Alex Jones Sits Down With 30 Year Old Man Evicted From His Parents House
I am posting this because I have a sneaking suspicion that this could be helpful to a handful of posters here. It's tangentially tech related, as this poor sob wants to be in Zig Forums, but doesn't really have any direction, or motivation in life. Enjoy!
Alex Jones helps a NEET
Other urls found in this thread:
holy shit it's real. i can't believe he was willing to come on
Why the fuck has some random faggot getting kicked out of his house become some global story? This shit happens dozens of times every single day. It's clear that some narrative is being pushed and this story is far from organic.
Kill yourself retard
this is the point alex is making in the video.
kill yourself jew
At least break your link you fucking dumbass.
jews phear the NEET
Just copy+paste and stop being a sperg.
Because most 30 year olds don't take their parents to court over the matter.
He is surprisingly bad at making decisions. Just look at his CNN interview (or the fact that he sued his parents for not supporting his ass into the grave and beyond)
he has a kid too lol
jonestein gave him 3 grand to show up on the show. neet thanks him for getting him out of his parents house and paying his rent.
I fucking love Alex Jones! I don't care if he is controlled opposition and that he is a huge asshole, the guy is just a great entertainer. The only reason I don't watch his content is that 99% of the times he is either painfully wrong or talking about shit I actively do not care about.
Likewise. I'm just glad that he exists.
if he is controlled opposition he is likely treasonous, which seems unlikely-- I would bet on greedy person who wants to have a monopoly on alternative talk and health products. I could be wrong and then that would be a big news story.
If you like the work of Alex Jones, you might also enjoy the work of William Cooper. His Mystery Babylon Series is pure shortwave radio gold.
He even put his money were his mouth was, and died in a firefight with the cops over a minor tax issue.
alex hooking him up with some
during his show too.
This. And it's easy to find on youtube still.
Hahahaha I thought you were kidding. Did he set him up with a nice water filter as well?
I tried reading Behold a Pale Horse and some of the conclusions were too crazy for me. That said, I appreciate his contributions to the militia movement, the "conspiracy" community and right wing skepticism of the government in general. I'll check out Mystery Babylon.
It gets really good about 25 minutes in. Alex starts forcing redpills down his throat and he gets nervous and starts asking for water. The live replay is fucking golden, holy shit. Put it on .5 or .75 speed for maximum keks.
chat replay***
Sorry to triple post but this is easily the funniest thing I've ever seen in years. Watch the whole thing @ .5x speed!!
You don't know what a Zig Forums thread is. Some guy getting kicked out of his house has FUCK ALL to do with Zig Forums.
If you can't control your autism then make a 100 threads in >>>/g/
All the Alien stuff is just him trying to make sense of things he saw in the Navy. He later understood what actually happened and distance himself from the UFO community.
Drink bleach faggot. You don't even know what addressing modes are, you're not qualified to police this board.
Jones looks like he's about to pull out a gun and shoot this guy in the face.
yay another shitty thread that couldn't go to the 100 different Zig Forums boards.
He looks like the commie faggot from youtube
i'd fucking evict the cunt as well
yay another day that this person is alive
said no-one
Sounds like this segment cut quite deeply for you both. You can pretend it doesn't exist all you want, but you eventually have to leave the safe space of your mom's basement.
Maybe because over 90% of the users of this entire site fit his exact profile?
I'm not gonna watch the full thing because I've seen enough in the first 5 minutes. Good on Alex for treating the issue with respect, but then the cuck chimes in with "I think I'm doing as good as I can, uh.... I don't think there's really anything wrong with the things that I've done" - stopped watching right there. The entire problem stems from idiots like this and their complete and utter absence of self awareness. There's obviously something wrong (or extremely right if you're a robot) with the things that you've done if you're getting featured on Alex Jones for being a 30 y/o NEET.
Here's a breakdown of the video in case you don't want to throw away an hour of your life watching a boring video that a paid shill from Alex's staff was instructed to post on this board:
No no no, you start the video @ 52:45, where Alex tells tells him that his father found him to be "emotionally weak" and watch this faggot completely freak out and fixate on that, asking, "SO WHAT ARE YOU BASING THAT ON?" and completely ignoring anything else that was said before or after that, until Alex awkwardly ends the interview. Oh and watch it on 0.5x because the cadence is that delicious.
That's why you do something else while the interview plays in the background.
Alex forgot to ask him the most important question:
Who is best pony?
Daily reminder that (((Alex Jones))) is a fakenews actor.
This news is a psyop perfectly timed for those with Jupiter Square Saturn Aspect.
Don;t fall for this psyop.
I would like to know more.
