Garbage threads need to be deleted, as simple as that.
But vols aren't doing shit, and only one of them seems to be operating.
>inb4 go whine on >>>/metatech/

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I just want to say I fucking despise furfags and I've never liked Libbie

Kiki and Libbie are ok mascots but letting furries make threads about them and flood other threads with furry porn of them is not okay.

Why is this thread still up?

If you want censorship, go back to reddit.

The only thing I've noticed that needs to be deleted are obvious consumerism and marketing threads because we have a fucking sticky for exactly those. No, you do not need a dedicated thread to digital cameras and watches. That is /g/.

This. Half-a-sentence pepe threads are /g- uh I mean Zig Forums culture, so they can stay.

What you say is true, though. But you have become part of the problem.

Attached: techthreads.png (768x1024, 203.48K)

This, in its entirety.

I absolutely agree with your pic.
To a certain degree I agree even about the quality of my shitposting, but if you take in consideration Weber's Law, this thread isn't even perceivable.

good threads that
and that are not

To be honest to me it seems shitty threads inspire discussion. This is why you need to bump good threads with worthwhile contributions to remove the shitty ones.

Shitty threads inspire shitposting and baiting and idiots replying to those baits. That's why the post counts are high.

hmm how about you go whine on >>>/metatech/


No, you're a Jew because you rate useless rambling above good images.



At least it's rather fun to shitpost about LelNopo's fuckups (don't even get me started on how much a fuckup the T25 is) and how superior Toughbooks are.

none of them support Libreboot, though

Everything you've posted is either false, dubious or irrelevant. Muh image board doesn't prove jack shit other than that you have a warped view of what imageboards are. You don't belong here.

Go make your own board, then.
This is a free market, if you can do something better, just go ahead and do it, stop complaining.
You can create a board a micromanage every single one of the user's posts and just have a shit board, but for other reasons.
You are part of the problem.

dunno what you think that guy has posted, but posted this:
Two of these 'good' threads have rambling text with meme pics. Two of these 'bad' threads say all they need to say in one sentence and have effort pics.
shitty meme pics with rambling text > effort pics? the response count doesn't agree. You're just a Jew. Very good at bad-faith argumentation, which requires a lot of verbal reasoning, but utterly retarded at appreciating visuals. That didn't need to be said more than once but bad-faith argumentation requires at least one "no, I don't mean 'I like retarded bait threads', you fucking Jew."

For you there already is >>>/g/
You're more than welcome to move in there.

If you can't tell the fucking irony in these words, you're fucking retarded. You've got one finger towards someone else, you've still got four pointing back at you, you stupid little niglet. And you have the fucking gall to call anything rambling when you post shit like this? Which fucking threads? What fucking meme pics? What the fuck do you mean?

JFC, if you don't know you're a Jew, get tested. There's a new homeland and lots of networking opportunities in it for you.

All I can really say is- make your own good threads to counteract the bad ones. And keep doing so.

d-do you still like me? uwu

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Turn on IDs


If you didn't use gay imagery, your posts would be decent.
Especially when compared to all the crap lately.

No, you worthless tripfagging fuck. Get the hell out of here, disable your name/tripcode and stop being gay.

That is a valid way of fixing the problem, but only if the ratio of "good" users to "bad" users is high enough. I honestly don't know if that is the case here anymore.

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Fuck Libreboot, Librecore or go home!

Or you could try building it yourself for a 19/30 Mk1/Mk3, since they have the GM945/GM45 chipsets that are supported by Libreboot


Insta-filter and don't respond to that faggot, it'll go away eventually.

Sorry about that. It should be better now.
Sometimes a thread with a bad OP ends up inducing decent discussion, and it would be a shame to delete it. Sometimes a reasonable OP accidentally contains bait that makes discussion impossible. Judging threads from the catalog is alright as a heuristic, but it only gets you so far.

Tone it down a bit.

But I thought Zig Forums didn't like garbage collection :^)

ban fagposter's degenerate ass

time for a new chan, make the logo
are you forgetting the fact that it's summer?
they'll be gone by June something

I recommend setting the forced anonymous here. With the capacity of using trips, some users are encouraged to role-play and build some kind of reputation around themselves.

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