The internet is becoming fractured

Does anyone else feel like the internet is begin fractured on purpose? With the recent laws in the EU, the China firewall/botnet, Russia designing their own CPUs and the constant fears of cyber warfare things have been moving in an interesting direction.

This desire for security and fear of spying will eventually result in hardware/software that becomes further incompatible with everything else. Standards become ignored and different between the networks in each nation. All traffic snooped and blocked at the borders where the networks meet. You can stop the spread of information or change it. It gives you time to shape your propaganda at the very least.

I'm concerned about this happening in the next few decades. It'll be a slow march to a major netsplit and once the ball gets rolling who knows how far it may go. I think we may see as many as 8 subnets develop over time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I see nothing wrong with this. AmericaNet will be the most glorious of them all with First Amendment protections.

These aren't new concerns or fears. There will always be open internet in first world countries and restricted internet in third world shitholes. Try not to pay much attention to the media on this.

Until World war breaks out. You'll see a split then. The first thing they'll do is destroy or cut power to anything important.

I'd honestly prefer a more fractured internet with the main bridges being by sneakernet.

tbh, it would actually be interesting to see, whether in real life or at least a sci-fi type theory. Here's some thoughts I have on this:
These sorts of things definitely seem like they could lead to such subnet splits.
I fail to see how this relates, however. A different CPU architecture means nothing these days in terms of fracturing the planet's networking. When RISC-V becomes more widely seen and used, is that going to all of a sudden make all of the networking protocols not work on it? Of course not, because it's just another architecture for people to compile stuff on.

The question is: how will this split actually look? I imagine there could emerge a black market or some under-the-radar way to smuggle media from one subnet to another, assuming there is no legal way for people in different ones to communicate.
Let's assume that there is though. If there is in fact some legal yet highly limited and regulated way to communicate across the nets, what would that look like?
Going back to CPU architectures and hardware, perhaps a long-term split may even lead to all countries settling on different stuff. Like instead of having everyone using x86 chips from Intel or AMD, and maybe ARM if they have a mobile device, perhaps each subnet will have its own standard. If not an actual standard, then certainly a de-facto one. Entire hardware platforms that could be region-specific.
How deep could we go? would one of them eventually develop a new networking protocol beyond TCP/IP? Could it be that each net would be speaking completely different protocols at some point?
A lot of this hangs on the time frame here. How long would the net be fractured? If it's not for terribly long (the length of a war as just suggested), then most of this stuff probably wouldn't happen, or would be at a reduced severity. However, if it ends up that such a split persists for, say, a decade or more, things start looking more probable.

This is actually getting kinda exciting, even as just an autistic theory. Shit, you could even make some kinda roleplaying scenario based on this

It would be a nuisance, but that alone wouldn't cut off communications with other countries. People in free and open countries want to remain free and open so they will work to restore whatever connections are taken down. War wouldn't stop that.


Don't worry in the NWO everyone will share their internet connection

I feel like you're just spouting a soup of words and phrases you absorbed from being here for 2 days at most to sound smart

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Good. Now get the fuck out.

If they do as you say, this place will become like 7chan.

Name one with more than a million people.

It was inevitable. As soon as the elites realized the internet is a problem for them they started cracking down on it.

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>ywn post ebin soyboy menes safe from (((their))) clutches while enjoying the view from your space onion farm

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t. brainwashed patriot

You're blind.
The openess of our internet is only apparent.
It's just two different methods: the first use direct force. It's the dumb method, not very stable.
The second method, used in the west (europe/USA), is the indirect manipulation, using filter bubble, astroturfing etc.. It's actually far worste.

That's like in the cold war era: every knew in the east that "The pradva" was lying. But the situation in the west was actually worste, because nobody seem to understand that what was in the New York Times or in the Washington Post was actually quite the same propaganda, but with readers thinking that it's mostly free and real.
That's why the bruteforce method is bad, and that's why the communist system fell down. Manipulation is superior to direct oppression.
Moreover, in the west, where there is a high concentration of high level creative jobs, intellectuals etc.. You can't threaten people with violence and direct oppression. You have to be more subtil (and it's because of the nature of these people. In a high tech companies, you'll never see more work = more money. That's for little jobs, not implying anything intellectual). The goal is to show a society that is externally open, free, while moving the repression in your head. This repression have a lot to do with social exclusion.

I have to say that I'm very afraid of filter bubble, or having data retrieve from internet automatically modified on the fly. You can't even believe videos anymore, but how can you trust webpages either?

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define "free"

Free as in speech. We are able to freely converse without having to worry about government arresting us for wrongthink.

Honestly, I can't wait. Maybe people online will rediscover that old "can do, will do, also fuck you" attitude they used to have.

the fuck you taking about? after the Internet is carved up, the governments will enact harsh licensing fees to keep wrongthink down.