TPTB are afraid of too many men going incel and dropping out, especially white men who keep the infrastructure( as shitty as it is) running. Every site is being flooded with this kind of subtle propaganda. On Hacker News its about excessive 'self criticism' which hinders success but ultimately the same thing. They want you to marry the 30 year old slag whores who would not give you the time of day when they were 20. They don't give a shit about you so keep on being the NEET guy you are.
What is Cooper's conclusion about UFOs? Just a military project?
It's true. The Jew wants whites to be not only a global minority (which they are), but a minority in every country in which they are/were once the majority. They don't want to eliminate whites completely, however. For practical reasons, they want whites as engineers, technicians, chemists, low-level accountants (the Chosen People will handle the big picture accounting, tyvm) and the like. They also want whites as prison guards, foremen for crews of mostly mixed/brown/black laborers, etc. For less practical reasons, the Jew doesn't want whites eliminated completely because they enjoy defiling "shiksas" so much. Or little white boys in the case of queer Jews.
They envision a society in which Jews are the top 2%, whites are around 18-20%, and niggers and other brownskins make up the rest. After the next automation revolution, however, they'll genocide most of the mudskins, and they'll only keep around the whites they need to keep the machines running and as concubines.
Hacker News hasn't been worth reading for almost a decade. It's probably all androgynous bisexual millennials now, who think javascript = computer science. I used to hate slashdot, but I'd take that audience over the HN crowd any day.
The point is not whether Hacker News is worth reading or not. Also, this pic is a gem I found from HN a few weeks ago.
Daily reminder that programming is not computer science. Computer science doesn't stop being computer science when you use Javascript.
Take a reading remedial comprehension class.
Wouldn't surprise me. (((Someone))) is spending money on inculcating white hatred amongst the blacks too.
*remedial reading comprehension I'll take it too
I was going to tune out about the same time you did but left it on for background noise. I think he got through to the NEET on some level and near the end the NEET shows he can think for himself. Even started calling Alex out on some shit. Still it's mostly Alex just rambling about unrelated shit and not worth your time.
People born around 80s-99s may have that aspect or similar aspects with similar effect. It is during those planetary positionings that such phenomena could be observed (not the planet astronomically literally influences you but it's only used as a coincidental marker in the sky like spring becomes mating season on plants and animals just because its the best season to be out or how daylight makes people awake is because of sunlight not the sun's position).
Most people born around that time frame have inclined creativity or in jupiter sq saturn aspect case - they become very disciplined and indescisive almost unable to act that lasts until they are 30 y/o (wizardry as they say).
Naturally destructive aspect calls for a reason and it's your job to find it out yourself but I can only tell that most of them are either artist or a true altruist while most are often seen as autists
..and autists are mental inclination (but also proportional inclination with mental disorders that's why it's a double edged sword)
I have that... and sun/merc square saturn, merc/sun opp jupiter..
Am I the chosen wizard?
Zig Forums is a board of peace
"computer science" degrees are a joke. programming can be turned into a trade school. you can train someone from zero to being able to write halfway decent C code in 6 months.
computer science should moved more towards Electrical Engineering with a heavier emphasis on computers, processors, IC design, etc.
the way his hand is it seems like he's actually holding on to a pistol he's wearing
I'd like to remind what I said before, programming is not computer science. Furthermore, computer science isn't about computers or computer programming. I really don't care if I meet a trained computer scientist who says that they are poor programmers because programming isn't the point of computer science. The essence of computer science is in theory about any kind of computation. The essence of computer science is a discipline of mathematics and it can be taught without ever touching a computer and without ever writing computer programs.
So they can go back and point a finger
oy vey look at this hate board
I remember another board had a "moderate" poster he always got "fuck you" posts
Then we had the zog spammers, they never got them ..
So this fuck you posting was a game to victimize him.
No, not a placebo. hooktube minimizes what google sees and is able to do. all google can log is a get request with a user-agent string, (just spoof the damn thing)
using hooktube also prevents google's cookies and JS running on your computer. meaning no ads or suggested content. diminishing google's power and influence while leaching bandwidth from their system.
Well maths are easy as well... unless you are a dumb woman or a Nignog.
Now I understand why he made 10^9 videos dismissing Peterson as a leftist shill, classic downgrade and replace move.
Thank god we found you, because we have some unsolved problems to resolve.
Why do you trust hooktube? Who runs hooktube?
