Is migrating from Git to Mercurial worth it? Does mercurial have any features that are better thann giit's?
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You dont have to abandon Git just because Microshaft is acquiring GitHub by the way.
I know, but pretty soon everyone will have a github account and will be a H4X0R. Git will suffer.
It just feels impure, I'd rather move now.
Either you don't understand git or you are slave to your own mind. Or possibly both, I don't know. Microsoft buying SJWhub can't make the situation any worse. Use the right tool for the job.
Mercurial came up at the same time as Git. The reason Git was chosen, even though Mercurial had a nicer interface was that Git was actually performant, and Mercurial took ages. It also helped that Git had Linus' name behind it.
but it does. Now everyone's going to use version control and git will eventually degrade.
Mercurial has a much better command line interface. It doesn't have anything comparable to magit though so I wouldn't change.
Would we need Version Control if we had chosen lisp machines as the preferred architecture? Are there any LISP based version control systems that do things correctly, without causing data loss? Git is written in C, therefore it has lots of bugs.
does not compute
Reminder that Git != Github
Git is just a protocol. You can use a non-pozzed service for it, many of which can be self-hosted as well!
You're welcome, mister!
git is the industry standard and probably the best choice
no one is using your obscure/hipster SCM
Practice what you preach, faggot.
If you're going to use hipster bullshit VCS without dredging the '90s, might as well go balls deep.
Git is better than mercurial and all open source projects use git. Even bitbucket supports it. What happened to github surely should not impact git.
i think it bears repeating that github doesn't actually develop git, it's just a parasitic entity with a popular web front-end
this. People see Github as synonymous with Git, when that's far from the truth. Kinda like how some people online seem to see Gmail as synonymous with Email.
Separate the standard from the common implementation.
Literally no one likes you. You're going to die alone.
I like him. Go be sad somewhere else.
Put your trip back on so I can filter you.
everyone knows that you tripfag :)
Yeah but people were saying they were moving to other stuff than git, seemingly motivated in part by the github takeover. If theres a version control that does things better than git and someone changes for technical reasons, then that's great! But you shouldn't have to switch just because one service that uses it got sucked into the botnet. Kinda like what I said here
I always used CVS anyway, since it comes with OpenBSD, and I already knew RCS (which it's based on). I tried the github shit some years ago, but I came to the realization that it's overkill for the kind of projects I do. And the only contributions I ever got were lame ones that only change some syntax to make it more GNU like, and ended up breaking it on OpenBSD. So I said fuck this and deleted my account.
I've been lurking for ten years and I don't know how to use trip codes because I've never wanted one. Cool, huh?
But do you still use git?
No, it didn't buy me anything useful. Maybe a project on the scale of OpenBSD itself would benefit from it, but they're reluctant to move since they already have two decades of history in CVS.
But muh FOSSIL, doesnt your version control software need a built in httpd?
wait a second!
wait a second!
Sir, you forgot to sage.
Like this?
Git is from Linus, and is just as bloated and shitty as the Linux kernel is. There's literally no good reason to use it over other protocols even ignoring the github fiasco.
What can you tell us about the git 'protocol' without looking it up?
its written in c by an incompetent poser
says who?
That's not a lot you've got to say about the git 'protocol'.
Duude, remember last time when SystemD Inc. acquired GNU?
You should read about Mercurial's problems over at Python-Dev.
> Mercurial startup time is already 45.8x slower than Git whereas tested
> Mercurial runs on Python 2.7.12.
Literally feels > reals.
just use fossil tbh
Tell us why. inb4 license and programming language
its better than git
A glance at the front page reveals that it contains a web server and bakes everything into a single executable. Are you sure that's going to help with startup times?
also, GitGud
but cuteposter is the only tripfag who isn't cancer
to get a tripcode, just enter your name into the field and then add ## and enter a password
why? tell us more pls.
I WROTE A FUCKING COMPILER. It operates both just-in-time and ahead-of-time. Mister Linux couldn't write a compiler like a real professional would! The MIT niggers are just aping UNIX because they don't know anything else. My OS is pure divine intellect! TempleOS is x86_64, ring-zero-only, multi-tasking and single address mapped. It has 640x480 display resolution and 16 colour graphics. Just as GOD intended it.
fukken dropped
If you hate github because microshaft is buying it then move to a private gitlab.
git is pretty shit.
I think you would like this talk by Richard Hipp (author of Fossil SCM) called Git: Just Say No:
1. Nothing that can't be fixed. Send Linus a patch.
2. Time to throw away your 28k modem, don't you think so?
Yes it is. git fetch Of course, this doesn't update any of your local branches that may be tracking any remote branches, but as a git user you ought to know that.
And that's why git is shit? Pathetic tbh.
does github have a points system like reddit and stack overflow? i need gratification with points if i am to contribute to software. does anything else offer the points?
Github and Gitlab have stars (like "likes" or "upvotes"; no downvotes tho). But few people actually give a fuck about collecting these. It's just a way of showing the dev that you like his software without actually messaging him or sending money.
The number of forks, i.e. how often it has been cloned within the platform, is also shown.
cool. so if i get a commit accepted to a project i can start to collect points?
You don't get to collect any points for accepted merge requests, but activity (pushed commits, posted comments, opened issues, merged branches etc.) is shown in a diagram. Both Github and Gitlab have this. Not really motivating, but it might help with job applications.
tor posters can't upload images
What does longest streak mean? That you contributed everyday during that time? Does that include comments also, or only actual source?
I don't know because I've never really cared. I've only ever viewed it as a quick way to tell if someone's likely to reply to a bug report within a few days.
streak is everything including comments, closing issues etc, i think, not just commits to git.
So what's going to happen to my code now that Microsoft has bought Github, exactly? I'm not sure what the problem is? Are they going to "spy" on my code? I mean anyone can already do that.
That's like abandoning photoshop because microshaft bought tumblr
awesome, thanks for the responses. I am wondering though, would you all consider it in bad taste to write commits in a different language for a project? would that be considered rude to the original developers and maintainers?
if you mean contributing to someone else's repository in a language that doesn't "fit" and it's not something the author is requesting, it's likely not going to get accepted into the mainline branch, if i'm understanding what you're asking. like if you contributed a file in scala to a c++ project or something.
that's exactly what i am asking. if it's the best way to get points is contributing to projects that i know the language for, then i will do that. it would seem disingenuous to contribute something just for points, but if i can get points and get my work used by a few people, that would be ideal.
Nobody contributes to projects for points, github and gitlab aren't built around points because that would be counterproductive, and you're not going to be happy with these platforms if points is what you want.
That's not what I am hearing. I am hearing there are all kinds of ways to get points on these platforms. And if points are another motivation to contribute, then I will take the points also.