If you had one month to learn how to be as productive with Emacs and GNU+Linux as possible, how would you do it?

If you had one month to learn how to be as productive with Emacs and GNU+Linux as possible, how would you do it?

hard mode:
and yes, i've installed gentoo and completed the emacs tutorial, while working through a couple of the various manuals atm (GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp

Attached: Emacs-icon.sh.png (650x650, 35.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Replace emacs and gentoo with vim and debian if you want to be productive. Purge everything you know of LISP from your mind. Physically unplug from the internet.

nice projecting m8. Just because you use it unproductively does not mean everyone else does (namely myself). Further, you're assuming I have regular internet access - I don't.

Anyway, why do you think I should use Vim instead? The comment seems intended to start a flame war - I'm rather set on Emacs due to it's ezpz extensibility, and org-mode is absolutely amazing for my needs. Perhaps you simply don't understand the power potential in mastering emacs and gnu/linux?

You idiots were already BTFO in this thread

Does mister lisp meanie use emacs?

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I wouldn't worry about it. I didn't back then and I've simply gone around picking up what I needed. Over time I've caught up a lot. Don't waste yourself in memorizing the manuals, they are there for _reference_, i.e. going to check up on something you don't quite remember or haven't used yet, using it and then continuing on with your life.

Emacs is self documenting, it has it's own manuals built in. Read them (I assume you have started), and practise with it.

why even post? we obviously have different needs and use cases, and for mine, mastering org-mode, emacs and gnu/linux would be exceptionally helpful. Further, I am not attempting to memorize manuals, and I don't know why you think I am.

Thank you for being the first poster to offer decent advise. In the OP I do however mention that I have begun working through the manuals. I have also been practicing with them, which I did not mention. If this is the best way to learn, then it looks like I'm headed in the right direction.

I would like to become a true emacs wizard asap

Emacs and Vim are shit. If your text editor doesn't naturally teach the user itself, its garbage. Nano is simple and effective. I don't need to learn some weird IJKL interface to use it.

That's a toy, not a text editor.

i h8 this place

Use ed, the standard text editor

I love you!

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i luv u 2 and was just looking into ed, acme and sam, but I truly would like to use emacs as an extensible computing environment (especially in org-mode), not just text editing - I doubt any of those other editors offer anything near the functionality of emacs org-mode.

This guide is better: cottagedata.com/utils/ed/ed.html

And I work, not larp as a hacker.

no one cares


I would find a knowledgabre user to help me out. As a beginner, you won't even know how to search for what you are looking for. You probably won't immediately figure out elisp right o ff the bat, so you'll be a little confused when writing your "configuration file." A more experienced user can also recommend some packages you should install to make life better.

Of course I do.


That's the best you can do. As with learning any complex system, learn the basic kernel of functions you need to get started, and build up the complexity as you need to understand more. Aside from the manuals, each emacs function has associated documentation, you can search names of functions, and even get the system to explain the function associated with any key binding. I wouldn't start with the indention of "learning emacs", rather, you should work on another project and learn emacs as a consequence, that will guide on which parts of the editor are worth learning and which you can naturally postpone.

Others may disagree, but I recommend staying away from things like spacemacs (is that even still around?) and learn vanilla emacs.

Ye shall know them by their fruits. How widespread are these editors with the people who produce reams of code and not LARP? How far have they spread into foreign lands?
I have code in both.

Ah, BTFOed by the cat-v lolcow. Wow, I've been exposed. Good job setting me straight, user.

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I'm not sure which manuals you're referencing, but Info-mode is bound to C-h i, and it documents basically every builtin Emacs package, and function. Also, please, for the love of God, take this thread to /emacs/.

argumentum ad populum
Regardless, it shows to me that emacs users are more satisfied with their editor that they don't need Visual Studio where vim users' editor is not sufficient so they use Visual Studio.

I was just about to say that.

I hate to stir the fire because I honestly don't really care, but notwithstanding, it's also less of a testament to the popularity of Emacs v/ Vi and more just a testament to people's preference for a Vi editing style. Or you could go even further and say that Emacs users are just more flexible among IDE's, had they the misfortune of being forced to use one. It could also represent Vi user's willingness to migrate to other tools when confronted with the limitations of their Vi clone. The former-most isn't even valid because Emacs has multiple editing paradigms, including a Vi mode and God mode.

