Project Thread

Zig Forums project listings thread
Name some projects that you work in.
Here are two examples.
>>>/hydrus/ (*Booru and Image Gallery downloader)
>>>/ipfs/9 (Windows Installer and "IPFS tracker" for IPFS+I2P)
>>>/machinecult/ (chatbot software project)

Attached: OpenSource.png (300x300, 19.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Delete your thread

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (492x661, 438.72K)


You want me to re-bake the thread?

Stop shilling for >>>/botnet/ you stupid nigger.

Attached: truth.png (990x682, 312.57K)

Free Software < Open Source < Public Domain

Public Domain it the Tao you seek to rejoin. PD radiates pure freedom so hard it turns jews like Stallman into sun burnt vampires and cures them of cancer, thereby killing them.

t. proprietary software developer who hijacks code from FOSS projects and sells it

Say Free Software; it means that freedom matters.

Attached: 1519857974296.png (852x944, 70.2K)


GNU = CIANigger, prove me wrong.

Free Software has no restrictions for CoC and left-kike behaviors (at least for *GPL). It is not enough to stop Jewintel and Co.

"""Freedom""" is useless. Fascism is gold. Give me a license that gas the shit outta people.

Try beating one of these games using Machine Learning and



OP is off by one
*puts the sunglasses on*
he surely is a C programmer


Attached: 8fc66691bae31a20e82fdabcfe343f210483a639d7c091ae32b195762f1dc291.png (360x327, 133.95K)

It's the cardinality that's wrong though, not the ordinal numbering.

Get you sh*t together and start a project!
Where the fuck is CloverOS?


Then do instead faggot
>>>/hydrus/ >>>/ipfs/ >>>/machinecult/



don't ever (you) me again son

Use the NSL, where a project using your code has to be explicitly National Socialist and include the 14 words at the top of each source file.

Link to license? I need that for C+= as well

I've lost the link, could you recite the terms of this license please?

Dubs of HEIL

>>>/cloveros/ as well.

Youtube Cache replacement
Zig Forums alternative
IPFS imageboard
Plan for distributed social networking

I wanted to show off something someone did today that I thought was cool

Attached: s2nn.png (361x318 693.89 KB, 37.4K)

I can do it in one by making ffmpeg output to the framebuffer.

show it


ffmpeg itself is more than 100 lines of code

Opinion discarded.

Some stuff I've made:
- Simple manga reader using a patched sxiv (open archives, open next/previous archive when reaching end/beginning of current one, save/restore position when opening directories, no double page handling though) and a sh script
- Simple stdin natural sort (a lot faster than dev-python/natsort and even dev-perl/Sort-Naturally)
- Some tools to convert/strip URL and HTML encoding
- Tons of sh script (music conversion keeping arborescence, archive handling, manga converter for ereaders, etc...)

Feels really good to solve your problems yourself.

So is any image library you could name, or the kernel for that matter.

Code and Heil


bump for new ideas.


I like making scripts. Here's what I've done:
Looks at files and optimizes them if it finds a jpg, gif, or png mimetype. Gives lots of info in the terminal it's run in as it goes. Can't handle filenames with % in them.
Looks at images and tries to determine if it is grayscale based on average RGB levels. Makes two text files containing filenames, one for exact matches and one for close matches. If the image is saved as grayscale or indexed, it ignores them.
Takes URLs I give it and puts them in a text file. If the link points to an image, it downloads the highest quality version. Works with Twitter and Tumblr so far. Helps me organize stuff.
I have one that renames files to their sha256sum + extension, one that turns filenames with underscores into spaces, one to prepare GIF files to be made into MP4, one to download jerkcity comics and convert them to png (I was bored), one that makes thumbnails for cbz files, and more.

Let me guess, these are all for >>>/hydrus/

I do use a lot of them with hydrus, but the image optimization one originally started because of my reaction image folder.

Ideas on JPEG compression quantification?

>I made the same tool for the 1000000000 time but this time it's less
what a total waste of time

Smaller code = faster?

Consider how fast small minimal elegant recursion is.

Small iterators are just as small, and faster. iteration > recursion

Attached: 13396afacbdf2ef97505e2686b47a665dba4a8b8e487d7f56c474a44e50b54bc.jpg (600x352, 69.45K)

Wrong board, faggot

Attached: the-major-from-hellsing-ova-linus-torvalds-the-major-29792746.png (500x444, 92.28K)

Holy shit. That picture. It's emblematic.

polite sage for off-topic

Here's your (you).

Attached: anyone-seen-kyle.jpg (600x429, 44.71K)

>>>Zig Forums

The blazing fast imageboard
Simple youtube UI/server to use with text browsers etc.
Programming language with Java's brevity and Perl's readability
(obsolete, will be replaced with a C++ and LLVM implementation, and then a self-hosting one later)
nOS, highly modular 64-bit microkernel (obsolete and unfinished, will be replaced with nlang implementation)
Lots of other little private things and some projects for money too. Currently have IRL stuff going on (should be done in a few days).
I have a half-finished minimal SPA library (planned to use with Blazechan) and a Material design CSS file (just for shits and giggles, not planning to use it with anything yet). I was also doing a small Android app in Kotlin to browse Nextchan before my hiatus as a learning experience (pic related).

Attached: plikvf.png (381x683, 117.85K)

why did you post that, i was just fucking around

I worked on one of the projects listed in and we're making an improved FOSS remake in Godot.

This. Pajeet niggers like and
can't into logic.

Attached: 0f9fcf315c2873d50ed7bb1ed053f2775aa6250d40ef5b06b19b927119c7e684.jpg (644x447, 118.34K)

Nice GIMP edit, kiddo. Show us the source. Also, your N-lang thing will be so performant with multidimensional arrays...

Nice try, NSA


Back to Zig Forums, 4nigger

Back to >>>/cuckchan/, CIANigger


That's such an obvious false flag. Do they actually put any effort into making that shit believable?

Attached: vlcsnap-2017-07-28-21h35m39s977.png (1280x738, 918.15K)

yeah it's obviously a false flag but you need to understand that it was written by someone who genuinely wanted to stir up some shit, even if that someone was a retard. There's a swastie sticker on a few traffic lights in my area. It looks like this. this along with various other things i've seen plastered around town, as well as talking to a few career protesters/activist types leads me to believe that it's all done with serious intent. there hasn't been an antifa temper tantrum here yet, but that's probably because they know what happened to the westboro baptist church when they turned up here to protest a funeral. As long as you're only seeing stickers on poles and graffiti you know they're too chickenshit to try anything.

Attached: Oekaki.png (500x250, 16.35K)

I'll put it up soon but it's not even half-finished, YMMV. Also, I was thinking of making nlang managed, with nOS having a VM in the kernel that executes the bytecode (possibly even source code).

The day Antifa fucks off is a good day.

cuz it was good fam

Project request: An open source version of

Sounds like a good first project for you. Get to it.


I'm not open sourcing it, the code while small is a bit of a mess.
That being, it's not hard at all to do.
All i really did was use imagemagick for the images and had qt4(sorry) handle the frame.
It's probably the easiest shit to implement too and could probably be done in a single command tbh.

The only thing that got me mad was how easy it is to implement simple imageviewing without large code and yet no imageviewer I've ever seen has done it.
Not just that, but that most imageviews don't support gif/animated pngs, which is pathetic since those are old as fuck formats.
Please don't post speggit shit i did while sleep deprived and high on my own ego.