New EU Online Copyright Law

The last thread was locked because of insufficient information in the OP.

In the attached mp4, the narrator talks about how a newly proposed EU law would effectively eliminate any ability to link to other materials for any purpose without a license. Apparently, there is a push for a petition that anyone including people outside of the EU can sign. You can read the article dude is referring to here .

Does anyone think this is all what has happened after the US gave up DNS control to ICANN? I know it's certainly the result of reducing the NSFNet into what we call the Internet today.

Since 2016, we've seen Russia ban VPN's and proxies, Europe pass GDPR, the US eliminate net-neutrality whatever that was and also pass CLOUD and FOSTA. Is this all coincidence, or is the Internet being broken apart literally as we speak? Will there be in a few years, licenses that people have to obtain to request traffic from EU, or China, or Russia, or US, or Canada? Will there be increased costs by the ISP on the consumer for assuming these licenses to give accesses to these areas?

All of these laws work differently and by their execution carve the Internet up into pieces that can't work cohesively. They effectively eliminate any kind of discourse and dissemination of ideas, the original academic purpose of the Internet. While hyperbolic for the time being, that exaggeration does not dismiss the real possibility that the Internet will be shattered and incompatible.

Attached: EU.mp4 (640x360, 14.54M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't enforce laws over Tor, I2P, and other crypto-darknets!

Good thing the EU has no power and is dying.

If an ISP can hop on tor, get a list of every IP participating regardless of entry, middle, exit node, and just ban them, how will tor work then? The same for i2p and whatever crypto-darknets are supposed to be.

What about everywhere else?

Current state of the Zig Forums

If Weimar 2.0 voted against this, what kind of fucking shithole voted FOR this pile of crap?

yeah, Zig Forums doesn't have embeds. i am not going to write every word that he says. he can explain it himself. i give a base idea of what it concerns, you can listen to it, or you can go to the website and read, which was also linked. your choice.

Germany wants even stronger regulations, see here:

You could have linked the youtube video so someone could read the automatic transcription.

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>We don't want this internet censorship goy! We want more internet censorship!
Is Zig Forums going to ban europe if this comes into force?

You got a link license, m8?

Forcing people into the real world is bad because people in the real world will then try to achieve results. But nobody said the left or the globalists are smart anymore either. This is a modern day book burning because they want the 20th century media back which is a historical anomaly.

What's this law called?


What do you guys think 4chan and reddit are going to do if this passes? Personally if I were the admin of either website I would just ban European IPs from my website.
4chan has some financial problems; they could probably solve some of them by banning Eurocucks. Reddit probably won't ban anything because "muh inclusivity"; they'll probably go down the shitter as a result.

No, seriously. I need to do additional research.

here is the text

No one here reads European.

Isn't pretty much any site that has a place to submit DMCA complaints already compliant for this?

This was a GOOD thing.

What the fuck are you talking about? There was never net neutrality to begin with.

Where is it??????????? This thread should also be locked because of insufficient information.
Also no source.
great thread. reported

joj. Zig Forums a shithole

Not in my opinion. It puts too much pressure on businesses to maintain control of private information instead of people relying on themselves individually to control their own information. If you want to mewl about privacy and expect someone else to handle it for you, then go ahead, but forcing someone to take your privacy into their concern isn't an answer because trust is not inherent.

whatever that was can you read that?

Okay. My OP is more conjecture of what will happen to the Internet than discussing the actual law. Go through and read the sources. If you don't like using archive links and want instead to go back directly to the site, then go through the archive links back to the site. If all you do is shit and eat and shit, then get along like doggie-nigger.

You haven't posted them. Also the archive link in the OP also doesn't provide any.

Why even fucking care they will do whatever the fuck they want no matter how many is for or against it!!! Whatever they do they will never be able to censor anyone who knows how to operate a computer!

Learn how to use a search engine and fuck off.

The Wikipedia article on this is pretty anemic.

This is why we should all move to Freenet.

Block EU IPs. From everything. They can have their own shitternet with their own garbage rules.

You have to be 18 to post here.

No you don't. Now go back to your other cuckchan tab. We know you have them open.