I'm curious, what OS do you use? Where are you posting from?

Oh, you're one of _those_ people.

Just make sure to read through the manuals/tutorials/guides, setup a key translation layer, and set your custom key bindings under C-c {a-z}. The default key bindings are so strange.

Most Emacs keybindings are mnemonic.

On my desktop: Gentoo + Xorg + BSPWM
On my laptop: Gentoo + GNU Emacs

For my laptop, I live entirely in emacs as all I typically do is programming and some light web browsing. On the other hand, I use X on my desktop as I have three monitors hooked up to it. AFAIK Linux don't support anything but mirroring all the screens when in a vtty.
Also keep in mind that I don't represent all the Unix haters on the board. I think there's three more other that me

I thought there was only one, the guy that did nothing but quote that book and emails in code blocks. I was wondering since the only options I could think up are either unix-likes or propietary garbage.

Mental poison. A blazed trail is easier to walk.
For Windows development, you do. Even if you hate it. It's tangled up and tied in in so many ways to so many things it's not an option for anything but trivial dev. So you use plugins to replace the editor component as a compromise.


So Vim users are also proprietary cucks. Good to know.

Wrong. I have had success in using gcc / g++ for compiling my applications for windows. I've even had success in creating dll extensions for programs which only support them being created in VS.

i just use JOE lol

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I have learned GNU Emacs from just using it and reading its excellent documentation, mostly. Use C-h m , C-h f , C-h k

If there is something specific that I want to know, I use CuckCuckGo (search the web) I also recommend the GNU Emacs reference card and/or the survival guide: gnu.org/software/emacs/refcards/index.html

Boku no editor desu.

I actually run ed inside GNU Emacs (M-x eshell) ;^)

I second this. Spacemacs meme just adds a lot of packages that you probably don't even need and you are better off learning and configuring GNU emacs in small, manageable chunks.

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I think that I we can all agree that VSCodefags are the worst.

My choice is vim. I could never understand emacs command bindings.

since this is now an emacs general, what's the best way to sync files from my phone?

I just need to be able to clock-in/clock-out, adjust agenda items (TODO, calendar dates) and keep a rolling list of text to append to my main files. All of this can be done offline and exported afterward, I just need a way to do this via iOS or Android

There is literally no reason to make a general when you have your own board. And to answer your, org-mode is for macbook toting hipsters whose heads are so far up their ass they think its sane for dialogue windows to be controlled by their own popup mechanism rather than pop-to-buffer like literally every other package.

What I told you is to pick it up as you go along, as told you and learned it.

Emacs 26.1 Brings Double Buffering To Reduce Flickering, Lisp Threads, 24-Bit Colors


How is this different than linum-mode?


Linum mode is slow on huge buffers and has some other assorted issues that were apparently enough for someone to reimplement line numbers in core.

I've already tried it out and seems to work identical minus the fact that the line number column now is based off the amount of lines visible and not the amount of lines occupied. For example if you only have 1 line, it will have the column be 2 characters wide because if there was a line at the bottom of the screen it would take 2 numbers to represent it.

There is literally already a thread about this, you imbecile.

Explain to me why you should drink milk, and none of that 'it's good for your bones' stuff

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This isn't an Emacs general. Also, there's an entire Emacs board so your whole post is moot.

Enjoy nothing working because your software is two years older than than the versions you are expected to have.


Ed is so user unfriendly it isn't even funny. Why not just use ex instead?

This kind of threads shows how there is nearly no real programmer on this board.
People don't seem to understand that any emacs user know how to use vim in the big lines, because that's what you use on foreign server.
It's just pure circlejerk, because no one seems to have anything worth to add to the discussion.
I'll not even talk about the [kool] guys, who truly would need to get banned. They're acting like 14 years old on some random online forums.

Samefag, Op is a just a montruous lazy faggot who don't seem to have achieve any real work in his life.

There is literaly at least 20/30 extremly detailed and weel done tutorial about the exact question the author of the thread ask for on the clear. But he's so much of a fucking assisted that he can't search for himself.

I'll not even ask where the fuck are the moderators.

