Are there any ethical live streaming services that respect your freedom?
Are there any ethical live streaming services that respect your freedom?
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I'm hijacking this thread. This is now a thread about live streaming software.
A somewhat recent trend in live stream solutions is using WebRTC to transport the video. This allows you to achieve sub 1 second delay from the streamer to the viewers. For example
I am search of a solution / will get around to making one since I want to eventually add the ability to livestream to my site (it already supports uploading videos).
If you're streaming peer-to-peer using WebRTC or similar protocols wouldn't you need to have crazy fast upload to support a lot of viewers? 200 viewers means a 1mpbs stream requires 200mbps upload.
You should be able to Live stream using GNU MediaGoblin.
Check out this vid:
I was thinking more of a streaming platform where I can live stream jerking off while still having my freedoms respected.
Can't you setup livestreams with VLC?
This is the best way, mainly due to its high configurability. Also it's doable from the command line.
I forgot that people actually used to do this.
You could multicast if everyone is on ipv6. I'm not aware of any software that supports it yet, but if/when this does become available, it enables a single upload stream to be multiplied within the network to serve unlimited viewers.
No, even ffserver is fucking dead.
Fuck off and die shill. Latency is a bullshit metric in this instance anyway.
Why VLC rather than youtube-dl or some other libre livestream program and then pipe it to MPV
No. There's a digest server hosted by the live streaming service to handle that for you. You just stream to that one box and they stream it to everyone else.
Why don't you care about latency. Having a low latency I believe is more enjoyable since you can interact with your viewers in realtime.
Yeah but most people are OK with Twitch's 20-30 second delay, so it's not really that important.
That's just OBS. I'm talking about the server infrastructure.
...and most people are OK with Windows.
That doesn't mean Windows is good.
Shouldn't it be possible to eliminate the need for this, using P2P? I remember tinkering with BitTorrent Live years ago, and it worked amazingly well.
Only downside I can think of is like says if you want ultra-low latency.
Most normalfags want to do everything in their browser, and I don't know if Javascript supports networking, which would be necessary for this.
Faggot, I told you to check out GNU MediaGoblin.
I only used it to watch content, not publish it, so I'm not 100% sure about how it would work if someone wanted to livestream.
You should check GNU ABYSS too.
You can with WebRTC. As an example, that's how webtorrent works.
You can not use mediagoblin for livestreaming purposes.
I honestly could not check out mediagoblin, the site 500'd me. From what I remember though it was mostly just a webserver not a streaming server. FFserver was the only thing of that type I ever saw though the deprecation notes said something about mkv-something.
no freedoms
nginx rtmp module supports hls and dash
Shit like this is some turbo faggotry. A site hosted outside the US would be great so they didn't sperg out about muh doxxing and other normalnigger cancer.