Codemonkey Seizes Direct Control

After Zig Forums owner / moderators shits up the board with wordfilters, Codemonkey stepped in to warn them and got banned from Zig Forums. The board has been reassigned to global moderation.

Delete if not Zig Forums related enough.

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Other urls found in this thread:


It should be related enough. Zig Forums is Zig Forums.

Was everyone unbanned from Zig Forums?

I saw already. It just seems that ~3.5k unbans are a lot, which might potentially be everyone.

Good fucking riddance. Maybe Zig Forums can finally go back to its glory days before the cuckchan invasion.

Keep in mind that bans are only active for 3 months no matter what the time actually says.

Is he going to make Zig Forums great again?

TheBureaucrat!1maGIcmEmE is the shit guys!

New great era for Zig Forums begins?

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Oh my, thank you buddy!! :DDD

Fucking wew. Great news! I've been wandering around Zig Forums and /cow/ like a lost dog the past day or so, because Zig Forums has been unbearable, completely inundated with spam protesting the nigger wordfilter. Couldn't be happier those clown mods are gone. Wordfilters have always been annoying, but filtering 'nigger' was the final straw.

Only if anyone whom's IP has loaded a Zig Forums page in past 4 years is gassed.

Thank christ, i might actually be able to shitpost there again like i used to.
I miss the days where i could just make a thread Calling niggers niggers.

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It's a good step, but all the redditors and newfags are still in
Unless the oldfags don't start spinning the old ideological wheel, it might as well be the same thing, but with visible dissidence

So when does Zig Forums split into even more hugbox boards?

And Elon names the Jew
What a time to be alive


Okay, so mayble Zig Forums will be revivied, but how do we revive Zig Forums? Our problems are not so much moderation related.

He implied the jew, nothing more.
It's better than nothing, but it's not naming the jew, which would require something like:

The press is owned by jews.

So what's the next imageboard now that Zig Forums too has fallen?

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You cant. "nigger" is filtered and replaced with "double redditor"

The future are probably private imageboards with private tracker style invite system, preferably hosted on some overlay network.

It isn't anymore you double redditor. All wordfilters were gassed and shoah'd by Codemonkey.

that's a contradiction in terms

Damn I would love to take an interview on IRC to shitpost on sekritClubChan

we (/intl/) cracked codemonkeys tripcode, shitposted on 8/pol/ *AS HIM* so the spergs banned him, then send hundreds of emails to cuckmonkecy so he'd rage out and do a board takeover and destroy pol and his own sites reputation... and we're only just getting started

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That's not true, I hacked it all.

Want proof:
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

You don't even have hacker cred.

Good job cracking the capcode too, morons.

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Are your programming socks on too tight?
>>>Zig Forums

This is a great day for Zig Forums and Zig Forums at large.

This is what happens when you censor.

Zig Forums was subverted years ago by trumpniggers
this is return to normalcy
you can still worship the zog puppet if you wish so

It was truly a different time. People were kinder and we had less casual spam.
Posts like the one below this were the norm and all peoples flourished in their own niches.

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Good. I'm sick of being called a "possible kike" for not being full siege

Attached: Screenshot_2018-05-25-01-17-00.png (720x1280, 95.92K)

Go to ZeroNet and migrate to Millchan if you want control. Board owners have so much control over their boards that you'll share a website with a board that hosts actual CP.

That Zig Forums fucker permabanned me for just saying there were Jewish camps in the Holocaust

Time to make a new board... Or just go to /polk/ and start being productive

it's so funny how cuckmonkey raged and tookover a user created board

you literally can't even own a board on 8ch

the admin can just come and stomp you out and steal the community you have built up in a second

cuckmonkey did not even know he was being played, he reacted so badly LOL

he is the worst admin of all time

this is the final nail in 8chs coffin

literally who?

Same applies to Crappleshit.
Maybe also phaseberg users.

This is obvious bullshit. Bans are by IP, not by tripcode.

Really banning phone posters and windows / mac users would be pretty ideal. And if they are smart enough to get around the ban (its pretty trivial) let them come on anyways.

That I can agree.
That's exaggerated.

Ban anyone who doesn't use [my favorite software]

That should not happen. The community will become soft. Rather, everyone should just fucking ignore them; exercise some restraint.
No, MACROSHIT WANGBLOWS is absolute cancer. People who are willing to use that pile of proprietary spyware every day shouldn't post here.

Strawman. I didn't say that. Anyway, wangblows is objectively shit. Literally the only reason anyone ever uses it is because "muh gaymes muh programs", none of which are macroshit's product -- they all come from third parties anyway. Wangblows users do not deserve to post here.

I commend Codemonkey in this decision. Shit moderation fucked Zig Forums over, turned me off the board. There was a REALLY REALLY different feel to it, and now it's gone.
Thanks god the subversives (yes, they are subversives. They might say they're nazis, but their way of thought, visible from moderation alone, is subversive) got fucked. Serves them right. Really shows that there is a difference between those who like politics because "of their aesthetics" and people actually interested -- the former being the same as how Zig Forums thinks, generally. It's the same kind of people, same as the "ironic weeb" kind.

lol right, does /intl/ still exist?

Yes ignore the SPAM if you don't manually client side filter everything online you are WEAK.

Do you mean that you ignore them mentally or that you're a retard who hides things he doesn't like?

If it's repetitive, blatant bullshit which has been disproven already, I don't see a problem with filtering it. Bans and deletions should be restricted to global rule violations; client side banning should take care of the rest.

Filtered for being gay.

Attached: DW--KenUMAAQGLT.jpg (657x493, 46.35K)

someone post em

found it.

You'd be right except he got him on a technicality: IP range banning. Also, he didn't build a community.

I don't know about you but I use the computer because of the software it has, not because of the OS. In fact I'd rather the OS not do anything besides run my programs, so I don't give a shit what your shitty linux distro can do.

just checked zeronet and millchan. looks gay.

just checked zeronet and millchan. looks heterosexual.

Looks dead to me.

\Pol\ and (b) need to maintain a high degree of freedom of speech
Don't know what you :v: fags do though

Nice rundown!

Probably the only article of any value on that clickbait site.

What's that font?