
holy fucking hell, Ryzen is in another dimension of speed compared to FX. I honestly have a hard on rn. The speed of this thing is fucking insane. How could anyone not like this processor?

Attached: ryzen-galaxy-s7-edge-rom.jpg (1139x759, 66.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I prefer to keep using my FX 8320, rather than getting fugged by PSP.

Come back when you aren't getting fucked by the SMM or undisclosed NSA backdoors, faggot.

@topic: if I didn't need a new laptop this year I would have built a 2700X system.

I guess my question is.....how can the Ryzen be so much faster? I mean this is like a gigantic difference kn speed. How does that happen?

assuming AMD for example is "hoarding information" on us through Ryzen, basically spying on all our lives. What's the point? What do they get out of it besides voyeurism?

I don't know what SMM stands for, but regardless, if I know about PSP and IME, I should at the very least avoid them.
I can't do anything about the unknown.

This is what happens when your previous iteration was so mindbogglingly horrible that you could only go up from there.

Attached: 1339632916848.jpg (261x260, 42.87K)

More like Fraser tbh

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1080, 101.25K)

If they know everything about you they can also control you and fuck you over.
Simple example you are a cheap fuck always shopping x y items on sale
*pouff you will never get those sale offers in your feed because you are not profitable enough for them. see how easy it is to flip "a feature" to a boot stomping in your face ?

Ok, but planned obsolescence is going to push out the old tech eventually. FX processors for example are buggy by today's software standards. Eventually we will be forced to use the FEDZOG tech.

Which bugs did you encounter? Do you have example code to reproduce?

No, I meant boggy

Attached: 1399783161137.png (752x548, 258.13K)

It's a combination between AMD betting heavily on multi-thread being the future with FX. They bet so heavily on multi-thread going into the future, that they gladly made CPU design choices that hurt single thread performance because it meant better multi-thread performance.

Meanwhile, Intel kept just evolving the same CPU for 11 years, not even really giving people any more cores, and just doing the bare minimum to get people to upgrade.

The whole thing is a perfect storm of AMD coming back from a mediocre product while their competition is completely content and has given up because they think they've won and they can't lose.

Not to mention this is Jim Keller's baby and he's one of the best CPU architects in the business. Intel 8 core is a much larger die than AMD 8 core, there's some seriously well thought out design in Ryzen, and it lets AMD massively undercut Intel's prices while consuming less power and clobbering Intel at the same price point in multi thread while being pretty close in single thread.

thanks user

Attached: lol.webm (640x360, 4.35M)

Intel = Israel

who is this god forsaken GRIDS patient?

Attached: linus.jpg (842x575, 41.48K)

My next gaming PC is going to be Ryzen. Fuck Intel.


Better than FX at least.

Nigger, you should have gone for the 2xxx series processors - they apparently do the auto-overclocking way fucking better and you can do single-core OC for single core apps for g-d's sake. Ryzenmaster apparently also shows you the factory-stamped (but not locked) max clock speeds for each core to give you an idea of what to expect on each one. It's more granular control over a CPU than I've ever heard of before, yet every detailed review talks about not needing any of that shit because the auto clock-boost that happens is so legit and will even go above the factory-stamped clock speeds on its own if the cooling is available for it. I have a 1600x and can't justify the upgrade right now without someone like a friend or relative to sell it to to upgrade, but damn.

You'll get there, user!


I'm not. Eat shit, homo.
t. Talos II


>(((Talos II)))

Have fun with your """"open source"""" hardware, faggot. Come back when schematics and all that are actually available and not behind NDAs and paywalls.

psp is unable to connect to the wifi unlike ME dumbfuck


Ryzen being a big leap over FX is a big deal when you look at Intel releasing the same core count CPUs with 5% performance per clock increases for 10 years. I know 5% adds up over 10 years, but when was the last time Intel released a CPU that blew everyone away? It was original Core series.

it's not just "faster," I'm telling you, there is a massive, overwhelming difference in performance. Intel is just "faster."

Right, because the architecture was completely rewritten from the ground up by a competent forward-thinking team who nailed their task of meeting the computing needs of the world today. Intel is just "faster" because their development is fucking stagnant, and those kikes jewed themselves out of their lead.

