I'll start: NixOS
Obscure but good linux distributions
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No. Just get used to Ubuntu, because that's ultimately the distro you'll end up on.
What makes a distro "good", user?
Bet you can't answer that, huh
Umm void was pretty fun! but unfortunately it may be dying >_<
How about alpine! It's a super secure and tiny distro that could be used for routers, docker containers, and servers. It uses Musl libc, OpenRC, and busybox. Only downsides are things maybe not working for a desktop because of the musl libc, and it not having manpages and making it excessively annoying to get them.
How about MX Linux? A systemdless desktop distro based on debian and AntiX. I think it uses sysvinit.
And of course can't forget Devuan, which just recently caught up to Debian. It's Debian without systemd pretty much, although it offers an OpenRC option now as well as just sysvinit.
Wouldn't ProteanOS be a better option for an embedded use-case?
is this a joke?
kys yourself
Everything just works on musl. Stop spreading fud.
Okay, I'm braindead. I still don't see the point of using software like Firefox on "minimal" operating systems - it feels viscerally wrong
Slackware has become somewhat of an "obscure" distro over the years (even though it's the oldest distro around).
what browser would u recommend?
bonus points: has to be one that can actually load most websites fully. No terminal browsers.
It's not my fud.
Have any of the ponyfuckers who wrote that actually used musl or do they just parrot what drepper has told them. I haven't even touched a non-musl based linux distro in years and I have never seen a segfault at runtime due to it. I have seen build errors because of the shit practices bloatlibc propagates but they are always an easy patch if the distro hasn't already provided it.
Probably SeaMonkey, but it's basically old firefox (which was still not great). Aside from that, NetSurf, Dillo, and Mothra can load CSS but not javashit. Maybe surf or Luakit (is that still alive)?
Absolutely NixOS. It's the most anti brainlet distro out there. Based on a Ph.D. Thesis, almost impossible to break by accident, full rollback, reliability and declarativeness. Traits that practically no other distro (or OS) except GuixSD have.
Rust can go fuck itself
A good package manager.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
- Slackware based.
- No systemd.
- ONE APPLICATION PER TASK! This is big. No clutter. The only relevant distro that does it.
- XFCE and MATE editions available (two best DEs)
- Live CD / USB with nice graphical installer.
- Additional software made specifically for Salix, such as the Sourcery slackbuild manager.
Then you haven't tried to use many nontrivial programs on musl. Musl is fucked for anything that isn't a mainstream package
it's not dying in any way
OwO what’s this?
Hardened Gentoo.
Nah, at worst they'll have to move from Github to another Git hosting service (preferably their own).
irc issue is solved and they have another domain, so the last thing left is changing repo because they can't add new devs
void was working without juan for 5 months and still is. even today i updated gimp do 2.10.2, so it's far from being dead
They just bought voidlinux.org
This place really is garbage.
NixOS all the way, I know it's been mentioned in this thread already, but it deserves another upboat, there's also GuixSD if you're that far into the anti-systemd/stallman/lisp meme.
also gentoo but is it really obscure at this point?
Solus is the only desktop-worthy Linux distro. Ubuntu is the "full package" Linux distro, and Alpine is the "production server" Linux distro. Of the three I think Solus and Alpine are lesser known.
I love you! UwU
I like that you mention Alpine for production servers. I really hope it does gain popularity in that space, as it could break the current Systemd almost-monopoly there.
Austrumi os.
ShrineOS rewritten in brainfuck
(quadruple checked)
Fucking GET! That idea sounds fucking genius too, it would require an IQ over 300 to make happen
Also Funtoo is pretty good and obscure enough imo
NixOS is very cool. I played around with it and almost chose it, but various autisms tipped the choice to Gentoo and it's simply too comfy. I'll probably put it on any additional box I set up.
NixOS sounds cool and all but the entire aison d'être just doesn't grip me. In all my years using Linux this "BSOD" tier meme where installing an update breaks everything just hasn't happened.
What about GuixSD?
I second Alpine Linux. Also, Source Mage GNU/Linux (aka SMGL) sourcemage.org
so, is salix bit like more modern version of slackware?
isn't that ded, tough? (or at least in life-support)
But he is right. some programs do break on musl due to glibc being worse
but cuteposter is literally the only tripfag who isn't cancer
have you ever tried to do an release upgrade on Ubuntu?
stop lel, every single time I hear about someone using void it's "help this program doesn't work in musl!!!".
no proof
I haven't either. That's what interested me back then, but now I'm more interested in the declarative config for server setups. Rollback would just be nice to have in case I screw something up in the unfamiliar environment.
qutebrowser of course! Its a minimal browser that's pretty cute as well owo~
I actually migrated away from Gentoo to NixOS. Unlike with NixOS you have to maintain a Gentoo installation and try to keep it fresh, whereas NixOS verifies system integrity with every new build of a generation.
UwU hi friend!
I like that qutebrowser is minimal and uses vim binds, but I kinda wish it had adblocking other than the little hosts-based thing. I like all my little FF privacy extensions like decentraleyes and privacy badger they make me feel safer from botnet meanies.
I think once GNU Icecat gets updated to the new ESR I will switch to that.
We all need to use bare metal squeak smalltalk.