What else is he going to use? Hooknosetube?
are you retarted? they can still log your ip address and the request and add it into their database. the exact same thing the javascript has. using hooktube still hits jewgle servers.
quit being a lazy fuck, rip it, and post it for others so they don't have to hit jewgle themselves.
hooktube is only acceptable for longer videos where re-encoding wouldn't make sense due to the 15mb max file size
jones is such a shit talker
torsocks youtube-dl
Compressing a 1 hour interview into a 15mb webm, that'll turn out lovely.
Except he said it was 18, and since he went right into media, literally documenting his life, he's pretty easy to track.
RIP Zig Forums
You have to leave your parents house user, I'm sorry but you do. It's a rite of passage. Perhaps it might even cure your Zig Forums derangement syndrome.
As some lazy unmotivated fuck, this gives me hope. Thanks user.
Not him, but how do you actually do that? I didn't plan to become a NEET, but things just kind of turned out that way naturally.
Adulting is really hard. Maybe you NEETs would feel better after an hour or two of Bing! Wahoo!
Even then I would still be living in my parents house. Maybe you forgot a step???
feel relief that you will never be such a useless fucking comatose neet that you're kicked out of your parents' house at 30
Well first you get a job, and then you have the money for rent (hopefully not for long) then a mortgage. If you aren't addicted to porn, you will want to acquire a woman to satisfy your needs, and you can't really do that if you're living with your parents. You also can't be a fat slob.
Then it'll all just take care of it self.
Also "work out" doesn't mean "join a gym". There are plenty of things you can do in your house, and getting a set of dumb bells or kettle bells is probably the cost of a month membership anyways. The only thing you need a gym for is the squat rack, but you'll know when you need it.
I'm in a similar situation as you and I don't feel guilty about it despite all the attempts by my peers. They constantly joke about how I've never had my own place even though I did for some time and decided it was stupid to pay rent to some jew and live off noodles. There was no freedom because any time not spent slaving away for money was spent sleeping in a run down slum.
I moved back to the farm last year and have never been happier. I take care of my elderly family members, hold a part time job for spending money, work on various things that I hope will eventually lead to a big pay off, run the farm/gardens, and spend most of my cash on stockpiling ammo/building guns instead of spending it on drugs and entertainment. I have over 500 acres and multiple houses coming my way in 10 years and a plan to use those resources so I'll never have to work for someone else again.
Meanwhile all my peers are barely making it and the highlight of their week is getting drunk in the same bar they've been going to for half their life. They only call me NEET because it makes them feel better about their situation. Some even resent me for having a farm "handed to me" as if I'm some slacker that never put in their time on it. They'd have farms too if their family hadn't sold them all off a generation ago to some slick talking jew.
This all boils down to the fact that young men are starting to see the game and have decided to stop playing by the rules. The jews are mad that more of them aren't slaving away to pay rent. Also, notice how no one ever degrades a woman for staying with their parents. No one would dare speak against a woman moving back home due to financial reasons, lack of employment, or just begin a NEET. Women get a free pass, women are even allowed to move back in with bastard children without facing any shame. If they're so equal and able to take care of themselves how come so many are living at home sitting on their asses while their parents raise the kids. It's never their fault, in fact, it's the fault of the "dead beat Dad" that didn't earn enough or put a good roof over the woman's head.
Statistically men are the earners women are the spenders (look at any marketing research, they always try to cater to women except obvious shit. If the goyim suddently start not giving a fuck anymore, it will fuck up the economy. Need that cycle going. It's going to be interesting where this fuckery goes. Either ostrasize all men who aren't buying into the bullshit as losers and terrorists so they comply, or introduce some sort of "bachelor" tax, because obviously women are weak and can't do anything on their own. Which is amusing, because feminism is always telling us "stronk independant womyn don't need no evil menz".
That and the fact we've been entertaining ourselves to death with all the TV/Internet/etc. The US was powerful historically due to the fact that we held oratory and rhetoric in writing as the highest value. Today its who;s best looking/ shock value.
Great advice, you should take it up yourself.
Too bad there's no hope for curing your downs syndrome however
Pretty weak retort to be honest, would you like time to come up with something better?
Pozzed browsers like (((Firefox))) automatically follow links in pages as if you had clicked them, by default, unless you know which settings to change in their sekret config. Please kill yourself. Not for not knowing, but for being so arrogant.
The hypocrisy of these sick fucks is pathetic. They are beyond saving.
this has nothing to do with tech nigger. everyone and their dog wants to do a tech job today
fuck off idiot. breaking links is just as dumb today as it was in 2000, to prevent the referer [sic] header from telling the linked website where we came from. why would we pander to firecuck on Zig Forums which probably has the lowest ratio of firecuck users out of the whole internet
what the fuck is youtube? it makes no difference to me whether you prefix your url with "youtube" or "hooktube".