Attached: smack.jpg (881x1024, 327.58K)

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Oh noes, poor datamining businesses. They will have to build a few database queries to delete entries that will take them at most a day, and keep pruning old backups. Absolutely unconceivable.

I do not want to have to accept unspecific and sometimes overarching ToS just to be able to access a website. In real life I could negotiate a different contract, but here I need to give them a license to fuck my own mother just in case they ever need to do it, otherwise I can not even use their website. This gives me some power over what I agree to.

Ok fine, but don't assume everyone who posts here is american. I still think it's cuckchan habbit, but nobody here says that.

Learn how to make a good thread and fuck off.

That isn't the only imageboard that explicitly states that you must be 18+. Most imageboards in this format (as opposed to boorus for example) typically explicitly state it.

Yet another law that will not be followed.

Attached: haha.gif (320x240, 1.35M)

the privacy circlejerk pushes for placebo like GDPR, it's only fair that they get their piracy rights taken away in return

Did you ever try contacting them to work through the contract?

Only certain boards here have an 18+ rule anyway.

Good. Americucks need to learn what real freedom is.

Attached: Oekaki.png (500x250, 18.52K)

Attached: GDPR.jpg (1093x732, 83.94K)

The best solution. Sarcasm aside, this does support my point that the Internet is being chopped up and butchered like an animal. No one will have equal access to the entire Internet, and everything on it will require identification and licenses, like passports for the Internet.

Think of have ridiculous that sounds: passports for the Internet. Yet, here it is, clear as spring air after a mid-day's rain. Europeans won't access any other sites because people don't want to stoop to the Europeans level of insanity.

It will go so far that the Europeans will push back and make it so no one outside of Europe can view their websites.

The Internet is garbage.

Are we ready for the long-awaited FidoNet revival?

That would be cool. It wouldn't be too difficult to implement nowadays, except there are no more landlines to use. If I had the money I would lease some darkfiber and run my own network and let people hook up whereever.

What's wrong with doing it with celltowers too?

I think the more pressing issue would be getting enough people to care about plaintext documents enough to go to the effort in the first place.

Yuck! Try getting a lease from them to use their bandwidth.

Why is the limit of files to plaintext? Binary is binary regardless of encoding.

My cellphone plan already includes unlimited minutes.

subscription cell phone service?

Yes? Carriers don't just let you place phone calls for free.

you might as well let botnet control your life. get a burner please.

You can't get a burner landline so how does this make this a bad alternative to a landline.

So people don't weigh down the network with videos of their lunch shot in 4K.

True landlines are difficult to get. You are likely just getting some VoIP thing, and that isn't nearly the same as a true TP landline.

That makes sense. If people will shell out real money and invest in building an infrastructure, there's no reason that darkfiber can't be used to open up a reasonably quick network for these kinds of things.

There's also the issue of storage, as we wont be running massive data farms but rather basic off-the-shelf consumer hardware for storage.

Hopefully something will come around soon. This stuff is nearly out-of-control.

but it is close enough to be able to establish a protocol for sending arbitrary data over it.

if it provides another option for access, then that's good. if it's the only option for access, that's bad.

Might be worth thinking about for inspiration.

Let's hope it's not. Otherwise why pay for internet in this hellhole of ours?

More precisely the web has become garbage. I used to be able to browse it just fine on a computer with 4 megs ram, a little over 20 years ago. But more and more websites every year force nasty designs that need a browser that requires several gigs of memory and a fast cpu.
The rest of the Internet is mostly fine. You can still post on Usenet, use gopher, FTP, IRC, do emails (although a lot of boneheads insist on sending you HTML but that can be stripped out).
Actually when I got in this joint, there were more URLs for gopher and ftp than http, at least from my experience. Websites weren't functionally much more than gopher anyway, since having anything more than a shell account was uncommon back then.
I guess the fun, oddball shit like finger and talk daemons are gone now, and they use that centralized facebook and twitter shit instead.

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Why don't YOU go ahead and create something better instead of whining on a burmese painting forum?

yeah great idea, let in even MORE migrants :^)

Do we really want the kind of person that is too retarded to read in the first place?
This is a great opportunity to reset the net to before the normalfag invasion and leave them behind in Facebookland while the real people leave to a place where you can still talk without government interference.