I want to believe

So, were is this Utopia ?

what are you, a chinaman or dumbass leaf?

See? This is the kind of attitude we never used to have. If people were worried about things like that in the early days we wouldn't even have BBS. "B-b-b-but what if we're not allowed to put data down the phone line without approval?"

We will think of something, and we will flip the finger as we do it. Get some balls and some attitude. Even if we have to resort to sending plaintext around as a .WAV file like data on a cassette we'll do THAT if we have to.

Good, fuck euro-fags, they've been making the internet worse for years by pushing their retarded notion of the government granting you rights instead of the glorious murican idea of the government can't take shit away from you. The sooner europe install an iron curtain on their part of the internet the better

Acoustic coupler modems exist because phone companies got pissy about third-party equipment on their phone lines didn't they?


Then we'll have to find a way around it, wont we? Even if it takes weeks to spread things around, we'll do it. Banned Samizdat used to spread everywhere with amazing speed. An unapproved newspaper was found in the Middle East only 5 days after it left the typewriter in Moscow.

that's going to be difficult getting off the ground unless you know a bunch of people personally whom you can trust

i was listening to a podcast today and the host mentioned sam hyde being "banned from the internet".

i thought it was interesting that that phrase nowadays doesn't mean he was literally barred from using a computer or accessing the world wide web, it means a handful of massive companies booted him from their platforms. there really truly is no open internet anymore, it's all behind a bunch of gatekeepers that can vanish you the second you step out of line.

Isn't that how all websites work? What's stopping Sam Hyde from starting his own website?



i mean it's troubling that the internet is basically all consolidated into the hands of a few companies. i'm sure he has his own website - i don't know, i don't follow the guy - but in the eyes of most people you don't exist if you can't/don't have a facebook, twitter, youtube account.

actually, with the whole bit with gab where the .ai domain registrar was pressured to seize their domain, that's worrying too.

I haven't been arrested in the US yet. I'm reasonably sure Canada protects free speech. I'm not 100% sure about Australia. Europe, who knows anymore?

are you joking? there were plenty of cases to look at to know this is where it would be: yahoo dominated the late 90's, early 00's, google bought up a bunch of companies in mid 00's and took the reins. shoot, look at BBS's, forums, or any image board and look at how mods and admins get drunk on power and ban anyone who they don't like.

if for example :
i go to USA or Canada and Tell "Burn the jew" i will be throw into jail because of "hate speech" thus you can't have "freedom"of speech, you will never be free, you concept of "Free" is irrelative, if you are Free you must have the freedom to steal & to murder ?
You are prisioner of your own morality and material condition you can't be free.
You are but a subject of cultural hegemony.
So stop claiming retard concept as Freedom or indivuality.

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USA doesn't have hate speech laws


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That is some interesting 14 year old existentialism coming from a 14 year old point of view. What other wisdom nuggets do you have for me?

protip: inciting for violence like that isn't considered free speech by any country. Saying, "I hate jews and you should as well" isn't the same as "we should literally incinerate the jews".

that's an even better explanation. you really get your point across. you really hit the nail on the head. you really got it.


Who are you quoting?

It depends on how credible the threat is. I'd wager the secret service is probably tired of following up on every person who said they were going to kill Trump. It doesn't much sense unless the person is in DC with a loaded gun.

wait until i do a minecraft let's play and put linkind park the 3min long intro just to wake you up.
Gay don't exist thus trap are not gay.

Glad i helped you mate :^)

If I'm yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre, how credible does it have to be to be considered free speech?


That literally is a quote you fucking newfag.

You're endangering people. You can yell fire outside of the theater, for instance.

not really hypothetical at this point when europe is being voluntarily cut off from other global sites because companies don't want to foot the bill for managing gdpr compliance.

This. Realistically everything will become even more monopolized though and avoiding the burger megacorps will get even harder as they destroy/buy any possible competitor.

Tch, what a baby. Let's get out of here, guys, maybe we can make another thread where we can discuss actual, realistic views of the future, such as the looming cloud-only dystopia in 5 years.

They'll tell you to shut up since they have fire alarms.

If you look at statistics and numbers and research events over the years you'd realize that we already lost and that this is impossible now. Unironically give up goyim.