Or maybe he wants to k oe which one of those 30js the best.

apt-get install gnome
dnf install gnome

We need more gay shit like these

People don't use emacs anymore. It's very unpopular and you'll find this out the moment you discover any problems.

Categorically untrue.

Attached: trends.png (1161x570, 117.42K)

Your own chart shows steady popularity. Am I really supposed to be shocked that editors with lower barrier to entry are more popular? As the world produces more javascript programmers it is natural that easier browsers will have more users. Your notion that more users will result in an easier time with problem solving is also untrue. It's the standard signal to noise argument. BSD distributions have far fewer users than Ubuntu, but the average user is for more knowledgeable (and able to provide useful help) in the former case.

Another fault, is this Google trend is based on searches. Since Emacs is self documenting, a user will spend less time Googling how to accomplish a task.

Its the largest search engine on Earth so even if that was true, you'd still get a significant enough sample size to see obvious trends or more educated approximation

Here have another graph if you are finding this so hard to believe.

Attached: editor_trends.png (1162x541, 58.38K)

Sad. [Switch tactics] Do we even care if it's popular with the biracial addle-brained millennial crowd? A lot of them are "what's a computer? tier" stupid, and these days, you can even be hired as a programmer despite not even knowing what memory allocation is. I hope quality over quantity wins out.

I also looked up this, and some of oldfags are opining the state of these trends on reddit


We've literally had three threads about this. Please fuck off to your containment board.


Not to mention debugging even for other languages is usually very consummate. Usually, the rare difficulties of debugging in Emacs come from poorly-designed projects.

You clearly have never used Emacs in your life, or you would realize that Tramp not only makes this completely redundant, but is a far superior solution. Most of outsiders' dismissal of Emacs is founded out of sheer ignorance of the thing they're criticising, something a competent person would be ashamed of.

It's not that I don't use emacs, it's that I wasn't knowing that tramp (the truth is that I'm too much used to use the command line).
I'm actually not a programmer myself, nor working in IT at all. But I stfu and don't make bullshit thread. I prefer to read and learn for the one who knows.

In the past, the only thread I made asking a dumb question has been met with a rtfm and the thread locked. That's what I'm just saying. Allowing such thread is making the general level of the board going down. I'm not even talking about the faggots meming about unix, or just fighting for/against lisp machine/lisp without never ever having touched common lisp or racket in their life.

about tramp*

ok *giggles*

Be careful, user. You could get heart attack if you get that much cholesterol ;)

Charts aren't always accurate, user. Perhaps there are more incompetent vim/sublimeme/atom/VS Code users than there are GNU Emacs users? ;^)
Pls try GNU Emacs for a week. You might be pleasantly surprised. But if you prefer vim over the Self-documenting, Extensible, Real-time display editor then that's ok, too. In terms of editing speed, GNU Emacs and vim are essentially as efficient.

Attached: Pico.png (703x394, 301.32K)


I'm not quite sure what you just said, but I'm sorry for scolding you, user. I was being too dismissive.

Argumentum ad populum.

I can't get EXWM to boot in Alpine. Since you run Alpine, I was wondering if you could help me. You do use EXWM, don't you? You are a real Emacs user after all and not a poseur, right?

It's ok. I was wrong about emacs users using mostly vim on foreign servers, and I was talking like I knew how it was done. So you were actually right.

Personally I don't like tramp. Since I live in the third world country America, my internet is slow. Whenever you save, it blocks and you have to wait for it to upload the new version of the file. Since I like to save often this gets annoying. I end up just using emacs directly on the server. If tramp could save files async, it would be much better.

Actually I use OpenBox. But I just tried exwm, and it just worked. First, ofc install xorg:
Remember to install fonts and video drivers. Then just add the default config from exwm user guide (github.com/ch11ng/exwm/wiki) and add following in your .xinitrc (copy it from /etc/X11 and remove the exec lines)
exec emacs

Attached: dbf8ea2eaaf6.gif (500x500, 842.19K)

Yeah, it sucks that tramp is slow by default, but making a local /tmp/ cache will help. Also, using a more low-level protocol like sshfs.

Thanks, Shinobu.

You should develop some numeracy skills instead of raping kids.
Fuck off with your editor wars cancer.