The stuff I mentioned already works, so I don't need to make an alternative to the web. I wasn't really whining so much as pointing out that the Internet as a whole is still useful.


Technology exists, sure. But what's it worth if nobody wants to use it? Come on, give us incentives. Get the message out, teach the masses about how much better a web is that can be used with 4 megs of ram.

Look, we have folks like you here every day who complain about how much better technology used to be decades ago and how everything sucks now. But the same people just waste everyone's time. They never amount to anything. Or go ahead and be an example that everyone wants to follow. [spoiler]I know you won't.

The normies always ruin everything, so it would be counter-productive. The most we can hope for is a small undergound scene that inquisitive people end up in when they're fed up of the web. But there's no sense in spoon-feeding anyone.

This is why it's all about plaintext documents. Normies don't even read vidya FAQs in plaintext any more.

speaking about banning Europoors

Attached: Selection_430.png (924x729, 57.76K)

irrelevant bunch of Muslim dick suckers, who cares

Good, fuck Americans

Way I see they are just gonna outright ignore it. ISPs know damn well people will not pay a link tax in this nation. If p2p trackers get blocked there will be riots in the streets. I still have no idea what these laws are supposed to do.

Attached: Amused Anime Girl 34.jpg (649x654, 93.89K)

Retarded 56% can't even spell "Fortunately".

Yes. Onigger gave control of DNS to an (((international body))) so when websites are ran from non-faggot continents, and the EU pulls this shit, and those websites don't comply because they have no legal obligation to, EU can go directly to (((ICANN))) to have the domain pulled. This is bad and don't let the shills tell you otherwise.

Except that people use the internet to organize even real world action, and all of these mechanisms are being set up under the excuse of copyright blah just to later be used to shut down people organizing online.

Dummy thinks the multinationals which are the worst abusers of data mining will be subject to the law. So naive, such nigger.

Yep. The Internet is being split up. We are seeing this happen right now. It's the future we choose.

Sad how we redpilled channer are the only people who is seeing that GRPD law is going to worse for all us. Only if more people just see...

I don't get how worste it is for people.
I only can see some regulation and reorganisation of data in companies. It's good for them because they're forcing companies to organise their data, and so it's easier to exploit.

People are up in arms about the copyright bots of uploading images and that they won't be able to post links in yt and any other website if they are from europe.

You are not from here. Please leave.

It's not the GRPD, it's the article 11/13 of a new law coming after.

what does it do? Far as I know GRPD is for sites to tell you what they use your info for.

Chans have always been about uncomfortable truths. If you don't like that, go back to reddit.

Look whose talking

Look who's talking

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ToR nodes are not safe at all.

Use the .onion version of Zig Forums if shit starts getting censroed

most boards don't allow tor posting for some reason and torchan doesn't work anymore

Back before the web got all subverted, nobody on the Internet cared how old you were, only that you didn't behave like a dick (i.e. netiquette). And it was assumed that parents monitored their kids, instead of letting them roam freely. There was a ton of porn on Usenet, even stuff that /b/ mods will delete because the models look or are under 18. Well it was completely unmoderated, after all. If you didn't like someone, you had to killfile them yourself, not assume a nanny moderator was going to do it for you. The tight controls and moderation only came about when normies and the corporations that ride them like flees showed up and completely took over this joint. Now it's fucked, and there isn't really anything to salvage from the web, although you can still have some fun in gopherland and other text-only places that are completely alien to normies (and probably will always remain that way).
Imageboards were born into a web that was already subverted. That 18+ CYOA legal phrase makes the assumption that parents aren't doing their jobs and the nanny state is going to take care of it and already has the power to do so. That's the beginning of subversion, that starts with emotional appeals like "save the children". Nevermind the children are getting fucked with drugs by the pharmaceutical industry, or getting fucked literally by migrants in some cases (and covered up by the police and politicians). Nevermind they're being brainwashed from kindergarden to high school graduation, by a school system that's designed to teach submission to authority and other things expected of non-thinking, reactive, emotional slaves.