Mozilla is removing 'meritocracy' from their governance docs because meritocracy is 'problematic'
tl;dr SJWs get triggered by meritocracy as niggers and people with untreated mental problems can't code for shit and can only compete if they get more points for not being white.
The discussion is still ongoing but it wasn't started by some low-ranking faggot so they'll probably remove it.
With this anti-quality trend continuing we may end up like in the days when there was simply no free alternative to most closed-source software, and instead of Microsoft's tactics finally succeeding it'll be because we accepted every pull from LaShaniqua without checking if it works first.
Mozilla is removing 'meritocracy' from their governance docs because meritocracy is 'problematic'
If someone 20 years ago had said tech companies would wage a war against meritocracy I'd have thought they were tin foil hat tier crazy. And yet here we are. Kill Jews.
They just keep finding more ways to lose. Nerds don't care about any of this stuff, only some combination of performance, security and privacy. It's best to ignore Mozilla now, and let them die their slow death.
Anyone who advocates for the removal of meritocracy and in favour of diversity should be forced to get surgeries only in hospitals that follow the same ideals. Good luck with your gender-reassignment when it's carried out by Dr. Laquisha.
Did you see that video going around of Dr. Negress twerking in the operating room?
why is chrome marketshare going UP???
When you've hit rock bottom like Mozilla has, then you lose all agency to appeal to any masses because you realize its futility, so you stop giving a fuck, run things your own way, and show your true colors
Since that counter likely counts user agents, it could include Chromium and the like as well. A lot of non-Jewgle browsers even use Chrome user agents for some reason. But overall we know deep down Chrome is a browser that just werkz and most appeals to former IE users and normalfag-tier former FF users
Total market share has to add up to 100%. If the market share of one browser goes down, other browser's will go up.
Chrome isn't committing suicide at the hands of Pajeet or Tyrone's girlfriend's husband.
Tune in next week for twerking down at the nuclear power plant.
This is off topic but people who make graphs like that deserve to be non-fatally shot in the groin. I'm colorblind and as a result the only fucking line I'm sure of is IE's blue one. Choose strongly contrasted colors, dumbfucks! That means light vs dark! Argghh, pastel art faggots!
On topic... let natural selection do its thing. Let Firefox die its death. We have Pale Moon to replace it, for now.
Does inverting the colors work? If so you can run xcalib -i -a.
They're removing the word, because its meaning has recently shifted. Meritocracy now doesn't just mean judging by merit, it's become strongly associated with people who say that doing that means making no effort to adjust for biases. That new meaning is not in line with their actual policy, so it's better to drop the word.
This line is critical:
They're removing the label, but not the existing substance.
It's a shift in language more than a shift in policy.
Holy fucking shit it's almost like the market has absolutely no standards and everyone embraces garbage
FIDF has arrived
When will this shit stop?
He's literally immediately criticized for that and quickly backs off apologizing.
Meritocracy is bullshit anyway, but who cares Mozilla is long dead now.
Then you're not cut out for a career in Zig Forums.
There are people who make a career in imageboard trolling? Is this the rumored shill that I keep seeing here?
This is all the proof we need that Firefux is a bad browser. They allow bad programmers to contribute for affirmative action reasons. Even if you agree that affirmative action is good, it still objectively means the code will be worse. Of course to make this argument is "problematic" because it magically implies I'm racist or something even though I'm not even white.
What do you propose instead? Feudal programming? Meritocracy is just a redundant buzzword but there isn't really any useful alternative.
It's 300k starting, any board you want.
Hello shlomo. Keep your grubby marxist paws away from my dictionary.
Works breddy gud for the Linux kernel.
it shouldnt, its just a fucking philosophy you dumb fucks, work around it or fuck off
The irony is pretty funny, I agree. Hopefully I won't die from the colorblindness though. :P
sage for double off topic
Sane people: We should hire people who are most QUALIFIED to do the job.
Mozilla: That's only something racists would do.