Not to say Ryzen isn't great, because it damn well is.

wait till you work enough hours at mcdonalds to get a ryzen 7


I bought the 2700 thinking it would work for gaming, but the latency is way too high for anything but non-realtime tasks.

Really? I get solid performance, though I have the 2700x. I do have CL 14 RAM, though, so that might play into it.

Reminder AMD is running up the white flag on PSP for Ryzen, thanks to relentless kvetching by Our Greatest Allies at CTS Labs:

Attached: IMG_20171206_145355.jpg (1267x950, 146.57K)

I bet it'll be just as real as the 'deactivation' option for Intel Aviv's ME...

I can feel it in my mouse, and my DPC latency measurements back it up. None of my drivers are problematic.

My old i5-3330 had one-third the DPC latency compared to this system. The FPS is fine, it's the input lag that bothers me. If you want better FPS on Ryzen, set the affinity of the program to one CCX (odd or even are the CCXs).

Scheduling is another reason why Intel has lower latency, the scheduler has no fucking clue Ryzen is actually two separate processors and should be treated as such. Since the cache is shared between the CCXs, applications wait on a core to finish the thread because of memory latency. For pure gaming performance, Intel really is better. At least for low input lag gaming. Ryzen is great, just not for gaming.

Huh. Well, that sucks. I'm really happy with mine. I haven't had any input lag problems or anything, honestly. Feels snappy and smooth. My games are really enjoyable. DOOM, for example, is buttery smooth and fast. Older games are too, and Fallout 4 (horribly unoptimized) seems to run without issue. Honestly I can't think of a game where I felt like the input was laggy, or it wasn't choppy.

I'm on a Sandy Bridge from the same era. Locked to 2.8GHz, shitposts well enough. At least it's octacore.

I think you're lying.

Mine's running at 4GHz on the stock cooler, so it definitely is a great overclocker. I could push it to 4.1 if I could access my BIOS (I didn't know ultra fast boot prevented the splash screen from displaying, too lazy to reset BIOS).

I really wish I were lying, only an autist like me would be able to tell the difference.

Attached: Capture.PNG (587x90, 7.95K)

Yeah just like you can disable windows' spying with a few registry tweaks lol

How do I get those results on my freedom-aware OS?

My DPC latency on my i5-3330, I instantly feel the difference even on a 60Hz monitor, it's so fucking responsive, this is honestly a golden hardware sample

I'm not sure how interrupt latency optimization works on ganoonix.

Attached: jewtel dpc latency.PNG (462x87, 5.54K)

Windows plebeian troubles.

You use Windows, I think. I don't get this problem on Linux.

Maybe in 1-2 years I'll get a Ryzen. My rig can still run fine but it's some 3-4 years old already.

Upgraded from a 1090t to a 2700x. Big difference.

Try harder shlomo

I don't think it's a problem on Linux.

lmfao. You have at least 100ms lag between your mouse moving and the screen changing. Whenever Intel gets their ass kicked, there's always some sort of illusive phantom that makes Intel "better", but no one can prove it.

Context switching on old, 10 year old CPUs with slow DDR2 only take a ms or so. The latency between USB, graphics, PCIe, video output, monitor circuitry, monitor panel, etc dwarfs the latency you'd ever feel on a CPU, even if it's thrashing between in die cache and slow system memory.

You're just making shit up and you don't even understand what happens to a computer when you move your mouse.

Kill youself, Intelkike.
Ok, here you go.

Agreed that bus-level latency would be almost imperceptible as input lag, rather than just slower overall performance due to scheduler clash, but in principle
You must remember that end-to-end latency is cumulative, every millisecond of lag in a man-machine system stacks, starting on top of the already bad ~200ms for human hand-eye response.

And my point was that even if all these things add up to it, even if Ryzen had a 50% higher context switching penalty (1.5ms instead of 1ms), it's going to be nothing compared to the rest of the system.

Come on, Batman

Nice proof of Talos not being backdoored, fucknut.

Jewtel shill talking out his ass.

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I disabled a CCX and as I suspected, my DPC and interrupt to process latencies went down. Ryzen's architecture coupled with the Windows scheduler are not conducive to soft-realtime applications.

