What do use to write documents and why?
I used to use LaTeX and I liked it, but it's a fucking pain in the ass to install and update with its texlive cancer. Makrdown is nice but it isn't really suitable for writing academic documents. I've heard about R markdown but never really tried it.
Minimal academic document writing language
You're meant to do that once in your life.
What's so troubling?
I'm a minimalist person. If there's nothing better I'll probably use latex, but if there is a simpler language I'd like to use it instead.
For academic writing you should be using LaTeX.
If you're going to write academic documents you should use LaTeX, if only because everyone expects it.
But you don't have to write it directly. Try org mode.
org mode is a painless markup language built into Emacs that exports to LaTeX (and through that, PDF), HTML, and other targets. You can mix lines of raw LaTeX into it if you want to (not shown in this screenshot). The syntax is pleasant, and the syntax highlighting is just powerful enough to show you what you're doing without hiding what you're doing. It's incredibly versatile, but simple to use.
A lot of people switch to Emacs just for this.
I don't like Emacs. I use either Vis or Vim on the machines on which I was too lazy to install Vis.
Is there a minimal latex compiler you'd recommend?
Then use Spacemacs.
Just use plain TeX then you turbosperg
markdown is useless bullshit. might as well just use HTML at that point
How does TeXmacs compare to AucTeX or orgmode in emacs?
You know, I really hate people like you. The person that made this probably came from using Windows, saw that Vim and LaTeX are popular/recommended, and so a month later he pukes up this "absolutely dank" image. I recently made a post that denudated this idiotic belief that new GNU/Linux users have (Luke Smith being an example) that somehow using GNU/Linux makes you "ascended" and "superior" and that everyone else is a "cuck" - the *only* good aspect of GNU/Linux is that it is free software. The ecosystem and software quality are pure bile.
What do I use? mg + *roff.
I didn't make the image, I just looked for something semi-related to the subject. Calm your tits.
Could you be more detailed about mg+*roff?
It sucks how much technical debt you accumulate, especially at the beginning. Tutorials suggesting 'just use this package' a la node.js pajeets are everywhere, making it a pain in the ass to truly learn. And then there's faggots mixing plain TeX primitives with LaTeX and not explaining shit.
That said, it's quite comfy once you get used to it. Especially if you bother to refer to actual reference material (e.g. LaTeX Companion, or whatever) and learn the proper way.
Not OP. I've tried Emacs but haven't got very far. I just can't stomach chords. Especially anything involving CTRL and AltGr.
Just the regular pdftex that comes with tex-live is less than a single MiB big. I don't think you'll have a problem finding a minimal compiler.
Have you rebound caps lock to ctrl yet?
If you like vim's input, give Spacemacs a try.
Vim users, at least in my experience, like not only Vim's input but its plugins and its configuration syntax. Vim has some kind of a language with its keyboard shortcuts that once you master is very difficult to live without.
Emacs's extensions and configuration syntax are almost objectively better than Vim's. It was designed to be a real programming language.
Vim's keyboard input syntax (editing language), on the other hand, is replicated by Spacemacs.
Interesting. Might be checking it out. How minimal is it? (I use Vis, which is a minimal, plan9-adherent Vim clone)
It's a pleasantly elegant computing environment in the Lisp tradition of "the right thing" (as opposed to Unix's "worse is better").
But if you approach it like it's a text editor and nothing else, it's the bloatiest thing you've ever seen.
It's not at all like Vis, but it's probably like nothing you've used before, so it's worth trying just to inform your opinions about minimalism.
The text editor part of Emacs is temacs, which is a few hundred lines of C. Everything else is elisp, which you can script very easily.
I'm a rather minimal person. I have a few computers in my house. My most bloated setup consists of Void with i3, st and firefox. The rest are Crux, Sourcemage and LFS machines.
A few hundred thousand.
A lot of that is platform-specific code that won't run everywhere, of course, and a lot of it is the extensive in-line documentation.
