Why are *BSD's so popular with Japan?
Why are *BSD's so popular with Japan?
NetBSD is interestingly more popular in Japan than OpenBSD. Guess it's because they have a Japanese website (so does FreeBSD)
Maybe... just maybe the Japanese there made the website because they like BSD(s) instead of the reverse.
Well, I'm surprised.
It has more to do with how it is easily portable and runs on multiple older, proprietary Japanese PC types.
I would guess because of consoles (as Nintendo and PlayStation), which often rely on *BSD for their system.
I believe asians have higher IQs, generally. This would explain it.
how popular is linux in japan?
Look by yourself, you dumb cunt.
OP is simply using Google Trend.
fuck off shill
They cannot pronounce the L and X in linux.
"I use Rinucz" - gook
because those slanty eyed jap fucks actually buy their operating systems and there's CDs of NetBSD that u can buy in bargain bins that come with a manual to read, and they're actually stable so they don't have to keep upgrading their L*nux install every 5 minutes for it to work.
I dunno.
Why does Kazakhstan has an interest in freebsd?
This probably. Japs just hate upgrading anything, it's the reason they like fax machines so much, the technology works and they don't see any reason to change it.
This is why i have to replace apache with nginx because """it's stable""".
How security flawed is NetBSD actually?
Fucking hate Linux-based shit.
Broke an installation because the old laptop froze when updating libxml and then the entire DE had only some letters appearing and others not. Very weird.
And then every fucking distro has own package distribution because
Also: does it come with Wayland?
Might try out NetBSD. Now is your chance BSD fans, convince me
It's a professional operating System whereas most GNU/Linux distributions are made by amateur autists that don't organize their desktops, take drugs, and listen to European underground technopop.
Vid is average Linux developer: youtu.be
>Vid is average Linux developer: youtu.be
Just use a mac tbh.
Never. I don't know how you can even get this much worse than Windows. I would rather install Windows XP again then use Appleware.
i've never used mac os, but i hate windows. how bad is it?
Your picture only shows FreeBSD is the dominant BSD in each of these countries.
Here's the repartition for FreeBSD searches, clearly China has an interest and Japan is average (#24). Clearly they are a little more interested in NetBSD than other countries (#8) but I wouldn't say it's popular in Japan.
Second picture shows FreeBSD (OpenBSD and NetBSD are even lower) against Linux and Windows.
Also, you're assuming they would use keywords such as "Windows" or "FreeBSD"... but wouldn't they instead us their alphabet to make such searches?
Oh, you mean, romajis, the alphabet they use for western words? It's latin alphabet.
Why would they use kanji, hiragana or katakana to search for those?
Anyway, I was just putting some perspective. If you know of their alphabet I am interested in this kind of results.
Chinks are hardcore hackers and next to them are ruskies.
It could also be that the said BSDs have good IME for asian runes (contrary to linux which sucks compared to windows)
Probably, also the people who can do Google searches over there are more prone to use something not government issued (Linux or *BSD). Although even in China BSD searches are insignificant compared to Linux searches.
also, define drugs. Something tells me you're the type that lumps caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and pot in with meth, coke and heroine
They dont mind getting fucked by a coc
Did you know that choosing proprietary software doesn't lead to freedom? What does lead to freedom is choosing to reject proprietary software. Having more choices does not imply having more freedom.
You're like a nigger wanting his freedom to rape or be raped. Guess what, freedom isn't an end in itself, making your word worship useless.
You heard it here first. True freedom only exists when you are bound and gagged.
Japs aren't chinks. Chinks are mostly pretty stupid, but the Jewish media has brainwashed you into thinking they're all "good at math".
No, you moron. Look at an IQ chart. The same chart which tells you that niggers have 80 IQ also tells you that "Asians" on average have a slightly higher IQ by a few points than whites.
Nice strawman.
I'll propose an entirely different and compelling argument.
What is good about freedom? It's extremely Jewish.
Yeah sure slit-eye, that's why all innovation comes from northern Europe. Gooks haven't even managed to land on the moon yet, and it's really a 1960s application of late 1930s technology. Gook IQs show as higher because of two reasons:
user historically all innovation has come from North Africa and Mediterranean with North Europe being a barbarian waste land. Only reason that changed is because the mongols took over half the world and killed 40 million people (including all major research areas) with the khan dying right before they entered western europe.
That's 10% of the worlds population BTW. In only the areas the conquered (much higher % there). Not like the shitty small wars like ww2 where only 3% of the world died.
And yes, the mongols absolutely BTFO every European army they fought.
So, from whites. Innovation today and for the past 500 years has come from Europeans. I'm not even sure what point you were trying to make.
Most people here don't consider them white. (They are, but we both know your average "Ubermensch" "Deus Vult XD" moron on Zig Forums doesn't .) On another note; if Islam didn't happen, the average towelhead would be very sapient - they invented irrigation and glass (among other things).
