If Gibhub wasn't cucked before, it is now.
If Gibhub wasn't cucked before, it is now.
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I hope Microsoft extinguishes GitHub.
Microsoft would only improve github as they trail behind in tech's conversion to self-drstructive turbofaggots.
Shocking. I can't believe that this shit company is doing shitty things.
I really hope they apply EEE properly.
As an acceletarionist I hope they aquire GitCuck then run it into the ground and from the ashes rises a new and sane SCM. Isn't it ironical that git was developed to be destributed, but ended up being used just like SCCS?
do it
This is the reason Stallman was right to talk about software freedom instead of taking the (((Open Source))) aproach of sucking corporate cock and avoiding discussion about liberty. I say go ahead Microsoft; kill GitCuck once and for all, and teach these (((OSS faggots))) not to put all their eggs in one basket! Short summary why GitCuck sucks: gnu.org
Much better than GitCuck, so if you are going to recommend something to normies recommend GitLab. It get's a C[1] from GNU so that's a passing grade (and acceptable enough to host GNU projects), but there are a few details that need to be ironed before it gets a ironed out[1]:
Isn't LibreJS to blame then?
Gitlab just has to add some metadata saying where you can download the source code. It's a trivial change.
Do you know if those are still applicable (I wouldn't be surprised if they still were). That page says its entry was last updated in 2015.
LibreJS is a joke
Choosing GPL over AGPL, serves him right.
Was AGPL a thing back then?
Slightly off-topic, but can Savannah be used for personal projects?
Don't work without JS.
I think so, but Linus would have never used AGPL.
Don't underestimate the value of having a centralized namespace.
I don't think so, they seem to want to encourage sharing, and their FAQ states that they have high approval requirements.
Why? (simply because he is a cuck?)
are you implying git is not being used in a distributed way?
are you retarded?
What's the alternative? Checking and confirming every script before you run it?
Sadly the only sane alternative is to not run random scripts, or run them in a VM.
normally a browser would be an inescapable sandbox, just like a VM.
It was, and has been for a long time, ever since they bowed to SJWs and their CoC and anti-meritocracy trash.
Anyone dumb enough to still be using ShitHub deserves Satya's caramel stick up their pooper.
EEE and the accelerationist/gommie LARPers who think this fits in with their non-plans
That's a different issue. The issue LibreJS is addressing is non-Free Javascript, code that does not respect your Freedom. LibreJS will happily run the shittiest most harmful code as long as it's free. Freedom and security are two different (but still important) issues. Besides, what already said.
The Plutocracy of Github
God, I came when I saw this news. Every one using this fucking plateform, all these fucking liberals praising github like "look at this nice service! That's the perfect example of capitalism done right!". Yet they get bought by fucking microsoft.
Get fucked.
Why do you care about Github? Your Git repositories don't need Github at all.
Github is the AOL of git.
People have tangled their git repositories and issue tracking to a level that a project history won't just copy over. You'll have a lot of 'closes #123' with no mention of what that meant. Much of the knowledge of what a patch was for will be lost as the conversations are in issue tracking. The knowledge of what a pull was for will be lost. Migrating a project where the history is valuable is hard.
Can't you rip it from their web interface?
It'd be difficult to rip it and glue it back in to a system without the same features or users. People had the same issue with sourceforge.
Gogs seems also like a good alternative
GitHub is not just web front-end for git, it is a social network that is basically now mandatory for everyone to get a programming job, like LinkedIn (owned by MS too), also it is a Geocities-esque static website hosting and it works well without JS at all, unlike other freetard clones like shitbuket and gitgud.
Also this:
I'm pretty certain that every single person here knows just what GitHub is.
github is something of a replacement for a portfolio. it's a scannable all-in-one interface for potential employers to see if (a) you know how to work git (b) you know how to write code (c) you know how to self-aggrandize.
using it like a social media site as they've added cancerous shit like reaction emoji helps to drive up the numbers but requires you to be a dickless fuck more interested in virtue signalling than writing decent code.
That's almost the same case as e-mail, but as usual the general public will make the average use case to something more primitive. Not to say the more sophisticated features are removed or impossible to use, just that the average way something has been used is changed.
What about teknik? It was a /g/ project pre-gamergate and it works fine.
The poo must flow.
What devastating changes do you think we can expect? I'm sure they'll let you sign in with a Microsoft ID, integrate it with LinkedIn, but both of these could be ignored. I'm wondering about changes that even the most soylent imbued javascript fag will recoil from.
5 free commits for your first month!