I'm genuinely surprised we don't have this board.
Just use Chrome if thought policing is more important to you than software freedom.
Meritocracy is a meme, especially nowadays as social mobility is at its lowest since the end of WWII.
People born from a richfag vagina stay rich, those born from a poorfag vagina stay poor, and it doesn't matter if they are smart or retards.
If you are a smart young poorfag, your family won't be able to pay for college, daddy won't fund your business venture, you are more likely to have untreated mental illnesses, you won't travel to learn foreign languages and make contact with richfags around the world, and so on.
The only way to rise from poverty as a smart poorfag is to become an engineer, and even then you still have to work instead of paying people to make decisions about your portfolio and dining with old money in NYC or Paris, pretending to be busy. But if you don't get into STEM, your potential will likely be wasted on a menial deadend job.
We live in a new Gilded Age. If you believe that the current world order is meritocratic you are either a dumb cuck, or a trust-fund kid justifying your inherited wealth.
And Mozilla are dumb too, because they think it's a matter of peepees and skin color. The only thing that matter is what your parents and their parents had on their bank accounts when you cried as you left the comfort of your mother's belly.
This is how Open Source dies. Embrace the pork. Be the pork.
Windows 10 is such a hunk of shit I wouldn't even ironically shill it.
Guess what, intelligence mostly comes from your parents too.
fuck off commie.
The only people I've met in life that had enough agency to learn programming without hand-holding or financial incentives were white, and most of them were displaced from the industry as they weren't PHD tier.
white men need to quit being doormats.
We need a big push to accelerate the destruction of the software industry.
Everyone wants you to do the hard work for free while their POC monkeys and women get paid to destroy the social order and buy more consumer garbage.
I've been thinking of a modified GPL that has intentionally offensive text in the license, so only people with a spine will use it.
I was going to go for "no fun allowed" but I did not expect this to be made in the middle of surgeries.
Even if I like the idea the license wouldn't be valid juridically speaking.
Multiple reasons:
-Per default browser on smartphones.
-Third party per default installation on every piece of most used software on windows (ccleaner, avira, avast, µtorrent, adobe etc....).
-No Speed Limitation when using google chrome on google websites (youtube and google search engine).
-Tons of small bullshit illusion hack to make it seem like it's faster.
If it is installed like a malware, behaves like a malware then it's malware.
looks like glow in the dark nigger infiltration
And richfags don't have any merit.
We don't have the same definition of meritocracy I think.
Yes and there's no merit to have everything spoon feed to you.
Yes it's called merit of your own work.
Nobody said that.
Please don't use that sort of emotion scheme.
In some countries for example in France the heritage taxation is so big that you own more to the government than what you legally inherit from your family (except for very rich fags).
There is not "one" thing that only matters, the reason for "success" depends on your own expectations if you deem that having a small house off the grid with a few crops in the forest to be a successful life then it's fine for you.
Merit is not judged by what you have X but by what you have done to have X, a richfag who won at the lottery doesn't have any merit for his fortune, same for the kids who gets a few thousands from his parents.
Not in the way you think.
Does this graph even cover the time FF killed their plugins?
There's another term for this.
This is irrelevant to software projects.
Meritocracy, in software project sense, means that code is judged just by its technical excellence.
Meritocracy, as defined by you, is out of jurisdiction of software projects. You should get your government to fix that.
I don't know it.
Not giving a hand to your offspring isn't good either tho there must me a balance between spoiling the shit out of your kids and givings them nothing.
I was describing how things are today and have always been since Ancient Greece at the very least, not giving a definition of meritocracy
What does 'merit' give you anyway? My mom worked her ass off all of her adult life and has a lot of 'merit' according to your metrics. What did she got in the end? Minimum wage and a broken back. Fuck 'merit'.
Il se trouve que je suis français et que j'ai touché un héritage une fois dans ma vie, mon gars. It's bullshit. Tax redistribution is what allowed me to go to college and get job training in tech so I won't have to work hard like my mom did, thus I won't cry if our government take 40% of your 2 millions euro inheritance. What is making me mad is that my government use all that money to give it to corrupt corporations and set the Middle-East on fire.
