Beginners books on computer engineering

Hey guys, want to start studying computer engineering next year.
I've already have some experience with programming and computer systems on studying tellecomunications engineering, but it was a long time ago and I kind of want to start studying everything from scratch now.

Could someone be so kind to suggest some beginners book for me? By that I mean, books on how computer systems, networking, programming, etc

Attached: 2276_Hot-Linux-gril.jpg (688x516, 34.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:öderberg's_photograph

The Art of Computer Programming -- Donald Knuth

Boku no Pico

Put your tripcode back on, cuteposter.

I never understood this.
Why pair computer related things with hot women? What is the idea behind this?
It makes no sense

Put two good things together (at least in a picture) and it's good.

That's just something people picked up from advertising industry. You get attention from people who think with their dick.

…but why?

Attached: question.webm (3529x2647, 74.99K)

SICP obviously, that OOP Design Patterns book is good. "Practical ".

Do you just pretend to be retarded out of some hipster autism?

Programmers used to be undersexed nerds so hot women got their attention.
Now programmers are dicksucking faggots so traps get their attention.

Attached: Lenna_(test_image).png (512x512, 462.73K)

3DPD considered harmful for programming

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Don't mean to hijack thread, but what's the difference between Computer Engineering and Computer Engineering Technology?

The difference is once you've thrown one make believe title onto something (Engineering) you can continue to throw make believe pointless words on the end.

Is this halfchan?

Attached: peter-norton-assembly-book.jpg (1217x1312, 1001.48K)

don't answer that, a rhetorical question

>it implies that the intended audience is a heterosexual male one (othering)
>as a stereotypical model pose by a conventionally attractive woman it plays into body image concerns
Educate yourself you toxic male shitlord,öderberg's_photograph

It's called pin up art.

Attached: vbux1.png (800x400, 373.68K)

Because they aren't anymore?
Sadly this.