So, how did you like the EU hearing?

So, how did you like the EU hearing?

Attached: 1527063275048.jpeg (730x486, 27.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If you made a thread about it, at least care to explain, give context and info about what happened.


Trusting government with means of protecting privacy is like trusting your neighbor with fucking your wife

Zoggerboig was still alive at the end of it, so there's a cap on my affection for it.

Wew privatize everything fuckin gubmint thugs, private contracts and the NAP will solve everything! And blockchain! AMIRITE?!

we need to get rid of goverments, all goverments, and corporations that treat every human living as herd, every corporation big enough that it can be called faceless (facebook counts too)
we need to go back 500 years, destroy everything except printing anything, and stay like that forever

Faceborg and services alike, the government tries to "protect" you from are capitalist in their nature. Avoid them in the first place, then there would be no data to leak, to sell or to protect.

we need to live like fremen

EU asked more hardcore to-the-point questions, Zuck did the same as he did in the US: many words no content, "time is over, thanks for having me".

The Chad.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-05-23-11-51-29.png (1280x720, 436.09K)

Don't bother. Facebook is the perfect mouse trap. Put something the goyim really want there, social interaction, and when they gather like the brainless cattle they are harvest everything and sell it to everyone. Goy data is big business, and the goy frields are ripe of the picking.

if (((EU))) is involved it's guaranteed to be shady business somehow
but this thread is probably full of mutts who don't understand that Brussels makes social media look pro free speech

Now this is shitposting

What are you on about? The EU is the one that's trying to force "refugee" quotas on europeans countries that don't want them. It's jews all the way down in the EUSSR.


Ursula Haverbeck The Hooton Plan And The Migrant Crisis:

Buncha bullshit as expected. Faceberg didn't address any questions directly, just made two "speeches" near the beginning and the end, full of false promises, blanket statements and somesuch.

a nazi hag blaming le joos?


now fuck off back to pol plox

It's okay to be ignorant, user.

EU did good.

I hope they break the social media robber barons.

pic related is literally you.

how old are you? fourteen?

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You're colored alright


he's the man

even if his glasses are the face of death that can be forgiven

Are there any "written answers" he promised either during the US or EU hearing? I can't find them.