You are getting it
Sure, but when you want to something DIY like this nowadays, the government will do whatever it can to push you to invest some money in useless shit. You can't build your house as you wish, even if you are bothering absolutely no one, on your own land.
Yes, but when 'merit' and working hard don't give you anything more than slacking off, it's end up being an useless concept to uphold. Such is the case in our modern societies.
Sorry for the off-topic. I agree with meritocratic principles in software development, I just wanted to rant.
That's what hackers have been doing for few decades now
Working hard isn't really "merit". If your job is something that can be done by anyone.
Et transformer la France en Afrique est A-okay? Mec, y'a bien pire que les corporations. De plus, la "démocratisation" des universités les ont totalement dépossédées de toute qualité t. ancien CS de Jussieu.
Anyway, you're retarded, because all you're saying isn't that meritocracy is bad, only that you've never seen it. Doesn't mean that it's not good if you can use it (software development with a BDFL can do it easily).
You sure? What if only the defined terms are changed? Example, from the GPL;
could be
Pas tout le monde a le mental pour aller se casser le dos dans les champs agricoles pendant deux décennies. La plupart des femmes que je vois en ville seraient incapables de faire ça. Elles péteraient un plomb au bout d'une semaine. Même moi, trois mois dans ma vie ça m'a suffit.
Okay t'es un mogol de Zig Forums du coup, tu devrais prendre tes médocs.
Quand on a eu un empire colonial qui incluait le tiers de l'Afrique (et qu'on leur a appris notre langue), faut pas s'étonner que les locaux ait envie de venir profiter de nos belles villes et nos beaux salaires, plutôt que de rester dans leur bidonvilles à se faire exploiter par les Chinois. Je sais pas mais ça me semble logique.
Si ça te fait chier tant que ça de voir des Maghrébins et des blacks dans la rue, va gagner de l'argent et bouge dans les quartiers de bourge parisiens, ou pars à la campagne.
Comme quoi?
T'es jamais allé en formation dans le privé toi. En ce moment, j'apprends à devenir dev, c'est financé à moitié par Pôle Emploi, et j'ai eu un cours sur Java où on a appris comment faire des applets, là y'a quelques jours. Je déconne pas. Et ces clampins font payer 2500 boules pour 5 jours de cours comme ça.
En plus là, qu'est ce que tu défends Macron? En ce moment, c'est le bordel, et j'ai vu qu'ils avaient mis en place un numéro vert là tout à l'heure...ça fait pitié.
J'ai jamais eu de problème avant avec admission post-bac, et jamais entendu parler d'un problème grave, et Monsieur Jupiter là vient de nous sortir une réforme de son cerveau trop complexe qui fout la merde dans toutes les facs au niveau national. Bravo. Avec une gréve des cheminots en même temps. Tu trouves que c'est bien gouverner un pays, ça?
Non c'est toi le pédé dans l'affaire
I've used WTFPL for some stuff, like game mods.
You should emigrate to Sweden, you'd fit right in there. That's the kind of failed state France will become if useful idiots like yourself have their way.
Ta gueule sale pouilleux. Ça parle pas français et ça viens me dire comment gérer mon pays. Éhonté.
La gauche c'est une tradition française de toute façon. Que ça te fasse rager ou non, petite victime qui se rêve collabo, c'est la vérité.
Sur ce, je dois aller me coucher.
As if you were a programmer. If you were, you would simply fork it and start developing it yourself instead of crying about politics you aren't actually subject to.
Shut up kike
Yeah, and get promptly platformed for not being inclusive enough.
"Oy vey you can't write code unless fifty niggers and trannies can put their name on it and take credit for your work, goy, and even then you'll have to make a statement about how bad colonialism was"
Who cares? What they going to do, boycott your fork?