Emacs is, in many ways, an operating system.
you don't need to swallow all of spacemacs if you just want vim-in-Emacs. Just add the melpa package repository and install evil-mode from it. spacemacs is a ton of stuff. evil is just a really good vi mode (better than viper and whatever the even worse one is).
I especially like how evil-mode shows you how a s/// will affect the buffer as you're constructing it. Much nicer than vim.
I thought that on startup, the extensions are loaded into temacs and then the core is dumped as the new emacs executable, is this wrong?
yeah that's wrong unless you mean "on the very first startup" or "before the build system is done with emacs". Emacs doesn't undump every single time. That'd be annoying for various reasons.
This is becoming a text editor thread.
A lot of the essential elisp is loaded and then dumped into the executable during the build process, purely to improve startup time. Other extensions aren't.
It was a borderline shitpost anyways; the only real options are troff, LaTeX, and R markdown.
consider LyX
That's the point of markdown, to be compiled to HTML
Lyx is a LaTeX frontend
Do you have any recommended resources or documents from which I can learn about troff?
No one's mentioned asciidoc yet
I'm writing my own Lisp and I took the same "just include it in the ELF" approach for the bootstrapping code; in early startup there is no standard library, and this built-in code provides essential I/O functions (written in Lisp itself) so that the language may load more code and eventually host programs.
I wrote an S-Expression -> Lisp object compiler that generates a C source file with the functions hardcoded into them in an already-parsed state. Is there a better approach? How does Emacs do it?
TL;DR: Use reStructedText (reST), convert it to LaTeX or PDF
Markdown is a shitty hack made by a guy who wanted to generate some HTML. It's OK for what it was meant to be, but (as usual) people came in and started stretching it beyond its limits. It's lacking in features, ambiguous, has no formal standard and every implementation adds its own extensions.
reStructuredText is pretty much Markdown, except without those problems and with the features missing in Markdown. Furthermore, reST is a very regular language, its main features are inline roles and blockwise directives. A role looks like
Euler's identity says that :math:`e^{2πi} = 1`, which we can implement as :code:`e ** (2 * pi * i)`.
As you see it's always the name of the role, followed by the content. You can also set a default role so you don't have to type its name, only the content. A directive is a blockwise element:
We can also wrap it up in a function... code-block:: python def euler(i): return e ** (2 * pi * i)The result of the plot can be seen in this image:.. image:: plot.png :alt: Plot of a graph
Directives can take any number of arguments and a block of content. What makes it cool is that this is all a uniform system and you can implement your own roles or directives.
You can convert reST to LaTeX (and thus PDF), HTML, or whatever it is you want to publish your work as.
However, if you really need control over the typesetting there is really not much of an alternative to LaTeX. I guess you could write a custom LaTeX template for use with Pandoc or something like that. The same goes if you want to use a lot of math, there just is no alternative.
Emacs runs Lisp normally, letting it build up a bunch of data structures in memory - extensions to symbol tables, function definitions, etc. Then Emacs take the memory that all of these structures are in and dumps it to a file, and (probably) includes that file in the Emacs binary so that it gets loaded into memory on launch. Subsequent runs of Emacs then start with all of these complex data structures and compiled definitions already in-memory, with no need to reconstruct them.
Smalltalks and Forths (and Common Lisp implemenations) do very similar things. It's an obvious optimization to consider if you would otherwise have to do a ton of CPU work at the start of your program.
lol @ all the time ur wasting actually typing in latex
groff's me macros always worked nicely for me in terms of academic writing. Your system ships with it already too.
For writing I use Markdown and StarMath 5 type annotation for equations.
Both are easy to read and write without any highlighting, while not interfering with the content too much. This means I can consistently use the same writing style on a computer with any text editor and on paper.
Still, highlighting is cool so I made this style to highlight Markdown in Notepad++ with the blackboard background color:
As good as any.
Bleh, a scanned book. I'd rather read the groff manual on a terminal instead.
Typed version
And the -me macro
Things get a lot easier if you use your right hand for Ctrl and Alt keys
Things get a lot easier when using a mouse to navigate within long text.