I actually enjoy maintaining Gentoo, but there are so many variables that after two PCs I never want to have to do it all over again. But if I'm going to trade that for convenience, normal distros just don't have the autistic depth that I need. NixOS looks like it could.
Gentoo is for hardware nerds. Is Arch a good balance? I'm still a Debian faggot.
You could say that, but the one app per task separates it from any other distro. Weird how no one else has made this logical choice, instead throwing as much trash in their distro as possible...
I've been using Salix for 5 years or more, still sticking with it.
i run gentoo on my netbooks
I didn't use Arch long enough to find out what it's good at.
Still in development
systemd is great if you're a system administrator. normal users don't need it's (helpful) functions.
This is a huge advantage of NixOS. Within an hour I had a perfectly identical operating system when setting up my new ThinkPad using the Nix declarations I already had for my desktop. Things like this are what I find to actually be revolutionary. Really no other OS is as powerful as NixOS in this regard.
like what?
the advantage of NixOS vs a usb stick?
scp user@desktop:/var/lib/portage/world /var/lib/portage/worldscp -R user@desktop:/etc/portage/ /etc/portage/emerge -uvDN world
With your approach you'd have to go through the usual Gentoo installation procedure, carefully making sure you set up everything you did exactly the same as on your other computer. It's not declarative at all. It also ignores all other configurations a daemon, service or program might have. It's not reliable or fast either. NixOS takes care of that from the Bootloader all the way to user and desktop application level. Instead of SCP you could either git clone your nix system declaration or use NixOps to deploy the system remotely. NixOS rarely if ever fucks up, if it did, you can do full atomic rollbacks. Even unbootable systems are easily recoverable since each system generation gets a snapshot-like entry in GRUB to boot from. No need to boot up a live dvd and troubleshoot. Can Gentoo do that?
read -erp "Enter preferred root password " rootpasswordread -erp "Enter preferred username " userread -erp "Enter preferred user password " userpasswordmkdir gentooecho -e "o\nn\np\n1\n\n\nw" | fdisk /dev/sdamkfs.ext4 -F /dev/sda1mount /dev/sda1 gentoocd gentoobuilddate=$(curl -s distfiles.gentoo.org
You're way too obvious with your shilling. I'm never going to try nixOS because of your desperate attempts to shill on Zig Forums.
The system should be libre/free software by default.
Spoken like you're just liking what everyone else likes. If you can't see the HUGE benefits a declarative system approach, plus a secure way to handle packages for everyone using a repo that verifies packages and dependencies, plus the ability to roll-back or garbage collect your system then you're hopeless. Enjoy your Debian or Gentoo.
Yeah, no, this is some serious systemd-teir bullshit. systemd was shilled the same way.
and those were just bullshit excuses for Red Hat to gain control of the Linux ecosystem. I'll gladly stick with Gentoo, I don't need this gay shit, I'm not a retard who needs Linux with training wheels.
Here, I found a picture of Gentoo user teaching a nixOS user how to use Linux.
imo Arch has been going downhill for past year >look at its IRC channel
Gentoo is way better imo
Why? What conveniences does SystemDick have over other init systems or traditional init scripts?
NixOS works with systemd but systemdick doesn't work with separate /etc lol
Funtoo. Basically a faster Gentoo. No downsides to using it, only downsides for Gentoo. I feel bad that people still use Gentoo tbh
Faster in what way and why?
every way. installation, installation of packages, removal of packages, option to compile a kernel without needing to configure it, ect.
Well that was short lived.
Oh (you).
qutebrowser is the best all around browser
thanks for proving my point, fag
Install GuixSD
No thanks.
You have four different devices. You install some programs for, I don't know, data synchronization, so you need to deploy it in all four, and it requires some configuration. What do you do, manually include the package in your gigantic memeportage package list script and a here-document to manually generate/regenerate the required config files? Okay, that's an option, and it probably requires more writing than doing the same in NixOS, but whatever floats your boat. But that's assuming you planed forwards to this. Say, you have a single machine where you installed and configured all packages willy nilly in place, and you want to replicate most of it somewhere else. What do you do? With NixOS you are covered, with Gentoo you would have to hunt down all relevant config files and packages and note them down one by one.
It's like saying, why write a setup script when you could just build an iso and deploy that in every new device? Sure, you can do that, but it's not convenient. I really don't get why would you voluntarily do shit as inefficiently as possible just because you decided to latch onto older memes because that is the sign of an oldfag or something.
Are you the same faggot who complained about uBlock/uMatrix and bowed to keep using AdBlock/NoScript like a retard just because you were suspicious of people recommending superior software? I am sure you are also one of those guys who shitposts all day about how computers are dying and new software is all shit. When presented with new quality software, you put your fingertips in your ears and scream loudly just to have an excuse to keep using Firefox 4,
sudo bash
Are you aware that alpine is made by people who have a fallacious way of thinking ?
[citation needed]
This. I use qutebrowser at work and home on Wangblows, Loonix, and Mack. Werks great on all of them.
Nah, you can manually type in the changes every time you add something. Do you even think before you post?
Package freedom and powerful tools that makes life easier. So far, only Gentoo and BSD meets that criteria.
Stable as fuck, never experienced any issues.
Parabola, what arch should've been
g++ main.cpp -o myproj -lpthread
Musl is a problem
Should've happened anyways.
stallman worked on it
Full transparency with the community.