Thread for discussing:
* editors (Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator etc)
* file formats (will we overcome XML and text formats?)
* direction vector graphics are taking
* why aren't we using SVG on infinitychan?
* animation
* everything else
Also is there anything like this vaporware?:
2D Vector Graphics General
Other urls found in this thread:
Where's the Krita of vector graphics? I can't even imagine doing any real vector work with inkscape.
Best thing I could find is the adobe illustrator but it makes a giant mess with billions of points.
You need to pay 6 million shekels and your soul for Illustrator though.
You have to pay your soul at minimum.
Krita is garbage for vector graphic.
Why does inkscape have so many bugs? The latest 0.92.3-3 version freezes so bad and it's unusable . I had to revert back using version 0.92.1-5 so that it doesn't fucking freezes very often. I've seen their bug report counts in their website and the list are enormous. Are python made software always this bad?
He said "of" by which he means a program which is good at what it's supposed to do.
Nobody seems to be interested in it's development. I wasn't even sure if 2D vector graphics is worth a thread with the current situation.
Yes, sadly
I have a question, does anyone here do icon design? I am designing a custom icon pack for android with AI CS6, and would love to see ideas for making my workflow better. How do you deal with making minimal changes to hundreds and sometimes thousands of icons?
I've heard of "linked" content in Illustrator, and I've seen Icon designers have a workspace open where they have the icon on different backgrounds to see how it looks, how do I make something like that?
Also, why the hell does all the AI files from FOSS icon packs have so much clipping masks and redundant layers?
What they probably meant was linking images instead of embedding.
What you probably need is "Symbols"
And no I don't do icon design.
What's the appeal of Illustrator? I've been always using Inkscape and I can't say that it's lacking something (other than a few bugs here and there)?
Inkscape in it's current state is more like MS Paint mixed with a Webbrowser
Just like how Apple has a certain appeal some of us can't understand.
Elaborate, please. Is there something that SVG can't do in comparison to EPS?
No this is the only Adobe program for which I haven't seen a better program yet because of the low demand.
Inkscape has no mash tool, no gpu accelleration, is painfull to use etc
I wouldn't say that but the editor is too text centric it keeps track of the DOM the entire time. No wonder it's slow.
We need something that does graphics instead of internet link bullshit and "integrates perfectly with HTML5, the ultimate everchanging nonstandard!"
Some programs do that, I guess it has some compatibility reasons. For example if you copy paste something from Adobe inDesign to Illustrator, it'll get an extra clipping mask on it for no reason.
Whut? Python only works as a host for scripting, nothing else.
Have you tried Affinity OP?
Wew. This isn't raster graphics thread.
True but I've seen a certain tendency for python scripts to not work. It's because of the scripters that's clear. I don't know either why python scripters suck so hard.
Oh you meant Affinity Designer
Inkscape has quite possibly one of the worst user interfaces on the planet, to the point where I honestly thought it was missing features at first.
I was able to figure out gimp, photoshop, krita, and yes, illustrator, in a day, and was able to master them in about a week. Inkscape, meanwhile, is still a fucking mystery to me, even though I've been trying to figure it out for months
Are you mentally deficient, or just an Adobe shill?
Is this EVER going to get better?
NeWS was vector as well.
Surprised no one noticed that bitmap graphics are quite useless. Vector graphics are literally the future. Scales with all device sizes, it beautiful on non-nigger screen sizes (bigger than HD).
Vectors are only good for very specific cases, and usually that case is either a logo or icons for buttons. As soon as you need to have any kind of complex shapes/coloring, vectors start to become shit.
The only reason you'd have that opinion is if you're a websoy developer posting from macbook air.
Go back to Instagram
Are you even trying?
You clearly haven't done any professial graphic design. Vector are THE standard. Raster is only done for concepts or finalized products that have one single specific size.
Either that or you have a toaster that can't handle more than a few nodes.
OP here. I'm not sure what the fuck you're talking about. The only thing which is held in 2d vector graphics at the moment en masse is logos, simple flat shape "images" and printshit design of the ever shrinking print industry.
I'd like to see something a little bit more professional than SVG or propriotary shit formats which can handle some amount of complexity.
What I would like is a proper non-text open source format(then we don't need rounding bullshit; float = 32bits = 4bytes in file) that can handle animation and stillimages. The material to prove it valuable is already there. Think of all the flash movies. And a proper implementation making use of modern hardware.
SVG at the moment can't even handle more than 1 fucking gradient per surface which means you have to stack duplicates of the same surface on top of each other to achieve even the simplest things.
Apart from it's security issues by allowing CSS and Javascript it's not even uploadable to infinitychan or any other imageboard I know of.
Let me guess: You're a printfag posting from a macbook running Adobe software other than a cracked Illustrator?
It's called PostScript. ;-) Seriously though, your GUI toolkit's native API, whatever the OS or DE, already has a native format for this.
And nearly all GUI art is actually drawn in vector before being exported as bitmaps.
Aren't vector fonts old hat? Used in literally every program ever made.
You looked at APNG?
Pic related is from wikipedia.
CSS is granted, but AFAIK JS won't be allowed if it's embeded in a
Why would it need to if vector is such a god's chosen perfect format like you claim?
< JavaScript is disabled.
< External resources (e.g. images, stylesheets) cannot be loaded, though they can be used if inlined through data: URIs.
< :visited-link styles aren't rendered.
< Platform-native widget styling (based on OS theme) is disabled.
>Note that the above restrictions are specific to image contexts; they don't apply when SVG content is viewed directly, or when it's embedded as a document via the , , or elements.
Fonts are one of those very specific cases, in fact a raster font would barely count as a font at all.
On a special note, fonts are often rasterized into a spritesheet of sorts and drawn from that instead of drawn from the vector data directly, because vectors have hard time being transformed and are slower to render.
Because the programmers of most software are too retarded to support it, and clients on most web projects not to mention a lot of webshit backends, like this site's have an irrational fondness of GIF/JPEG over decent formats.
Yes, Satan, that's one among many of their advantages.