I go back and forth on that, because due to the bellicose nature of the caliphs (specifically during Umayyad period), they were able to expand into new territories and acquire and absorb new technologies. They also pushed ahead mathematics and astronomy due to their obsession with trying to predict lunar events. Yet on the other hand, they are blamed for the fire at the Great Library of Alexandria, a catastrophic scientific loss (although not as bad as the first fire they had, hundreds of years earlier). If Islam never occurred, would they just be bedouins fighting over water holes?
Sure, if you don't consider the past 500 years at all.
Correction: I said "blame for fire", which I thought was incidental, but I now see it was intentionally destroyed by caliph Omar.
Its not hard to win after the rest of the civilized world is obliterated.
Sounds a bit like Christianity to me user.
Whops I read punished
The state of your average Zig Forumstard
What do you think happened when the Visigoths and later Vandals sacked Rome?
If I recall they actually just lightly sacked it and left most of it standing.
Yeah they just up and stole the entire civilization!
They ruled it. Now where do you think the centre of power shifted during the years after this?
By "ruled" I think you mean initiated a dark age that ruined Europe until hundreds of years later.
Ruined is very subjective, as those who were subjugated by the Empire enjoyed freedom from Roman rule. Trade routes certainly shut down, but do you know why it is called the 'dark ages'?
Bullshit you are talking like a Marxist
Lack of writing, lack of literacy, lack of oil for lamps, lack of trade, lack of great civilization. Europe went in the shitter after the Northerners got involved. Rome going there was a mistake.
There was isolation, and with lesser reliance on trade, it spurred a need for greater sufficiency. Guess where this leads to? Innovation.
No it spurred ... NOTHING for hundreds of years until the black death came along a destroyed everything
*destroyed everything again
and then hundreds of years after that we start to get real civilization again
Nonsense. There were massive advances made in agrarian technology, which were necessary to build the large cities you're alluding to in a much later "black death" scenario. This idea that everything stopped until some painters in Rome came along is a fairytale.
Ah yes they got crop rotation! That totally makes up for the it all then! Peak civilization.
No, that came later. Methods of plowing, milling and building forges had to come first. I think you have a romanticized view of the technology of the Roman Empire.
You're literally wrong user en.wikipedia.org
It helps if you can read your own sources, try again. Right now, we are talking about years 500 to about 1000.
Again your literally wrong:
*meant to link the 2 field system from 800
We are talking about the fall of the Roman empire, which spurred an immediate need for innovation, crop rotation occurred as you have found by frantically searching your article, but as I said it came later after more immediate advancements.
If you'd like to keep searching for more innovations that prove the dark ages yielded nothing, while undermining your own core argument, be my guest.
The overarching point is that innovation is a strong characteristic of European, and especially northern European people. By highlighting the fall of the roman empire, it only emphasizes that such innovation occurred in a relative vacuum, further strengthening the argument of high intelligence amongst the northern Europeans.
Nothing happened in a relative vaccum. Knowledge didn't die when the roman empire fell.
You can now go back to Zig Forums
You keep telling yourself that, but Hitler had to make some complicated mental gymnastics to justify why mediterraneans had historically been the top scientists and philosophers of the world.
Next you are gonna tell me we weth Egyptians and Arabs and shiet as well, and conveniently ignore nords were fucking snowniggers before the European Union was a thing.
There's no need for gymnastics. The ancient greeks were white, so were babylonians and egyptians. The arabs came later from the northwest of Africa and conquered/destroyed the assyrian civilization they found. That's when the race-mixing began there. That's also when progress stopped entirely in that part of the world, and didn't continue until the renaissance in Europe when some ancient texts surfaced and were studied.
Even in the ancient days of Rome, the people in southern Europe were white. It wasn't until long after Rome fell that arabs/muslims invaded and the race-mixing began in that part of the world.
Mediterranean people are white when it's convenient, and "darkies" the rest of the time.
Yeah, sure, all those people were northern Europeans, blond and with blue eyes, who evolved (or devolved amirite) to sweat sun screen lotions and grow sunglasses in a few decades because snowniggers are that badass. It's also not like Arabs were mathematical beasts after the fall of the Roman empire, or like they weren't in a somewhat decent state during the first years of the past century.
It doesn't matter if white has blond hair and blue eyes or brown hair and eyes, or other colors. They're still white. You'll even find lots of people with brown hair up north, and some greeks had blue eyes. They were all white until the race mixing period began hundreds of years after Rome fell.