In an argument about popularity you cretin.

An argument that you instigated in order to gauge the merit of Emacs.

In what fucking universe the number of user is an argument, especilly for tools like emacs?
Most people are tech illiterate, and the great number of programmers are pajeet using tools the college they were in told them to. That's why a great number of american faggots use apple.

And "the editor war" is actually more of a game, a circlejerk than something else. Both editors are great, and both are worth to be known. Especially for emacs users. Vim is easy to use.

nah that would be me pointing at the graph and saying oh gee could emacs itself be the cause of this. But obviously that's not allowed. muh phallacy

Most people are into sports, cars, music, movies, tv etc. Y'know pointless normie shit. Meanwhile you are using a text editor.
If editing text is your hobby then sure but why stop there what about ed, sam, acme, kakoune, joe, nano, vis just think of how much it worth it would be to know all those obscure editors.

You are effectively admitting that your argument is completely baseless.

lol you emacs fags are something else

But that's exactly right. Ignoring your half-assed strawmans, you're misusing data to create the illusion of ethos, and you haven't even clearly stated your point beyond what other people have already called you out for. Technical accuracy means absolutely nothing when the underlying logic is garbage. Even flat Earthers are technically accurate to a certain capacity, if not more than you because at least they're being being adversarial towards a physical phenomenon no lay person ever has to care about to a practical extent.

lol of course the tard who opens with muh strawman proceeds to then bring up flat earthers.

That doesn't contract from the core if my point. If my reference to Flat Earthers is somehow glaring, it's only because of your own insecurity.

M-x package-install RET evil RET


hey thanks user!

I didn't even say anything in this thread other than the OP btw, so I guess emacs just triggers you? I searched plenty before posting as well, but answers from tech are nice, and this .

and, fwiw, I've learned a shitton about emacs and org mode since posting.


I used Emacs for some time, but now I'm going to switch to vim since I now use the dvorak keyboard layout and had enough of the dumb keybindings which weren't ergonomic and didn't make sense.

Anyone have complaints over the vim keybindings? I have yet to use it, so I don't know about any retardation as of yet. I'll likely just remap everything to my own liking if I don't like what I see. I just need to know the most common shortcuts used so I can have those keys on home row for convenience.

So you are willing to rebind keys to use in vim, but not willing to rebind keys to use in emacs?

Well the thing with emacs is that you always have to be holding down some other key such as control or alt. It's like playing Twister on your keyboard. I heard that vim works differently by using these things called modes, so I'm willing to give it a shot.

The key combos are still present in vim, because they have combos for doing special actions in say insert mode. Like CTRL+x+f for file name auto complete.

I use a few different editors, but what keeps me coming back to emacs is the quality of the language modes (or plugins if you will) and of course the extensibility.


It's funny, because I was using vi in a live medium recently with Dvorak, and it was astonishingly easy to operate, even despite years of avoiding vi. Before I started using Emacs, I switched to Dvorak and had a hard time using vi. I knew that Emacs had keybindings that worked better and scaled better (because the bindings corresponded to their functions; e.g. C-f is forward-char) across different keymaps.

It worked fine. Actually–and I wrote this in one of the resource pages on >>>/emacs/, but Emacs is more inefficient with simplified Dvorak, so I quickly switched to Programmer's Dvorak, which fixed the inefficiencies.

When I tried vi again recently, I went in with the same mindset I had with Emacs, where "j" corresponds to the "function" downward-char, and it was seamless! Obviously, not as intuitive, but Emacs' keybind logic is portable and resilient, and isn't universality over convenience a fundamental tenant of Unix philosophy? In that respect, Emacs really is the Ultimate Unix Editor–rivaled, of course, by Ed.

You should be doing the opposite -- vi was designed around QWERTY; Emacs keybinds are mnemonic. You may find 'C-b' for going back a character awkward at first, but since Emacs uses chords, the fundamental difference is that chaining commands is easy. This also means that Colemak, Dvorak, Workman, and all of the other hipster layouts work like a dream. Can you properly use the modifier keys? A lot of people I've known always use Shift on their right side and Ctrl/Alt on their left side -- you should *always* alternate them. Another user mentioned Programmer Dvorak; I also use it -- it's much better than ANSI Dvorak.