For personal reasons I want to write my own basic MIDI editor DAW

For personal reasons I want to write my own basic MIDI editor DAW.
I want to learn to code some MIDI piano roll and have basic recording capabilities to maybe later export to LMMS.
I want to be able to take a microphone audio in realtime and convert it to MIDI, so I can record myself playing IRL instruments and convert them into MIDI.
Basically I don't want to install windows just to open imitone and synthesia so I can learn to play my shitty recorder.

What are the easiest tools, like language and libraries to make this?

wine is garbage and gives me crappy performance and can't link imitone to any other wine or linux application, so is worthless.

Attached: 1527360415851.png (128x119, 19.76K)

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Are you serious?

well nigger, I can use that code to learn other instruments.

synthesia has not linux port and lynthesia is dead.

Install Gentoo

no better way to learn than do

you need to learn the libraries you will use.
i don't know if you are a fan of pulseaudio, but if you use it, you will need to learn it. otherwise you will be fine with ALSA, which is what I recommend anyways. you will need to know how to make your own circular buffers to be able to read and write instrument as you play. as for integrating ADC to MIDI, I can only suggest looking up typical MIDI standards for typical ADC values.

once you get past this part, the actual sequencing of MIDI data is simple.

is there any book for this?

I'm not sure how much work you want to do yourself, but this is a reasonably advanced project.

There are these two free books. The first should cover what you need to do, the second will give background for any mathematics involved.

Thanks, I don't mind to spent some weeks reading some books.

Seems they're a bit too advanced.

What are the prereqs to read these books?

You should be competent with how to read man docs as it is. If you aren't, then try from this but if you can't understand how to heap or stack structs and other typedefs without someone holding your hand, you will have a hard time and will learn a lot.

No, I mean CS classes.

Probably just calculus, linear algebra and perhaps differential equations. You should learn these topics at some point anyways.

Those books get into the theory of how it all works, but if you're just looking to work on the editor and use existing sound libraries, then it'd probably be easiest to do in python.

You have to be white.
The course was created primarily as a first course in digital signal processing for entering Music Ph.D. students in the Computer Based Music Theory and Acoustics program. So those books are for Stanford PhDs. I think they're simple enough for an undergrad with a background in mathematics though (if you've never heard of a fourier transform, it's too advanced).

I'm a 130 IQ brown spic.

Am I good enough?

lol no

is the average IQ of CS grads.

Typically PhDs in STEM will have 140, at Stanford, you can imagine it's even higher. Of course only you know what your limitations are.

130 is enough.

usually after 120 you start to get disminishing returns.

It's like height versus being tall enough for the NBA.

In what world is that true? I'm sure it'll turn out the S.D. is like 24 or something.

check majors ranked by IQ.

All I find is some scatter plot meme with zero details on it.

like I said, average IQ of engineer majors is 130.

fuck off retard

I'm sorry user, it's 131 minimum. Better start toning up those lettuce picking muscles.

Use C.
Portaudio for the realtime audio. It's actually very easy.
Plenty of people have written MIDI libraries. Go search github.
The rest (notes editor) is pretty simple and shouldn't take much more than a few days.

it's shit

Then what would an 180 IQ person be doing? What about 160 IQ?
I would think that Intelligence would take the back burner and knowledge + wisdom would be the favorite mental features to develop. A lot of reading and writing, or just reading and thinking if that shit's just too slow or unnecessary. Most high IQ types I would think would become paralyzed by their own minds. They would be acutely aware of neurological phantom paralysis and thus try to resolve it indefinitely; meaning that resistance to intelligence would be systematically removed from their very substance. Like how social dynamics often resist and deter analysis but the high IQ individual just manages to cut into it down to the bone and then reduce it all down to simple principles, simple mechanisms. Not necessarily wise, and often neurotic to the point of being incapable of reinterpreting basic assumptions (wisdom could be defined by one's ability to intelligently reinterpret basic assumptions), but characteristic of what intelligence does.
The best thing for high IQ is knowledge, wisdom, character, health, dexterity and energy.

Where would a 140 IQ individual be in STEM?