating to the disk. Eventually you will hit an onion address, where things will immediately stop because the host (ecatel) got sued for unrelated reasons, and transferred all of their services to a new company. While there is a backup of what was on that server still around, the private key for the onion address was lost.

Attached: 7f46870ab6bd4e79fdf3ffc6ae34f99d7259a6ca7d5532552ae4a9ebaf523517.jpg (472x357, 12.08K)


Well that is a lost cause then...
no answer key and no way of understanding ciphers...

It was meant as a distraction or diversion like during the time Tiger Woods quit during golf rumors (extreme caution).
Some weird shit happend during the Cicada meme like the cats cradle / reality hacking and tampering.



Attached: xchar-lenore.png.pagespeed.ic.lTzwz4IPCV.png (435x458, 178.54K)

if cicada 3301 was so bloody interesting, why isn't there a cicada 3301:GOTY edition?

Cicada 3301 is how aristocrat leftists identified relatively smart techies to pay them off to destroy tech by designing censorship systems. Fuck those niggers.