He supposedly breaks the ps3 keys, yet does nothing else.
What happened to this guy?
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Kinda like how Fuckerberg wrote Facebook, but nothing else.
I heard a rumor he was hired by Apple to work on their security team with several other prominent members of the Jailbreaking community but not sure how true that is
Faggots at Sony should just free up their hardware. It's a 12 year old console. The homebrew community is basically what made the PSP worth a shit, it's why people still make software and games for it, but the kikes at Sony don't care.
That's exactly how people work! As soon as they get big news about one thing they've done, they retire into hibernation where there stay until they die.
once you make your mark on history and save up enough shekels, the neet life is pretty comfy
that's weird, why would sony sue him but apple not sue those involved with jailbreaks? is there that much of a difference with those things?
The difference is whose company happened to have a frivolous lawyer working for them that particular day
both companies have lawyers out their kazoos. whatever, it's apple's money, and i don't know if that geohot sony lawsuit was settled out of court anyways.
Same thing happened to that iOS emulator for Android, snapped up by Apple.
It's investment. The man is smart enough to break your thing, either you try to scaremonger like Sony by filling lawsuits they won't pay or you're smart and know others will try their hands at breaking your things anyway. So you hire the good ones, two birds with one stone: they won't break your things anymore, and they're smart and will help you be more secure.
there r no kikes in tokyo
Last I heard, he lives at a hacker house and was working on self-driving car technology.
he work for elon musk now
probably hanging out with chad warden
He's an akward manlet.
Sony sued him out of the ps3 scene when he brought back other OS for the ps3 (which pissed off "anonymous" and they hacked psn)
He also ditched working on iphones for android.
Sued for breaking DRM.
Nobody should be sued for breaking technology and trying to make modifications. DRM is just digital handcuffs for you.
No he didn't break DRM, what he did was hack the ps3 to bring back Other OS.
he got raped than he got cucked.
that's what happens when you relax around negros
that means he's been employed dumkopf
He didnt write shit
He stole the idea from his partners and let uncle schlomos money do the rest.
But there's something even worse, there's the japanese.
The jew fears the samurai because the samurai is a better jew.
The only jew here is you, dude.
I thought he went to China to work on self driving car software. He claimed his code was 1500 lines of C or something and
samurai detected
Cool! I drive about 2000 kilometers every week, and I'll be happy to teach this AI how to drive my roads for me!
That should be a song and dance routine for a family of mice moving to Japan in vein attempt to escape the jews.