Zig Forums has gone to shit in recent years, but it's not irredeemable. It is time for an improvement. I suggest the following guidelines:
1. Do not make one-sentence threads. Elaborate on your question or opinion. An example of a one-sentence thread which is currently visible in the catalog is "tripcodes a shit discuss". Hide all one-sentence threads unconditionally. 2. Filter tripfags and avatarfags such as cuteposter. Also filter people such as the UNIX hater. These people (ESPECIALLY both of them in combination) derail threads wherever they post, and go against the spirit of an anonymous imageboard. 3. Do not reply to gay bait threads such as "HURRR X IS OBJECTIVELY BETTER PROVE ME WRONG". These types of threads do not inspire good discussion, and generally fall under (1) as well. 4. Do not reply to retarded wangblows users who insist on using wangblows for non-essential tasks. People who willingly use proprietary software and have no willingness to switch to Linux do not deserve to post here.
Zig Forums is a board where the moderation are fairly hands off (or maybe they are just lazy). Thus it is the duty of individual users to avoid replying to bait, and avoid making retarded threads.
John Robinson
We've already been over this - all modern operating systems suck; because the standards suck.
5. Stop making these egregious "I know how2fixit XD" meta threads. Faggot.
Connor Ross
How to improve Zig Forums: ban this OP
Kayden Long
Install dollchan userscript to filter out tripfags and bad words.
Ian Torres
No, they are just gay. Most of the reports gets dismissed, even those for thread copypasted from /g/. Seems like they intentionally want this board to be a cuckchan /g/ 2.0 Look for yourself: >sys.8ch.net/log.php?page=1&board=tech
Oliver Jenkins
stop shit posting terry.
Sebastian Hill
Alexander Roberts
Reminder: The only kind of post shittier than meta is outright spam.
Jordan Rogers
6. Contain all CoC-related threads into one single pinned thread 7. Do the same for privacy and copyright related threads 8. Create a project thread, pin it and promote it to get Zig Forums going
Ian Reyes
9. Keep Rust, Go, Swift, Flutter and other "psuedo-C or platform specific" languages into one thread 10. Keep all the license debates in one thread
Austin Gray
Rules on users: "Google/Facebook/Botnet is better" post should get temp. banned
Austin Carter
The projects to be included in that thread must be own project, and open source.
Jacob Cox
Not necessarily, assuming it is a group or "public" project
Angel Lee
Just post more. Shit posts can be ignored. Right now the board is dead.
I honestly haven't seen anyone use this until Clover got 8ch support, so I assume you're from 4chan.
Asher Nguyen
when was it good? i've been here for between 2-3 years, no idea. you niggers have been saying this shit since the time i joined. i've never seen a real good (as in useful, informative, and objective, and non trivial) site about technology on the internet since 2000 so i highly doubt Zig Forums was an exception
Elijah Sanchez
like, i've downloaded 4000 articles from the last 20 years from new to stuff that can only be accessed by processing URLs into old form and accessing them through archive.org, about LCDs and CRTs and not one of them are good. in fact they are composed of 99.999% falsehoods. once in a while you get a guy who actually has a vague idea of how any of the following work: vsync, subpixel response curves, display latency, raster scanning, flicker fusion threshold, persistence of vision - but then they quickly resume filling the rest of their post/article with falsehoods. there literally isn't a single good article on LCDs created in the last 20 years. 30 years ago they had some decent articles written by people in the industry but then they're filled with idiosyncracies and incomplete because they don't want to give away their "secrets", and those are all passive matrix and other obselete stuff that was never used much with consumer computers anyway. it was literally easier to go out and buy some 20 year old monitors for $1 and test them for myself
Leo Torres
Nice try AT&T shill. Oh wait. He does it for free.