LineageOS adopts a CoC

…but it seems to at least not have any statements about diversity.
Still, looks cucked. And this is not your average shitapp in Electron, this is a rather complex operating system.
Is this a necessity for any project nowadays? Why this keeps happening? Is any project safe from this?

Attached: los_logo.png (1920x960, 23.8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

already cancer

? They are literally using the "Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct", one of the worst CoCs to shove up the ass of your community.

i dunno if I like this, but at least theres no social justice "privilege", "marginalized groups", "oppression", etc.
Why do projects do that btw? like, why do these LGBT, feminist, and minority activist types keep trying to take over projects with stupid marxist stuff?
w-why can't u just be a degenerate without turning it into a political statement? uwu

at least they didn't ban hugs though!

yeah its still not a good look.. I hope they don't get too controlling with it.

No this is the worst

Attached: 05ae14c989db1b8566fd41109d50b928--anime-neko-anime-guys.jpg (640x588, 34.42K)

ctrl+f "diversity"
0 results
I mean just this. Perhaps it got edited away.

Poojeet OS was already terrible. The cuck of conduct changes literally nothing.

What are the alternatives?
Stock ROMs with planned obsolescence and irremovable botnet antifeatures?
Switching to fagPhone which is 100% prison?

librem 5, silly!

Attached: librem5-distros-1024x683.png (1024x683, 156.14K)

I'm pretty sure hugs are sexual harassment, so they are most certainly banned.

But will it flicker?
All Librem laptops I tested had low frequency PWM in display backlight.

We are talking about things that exist in this moment and will not cost a fortune until mainstream

*slow Italian music starts playing* That's a very nice software project you have there. It would really be a shame if someone were to call it toxic.

I can say it about absolutely any project.



LineageOS includes non-free blobs. It isn't recommended by the FSF. Try Replicant instead.

this is why ccfl backlit screens with inverters though get very hot are sometimes better than cheap led memescreens.
why don't manufacturers just lower the voltage instead of making it digitally flicker shit?
Let's just hope they're using some generic chink LED IPS that doesn't flicker. Most of the nonIPS are the culprit for PWM flickers.

Replicant is also getting android 9P so /this.

I'm not a fan of these 5 discontinued Samsung phones with crappy screens, forgive me.

because that sells too (most people don't understand the drawbacks of flickering)

no, we need someone to do a proper test.

EVERY SINGLE PROJECT with code of conduct that has NOTHING to do with programming and patch acceptance process goes to hell sooner or later.

buh bye LineageOS, you did good.

Attached: 1513661884213.jpg (1280x720, 107.35K)

Replicant, a libre variant of Lineage

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1278x656, 211.46K)

Sure the phones discontinued and have burn-in'd screens but they're available in the cheap (around less than USD50 even lesser if you complain about the battery and screen) plus it's the only one out there to support an OS that reimplemented non-free crap or disable them completely then rightfully document everything even make their own free implementation of RIL backdoor or "android's RDP over CDMA" that exists in every smartphone ever made.
Clearly, these researchers made this phone with privacy in mind and you know it's not some "privacy hype" bullshit with all that effort.
The bonus is you get a very decent audio system (yamaha + alsa) unlike on lineage which probably uses systemd pulse audio by now (tried it and it fucking stutters and sucks shit with multi channel playback).
Newer versions of android have built-in color calibration and anti screen burn-in feature

Your best bet would be a note 2 or a
You don't need the botnet gps killbox and CIAnigger bluetooth and it is intentionally missing for the users' own good.
The only thing that's terribly missing is 3d graphics and video codec which should then work once mali and exynos blobs get open sourced.

use the usb-micro to ether cable or otg then plug in a usb wifi that works with that kernel.

One of the main points of using an Android phone is navigation software.

This blog is trash-tier solipsism.

What a bunch of fools.

It's not a necessity.
Why ?
Here's a good response in the nim community
The apprehension of the people pushing CoCs is this:
They consider everyone guilty of wrong thought if there's no CoC.

Because like a lot of people with license they don't know what they are choosing.
And when you look at them most CoCs looks nice and friendly, but for those who have more knowledge about the setting up of CoCs we know that it's a subversion method to push unnecessary and destructive ideological means.

Depends on the people guiding it.
Sigh I'll be privately forking LineageOS from now on my side and rename it so that the people that I help don't fall in the CoC trap, it's the only passive way besides trying to discuss with them that I know.

Recent crowdfunding was made for reverse engineering of mali GPUs I hope they won't get eleminated by Allwinner.

That's a damn shame. RIP.
I don't know why typically reasonable people are so quick to shoot themselves in the foot.

Weird and weak men keep inviting their girlfriends and galpals into their work so that they'll "be around".

They can't actually program or contribute, so when they're not twiddling their thumbs or thotthing shit up, they come up with gems like these CoCs.

Attached: 1516905405008.jpg (1090x1200, 116.91K)

Where did you get this picture from?

…and run your own autoupdate server?
source is probably from pixiv or something
I guess he will be roasted for this. But whatever.

I just asked because for some reason Ecosia can't find anything of similar resolution. And Google doesn't show full size URLs anymore, you know.
Is this the highest quality version that's on the Web?

You keep putting every sentence on a new line.
Why ?
Because you're a faggot.

Are you German or something?

Jim is a wise man. He writes what he observes. You only whine about sources because you are autistic kvetching leftie, making the usual claim that anything that goes against your narratives that isn't 100% sourced per sentence basis from sources you approve and every word defined by dictionary you approve of is automatically wrong, and you refuse to find your own sources when told to do so, declaring again victory by default. I've witnessed that online many times.

Your hysterical screeching doesn't invalidate Jim's observations and conclusions.

Fuck off Jim, and stop shilling your blog.

Why are you completely unable to discuss like human?
That's 100% of your mental output ability. Obviously I know the answer and that's you are a leftist. You have mental issues and cognitive deficiencies on-par with severe brain damage. Otherwise you wouldn't be leftie.

oh yeah, downvote army is coming

Oh. He's just asshurt he lost an argument.

Before it even started?

It happens.