France also has a tradition of being white and christian. I guess these small details are lost on you. Can't say I'm surprised.
De la chance de faire l'un des seuls métiers satisfaisant (fullfilling, pas vraiment de mot en français). Mais la méritocratie dans la sens politique ne veut pas dire donner le pouvoire aux paysans valeureux, et de toute façon c'est pas ce dont on parle.
Oui, les parasites parasitent. "Logique". Nous les avons conquis par la force et sans ça, ils n'auraient jamais atteint l'âge de pierre alors que nous avons plusieurs hauts et bas pendant ces quelques milliers d'années où ils ont stagné. Si tu pense que la destruction démographique de l'Europe est juste, t'es vraiment plus con que tes pieds.
T'es fou? Mais oui, je parle avec des X ou des trucs comme ça, tous n'est pas à l'eau, mais l'université a définitivement perdu son status d'excellence scientifique et littéraire pour devenir une usine à diplomes.
tl;dr Kill yourself, dumb nigger lover.
Nice, especially when the world is moving towards socialized medicine where you don't get to choose your surgeon and are instead allocated whoever is available first unless, of course, you want to pay for insurance on top of taxes and then the surgical fee (usually still 90%-50% with insurance).
pretty sure colourblind cunts see shit lurking in the grass better
Do Amerifats have any sense of self-awareness when they make posts like this on an international mongolian knitting forum? Seriously, we all pay less than half what you let private companies gouge you for healthcare and we have to show it by living longer than you. How misinformed can you possibly be?
You might use some of that money you're saving and take English lessons.
I'm Australian.
We get taxed for public healthcare which barely fucking covers anything AND if you ever have to use public healthcare you still have to pay like 50%-100% of the costs depending on what is being done, meaning you have to pay for insurance which is also ridiculously expensive and covers very little costs.
We're the public healthcare system Europe and America always look at when they talk about "success" because aboriginals get to go to emergency and and have fungus scraped off their feet for free.
Wow. I knew Australia had some crazy financial systems in place why else would it get such terrible Internet speeds but that's whack.
No, dumbass, the goal is to get people to Brave instead, no CoC while FOSS, you cuck.
Or >>>/hydrus/
It's CoC'ed no less. Google is full of soy.
And what if you simply ignore that?
Present day France is black and islamic my friend
meritocracy is one of the only things hold these societies together
removing it without replacing it is NOT A SOLUTION
So? What are you going to do, use Brave?
You dumb faggot, public healthcare covers everything you stupid faggot and it's free.
I can see GPs, specialists and dentists for free. Get surgery that would cost over 10k in clapistan for free.
I can't believe my tax dollars go to fund missed abortions like you.
Australia got the NBN, wouldn't be surprised if its internet speeds werent better than the US at least.
You're rusing, right? I'm in one of those so called socialist utopias, and you just end up paying for retarded shitskins/nogs replacing you. It's just wealth redistribution, nothing more nothing less; meaning it only works with closed borders.
Should have voted better instead of winging on cripplechan
Poor people stay poor because they use their money to buy liabilities instead of assets. Most people are like that, actually. It's just less of a problem for rich people, since they can easily afford said liabilities.
Wealth is more about your ratio of assets to liabilities than purely about money. You can be rich and broke, just as you can be poor and wealthy.
Europeans pay for medical expenses. Americans pay for medical expenses and the R&D of the next generation of medical tech.
The future ain't what it used to be.
Wow then amerifats really should step it up
Are there any good forks I could use? I've been looking at Pale Moon, but it isn't really that good that the developers blocked the Ad Nauseum plugin, even if it's very easy to get around.
how about some open source community management instead of sjw dictatorship
Hang all those niggers tbh
The accelerationist in me welcomes the quick demise of Mozilla.
And you know what? They're going to blame anyone and anything but themselves when they finally close down.
What's the difference? Every project with CoC is sjw dictatorship. Only projects with benevolent dictatorship for life have been spared.
Icecat 60 and next seamonkey can't come soon enough