Arabs didn't invent any mathematics. The maths came from ancient greeks and ended up in the hands of assyrians who were conquered and subjugated by arabs until progress stopped entirely in that part of the world. You can read a tl;dr summary here with many sources cited: ninevehsoft.com
For last 500 years Italy had all it's technologically and culturally advanced cities and regions situated at north, all automotive companies are from north too. When someone shows you a portrait of shitskin or dark-haired Roman Empire or Republic citizen, it means nothing. It's like saying that British Empire was mostly composed of streetshitters in it's best years well, it kinda was, therefore they wuz kangz and etcetera. What actually matters, what provinces the most scientific discoveries and philosophies emerged from. North Africa apart from some Egyptian cities was nothing more than North Africa today, a place for exotic fruits and recreation.
Jews and slavs are "white" as well, except they aren't depending on who you are asking. "B-but I meant Caucasian!", like those curryniggers over there? Just admit already you are retroactively considering hwite whoever you think is cool.
Brown hair is not white, according to Zig Forums.
>You can read a tl;dr summary here with many sources cited: ninevehsoft.com
Butthurt Assyrian passively-aggressively going "ackshually" over a shitty presentation made by some tumblrite full of overstatements. Anyway, we are talking about genetics here, and that article constantly mixes language/culture and religion altogether, and doesn't even mention genetics, and genetically speaking, I would sincerely doubt they are that different. Chances are both are just yet another spinoff of Jews (read: not white; no, not even "but muh REAL Jews tho" were white) with real minor genetic differences, because the cases in which two populations that remained in contact for so long without any physical barriers evolving completely separately can be counted with the fingers of a single hand.
Yeah, no shit they didn't invent mathematics. Doesn't mean they didn't collaborate on expanding them.
It's the historic record. Read a history book sometime instead of shouting about Zig Forums, which no one even talked about, every time you get BTFO on Zig Forums.
I have already expressed that Mediterranean were fine people, why are you talking about Hitler?
No one else brought up Jews and Zig Forums. You have a sad derangement syndrome.
I'm willing to bet it had something to do with Unicode coupled with the fact that Japanese businesses have been using actual BSD Unix for a long time, which in term means user support via things like manuals, services, and network websites/services.
I wouldn't be surprised if NetBSD was the only practical non-commercial option decades ago for a non-English country making their own hardware and systems. Consider the alternative was 2 copycat projects of questionable legality from a copyright fanatic and finnish teenager. To this day people have trouble understanding non-technical aspects of Linux (origin, legality, etc) can you imagine being Japanese and trying to understand it in the 90s.
They either trolled you hard, or you made that up.
what are these random colored blocks? shouldnt there be numbers too so it would be possible to know what they mean?
Nintendo and Sony both use either BSD or some BSD technologies (I believe the Switch has a custom microkernel but uses BSD jails while the PS3/4 use FreeBSD)
Sounds to me like companies in Japan just took a liking to the BSD license in general since companies like Nintendo and Sony can fork the software but maintain their security (that and BSD Jails are superior to chroots as far as security goes) and so hundreds of software engineers end up being trained in using BSD and it trickles down. That's my theory anyhow
In other words, the cuck license increases overall utility.
To bring the thread back to it's original topic. Is partially right, Japanese companies, and by some extension, tech nerds in Japan prefer *BSD because of less licensing issues, especially when you get to the fact that there could be complications in the US with say GPL. AsiaBSDCon is held every year in Japan, although many of the speakers are from the Western World at large, this is likely due to the large expatriate community in Metropolitan Tokyo who also likely work at high skilled/ technical jobs; but also those coming from overseas who are in the *BSD community.
My experience with Japanese BSD users has been limited to some NetBSD users and FreeBSD users, largely with 2 vastly distinct use cases, either older hardware (say a 68k machine from 1991) or running servers and databases. There is some desktop fervor in the Japanese BSD scene it seems, but this is congruent with the rest of the BSD community.
I'm seriously tired of all these teenagers on my website.
>muh super smart (((chinks)))
Most Chinese people own only a phone or tablet to watch their dramas on their lunch breaks. Most of the people that don't work in tech don't even own computers.
Oh, and that's the future all over the world btw
You know that this applies to the entire world right?
NetBSD is very /Comfy/ just try it
The Japanese would probably write names like Linux/NetBSD/Windows in Latin letters
Japs still won't use Unicode, they use their own character encodings for business things.
Yeah, no thanks. You can keep your cheap chink shit.
why do you use NetBSD of all *BSD's?
Spergposting cuckchan>>>g>>66327917 because cuckchan is so fucking pozzed I refuse to use it.
Straight white male, you mean. Most darkies and faggots are insecure and can't handle straight talk either.
Sure, as long as you're a child raping satanist.
wtf i love assholes now. Maybe I can be a FreeBSD user after all. :^)
Seems Theo knows FreeBSD devs even better than I thought.
Why has FreeBSD sucked so much cock since v4 or was it v5? Surely the core team being filled with child raping satanists is only part of the explanation.
Fuck your secrets nigger. Keeping exploits secret makes them more dangerous, not less.
Unfortunately for you they aren't children locked in your coven basement, faggot, so keep wishing.
I was half expecting him to write WE WUZ