Attached: Capture.PNG (941x544, 41.28K)

Attached: 1433693081789.png (738x335, 313.85K)

So I guess I have a 4 core CPU now.

Attached: Capture1.PNG (388x74, 3.74K)

Thousands of interrupts happen a second, and eventually microseconds add up to milliseconds.

I'm more inclined to believe you put it together or configured it wrong. You're running Windows on bare hardware so you're already off to a bad start.

Speaking of AMD, does anyone here have experience with the EPYC line of processors? How similar are they to Ryzen? Are they botnet too? I want to build a dual-socket monster workstation.

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Is it really that hard to believe?

bought a 1600x and i couldnt be happier. idec if they can see my pc activities. give me more speed amd(addy)

I can get pretty autistic about power consumption/efficiency. Eagerly awaiting 7nm ryzens.

What program do you use to measure this?

Why bother? Just leave it at stock voltage and clock, it's already an ice cold power sipper.

You went from 2010 to 2018, how is the improvement in speed shocking?

Because it was AMD.

It's from mid-2012 to mid-2017 you dumb jew.

Attached: king crimson.jpg (1228x1228, 212.04K)

dual epycs

That's what she said.

Attached: 1.png (265x339, 92.35K)

Good luck playing games on GNU/Linux.

1) for real? any proofs?
2) what about letting the game use just one of them? (and forcing everything else to go do the other processor)

Should have transformed to a secret reptile, just like rapha, DaHang, strenx, toxjc, …

Im still on Athlon64 x2

Attached: works.png (819x585, 4.12K)

Games from pre-2000x work on your machine? Good.

I wouldn't call it that good, we're not even close to 20000 yet.

Ability to read is not a common trait of your breed, huh Jew?

Would you trust a kike with your life? I don't believe it until they provide source code. Until then AMD can fuck off with their Pajeet CEO.

1055t is perfectly fine for most things right now.

This is fine too.

Good lord things have changed

Attached: real neato.jpg (500x500, 102.36K)


Zig Forums I need help pls. I built a new computer and it won't boot, all the fans turn on (including the CPU cooler and the graphics card card fans) and I can turn it on and off with the button on the case. None of the Boot/CPU/RAM/VGA debug LEDs light up, but the LED trim on the other side of the motherboard does. I'm pretty sure everything's plugged in right. Here's my parts list: pcpartpicker.com/list/D82gP3

Maybe I need to get AMD to lend me one of those processors to update the bios to make it compatible with the 2600x?

I want to do GPUPassthrough with a Ryzen 2700X however I am not sure how the multi-core performance on games are compared to if you were to use an Intel CPU for passthrough, anybody currently run this kind of setup?

Attached: Mista_question.png (351x339, 233.55K)

It shouldn't matter much. Plebbit and level1techs YouTube channel (and freddit breddit board) are unironically good resources to look into for passthrough, unless something has changed in the past year since I looked. When configured right there's less than a 1% performance drop, and iirc that was early on with ryzen. Fuck Intelaviv.

I recently got a new motherboard and processor. a current year 4 core athlon, Had to buy a new motherboard and ram because
Overall I'm still happy with my purchase even though i spent a little more money then i wanted to.

Thanks, Linux.

What OS are you using? Ryzen works really well on Ubuntu 18.04

You're just retarded.

motherboard firmware is still more free than x86 boards, and it's higher performance than a deblobbed SBC
defenestrate yourself from the top floor, blackpill dickhead

Arch. It worked fine on Solus but for some reason Arch is fucked. I even turned off the C6 setting in the motherboard but it only made them happen less frequently.

Average soyboy tech "nerdie."

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I still haven't forgiven AMD's failures. Improving the Phenom II would have been simple, had they gone the Intel route (die shrink + cache increase, maybe add two threads per core). Instead they decided to engender a CPU family that is housefire garbage (they don't even have proper cores; you could call those ALU clusters). Shame on you, AMD. That said, I'll still build a Ryzen system if someone can confirm that the "Disable PSP" BIOS switch actually works.

This is pathetic.

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And yet there might be backdoors in the CPU itself which you don't know about.

Stop using computers, faggot. Pen and paper > digital any day.