Don't be a sensationalist idiot. If you think that every bad thing that happens has to be associated with some kind of catastrophe, then you clearly don't actually care about those issues.
This. Remember that M$'s acquisition of Skype, for instance, resulted in no immediate changes, but instead a steady trickle of depredations that turned it into the single-window, centralized, Electron-based, walled garden it is today.
Git and github are completely different things, retard.
Those people deserve what they get. Nobody says you can't add Gitcuck metadata to your commits, but morons who write nothing BUT the metadata deserve to get their patch rejected. When Linus tore gitcuck a new asshole by saying the commit messages of most open source projects were horrible, he wasn't kidding.
Seriously people, study what the Linux kernel contribution process is like. It's like math: you show the maintainer what your patches are doing and why, step by step, until you arrive at your desired solution. The commit messages must be clear and explain your thought process or your shit gets rejected because nobody wants to be stuck maintaining your shit code later on. They use metadata too: sign-offs allow them to audit who accepted shitty patches and tell them to fix their shit.
> A few months later, following a rather cryptic announcement by Microsoft regarding plans to "improve enterprise issue tracking", everyone suddenly finds Github's issue tracking system being replaced with an reading to Microsoft's new, revolutionary Office 365 issue tracking system that serves an ample amount of 503's and has an average latency of 6 - 18 seconds. But don't worry, purchasing Github 365 Premium resolves all these problems, at an affordable $99 per year per repo.
so accurate it's scary
Well, I finally fucked off to repo.or.cz while waiting to make a simple cgit server.
Hey, you'll get fired if you keep leaking your internal plans.
I can't believe this is happening. It feels like a surreal nightmare.
Lets talk alternatives and their pros and cos.
Gitlab, Savannah, Gitea, and whatever else.
gitlab is cancer
And the others?
Savannah isn't for your personal shitposting projects. I suggest repo.or.cz
You left out the part where the offices get restructured 20 times over the course of 2 years where seemingly more and more indians show up each time.
What exactly is Savannah for again? I know whatever is posted there has to be OSS, but what other drawbacks are there?
How many of you are using Atom? :^)
Are you?
Github is the facebook equivalent of software "development".
I would assume, anyone who is capable of using a compiler, should know how to self host his own shit.
So the only reason to use it for personal projects, is to have a bragging space
All those normalfags can't live by themselves, without constant reinforcement from others, so its just fitting that they crawl there to show off.
If they could somehow insert selfies into their code, they would.
If you use it, you kinda deserve anything happens to it.
Github's and Bitbucket's success shows that even libre devs will give up their values for a little bit better UI.
Doesn't matter that Fossil SCM is better than git in every way. It doesn't matter Bazaar is far superior to git in every way. The only thing matters that Github has a fancy look.
well, that was quick.
Don't host your stuff on GitLab, they're just as cucked by SJWs as GitHub.
But feel free to host your own instance of it.
It's not like GitLab and Gitea have bad interfaces though.
So where the fuck do I host my code so that people know I can now?
Pride, the folly even of the greatest bulls.
Host your own gitlab or gogs or whatever they're called. Use e-mail for pull requests.
Selfhost a gitlab instance or similar
or pagure
What are you even trying to say, moron?
Gitgud was made to host the gamergate repository after github and gitlab took it down due to SJW pressure, it was and probably still will be very anti-SJW if that's what you care about.
It basically just runs a gitlab instance last I checked.
They promote Discord though, right at the sign in page.
Yeah, I've got nothing much to say about what its current administration is doing.
Inscriptions and projects are manually checked, I think.
what exactly is better about it than git?
git was made by linus in c so its the best
time for gitlab
How about no? Rails shit can fuck off
Did really no one suspect anything when Mr. Nutella over here joined GitHub for no apparent reason 21 days ago?
I guess nobody but Microsoft employees hung on his balls that hard to notice.
it's a disadvantage.
any other language would be better than c.
except, I guess, PHP.
What about C++?
It's better and worse at the same time.
Depends on the version and the compiler.
And, while that may be irrelevant most of the times in practice, a language whose spec is behind a paywall is fucking stupid.
how is the c++ spec behind a paywall?
Are you thrilled Zig Forums?
Now, VoidLinux is a BOTNET. What will be the official Zig Forums distro?
RIP. It'll be dead in a few years to the usual microkike fuckup and poo in loo workforce it uses. Wonder how long it will take before they start going after anything that can he used for piracy on the site.
jesus did they commission disney for that mascot
oh well, glad to see that microsoft is looking to eee that pile of trash