Man, if it were me on that Supreme Court, I would say it's up to the States to decide that.

ywn is a dead meme bucko. We will. Bank on it.

it was never this pervasive. search engines always existed but google is the front-end to all of human knowledge for a ton of people, and they filter bubble and outright filter it for everyone.

you bring up bbs's, the forums of yesteryear. lots of them, local and a manageable amount of content so that you can drink right from the firehose. now people would rather use facebook groups and forums are dying, and all of them, local or not, are subject to facebook's rule from up on high. it's a step above mods drunk on power on social networks because when twitter does it it's about being clandestine, and at that scale it can warp public perception.

it's the same human condition of power corrupts. humans being social animals congress naturally in large groups, which is not absent in the current cyberscape. as people coalesce on platforms to interact with their friends and find new interests whatever, the people running those platforms will become corrupt because of the enormous power they now wield. this is nothing new. go back to the titans of industry in the 19th century. it's the exact same thing happening now as it was then. nothing different.

If fire alarms indicate the presence of fire and no fire alarms indicate the absence of fire, then fire alarms are the cause of fire.

Is it a nonfractured internet if you one half of it can't read the language of the other?
You have many cliques, and the biggest one is the english one. It's also the most open, anyone can post because of how ubiquitous english is.
But tell me the last time you posted on
The problem is that a possible physical fracture won't feel like much because we're already in our cliques. I wish it was fractured more and more until you had smaller networks and an important amount of sneakernet. In this case bigger isn't better, as it dillutes a lot of the uniqueness

Apparently it falls under a "clear and present danger" ruling dating back to WWI when a guy printed off fliers telling people to resist conscription.

you're right, greed is part of the human condition, nothing can be done about that. all the same, i see google demonetizing creators on youtube, facebook filtering out posts, twitter sorting "bad" replies down the list, and it's hard to not feel that something went wrong somewhere. i'm not that old, but when i was growing up the internet felt less controlled. like it had so much more potential than what we have now, huge bloated webpages that all look the same, ironic fads that sweep through and leave you dizzy from the fumes, discourse that's treated like wrongthink.

sorry, that went sideways on me.

people do that all the time
first you don't trust, but then you can trust them. Ezpz.

man it'll take some time until fucking PR people realize that faggots at the west coast aren't the totality of the world
the problem is that those faggots are oversocialized and PR fags overregulate human behavior. Read Kaczynski for more answers.

Sounds like something a shill would say. We haven't lost yet and even if we do we can always burn it with fire. All it takes is for one user in the right place to say fuck it and sabotage something for the entire network to go down. People take for granted how easy it would be to take down something like the power grid. It only runs on trust. I'm not even important and I've had several chances to blackout the east coast if I so desired.

They only win for as long as we aren't actively fighting them. I'm not ready to give up just yet nor am I willing to live in a land where pic related is considered "harmful to the general public".

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This is by choice. It's completely different than preventing your country from conversing with the outside world unless they have enough god boy points.

The Internet was not less controlled in the past and is not more controlled today. All that happened is that commerical websites (based on mass advertising-tracking) became super popular. I'd like to know examples of ironic fads that exist on the Internet that isn't 4chan and 4chan style anti-establishment attitude.

You mean that communist who was printing and distributing propaganda and was arrested and charged with crimes under the Espionage Act?

Yeah. The Internet was a wild west sort of world during the 90's. People were using it for all kinds of protocols and purposes, but now it's mostly e-mail and web. I think the High Performance Computing Act that dissolved the NSFNet into the commercial Internet we know and """"""love"""""" today was the beginning of the downfall. I would've liked to have experienced the NSFNet before things went downhill.

It's so easy, an imbecile could do it. Really, how are you going to find people who want to access information for the sole reason of accessing information? That's the hard part. After that is when you check the waters if you can trust them or not.

Yep. Apparently this is what set the precedent.

There is a difference between a regulation and a license.

Nice Freudian slip there.

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Right on.

That's what I am saying. You will have to have a license to access certain parts of the Internet. Like if you want to look at porn or something, you will have to have a license. Not from your ISP, from the government itself.

That has been tried in South Korea and failed.

What has been tried?

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Hopefully it fails in the UK as well. However, given the government there is dragging it's heels over exiting the EU despite the majority voting in favor- I don't have much hope in the ability of the UK government to do something sane.

what the hell is this?


and this

fuck you

You didn't specify anything. What has been tried in South Korea?

Therefore, people who trigger fire alarms are arsonists, so they should go in jail.

My point is that it'll feel like nothing changed because it's all fucked

You first start clicking with them, you make an underground collective n shit

Wrong. We have, legally, no real protection at all. From the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Privileges and Permissions:
Section 2 is:
> (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
In other words, it is built into our Constitution that the government can abolish free speech whenever they want.
The other fake rights are too numerous for a single post, but as an example of other things the government can arbitrarily deprive you of:
Note that this already allows for exceptions "in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice", so Section 33's applicability to this section explicitly grants the government permission to pass unjust laws.


It's one of the first pieces of propaganda they teach you in early school. They teach you this before they even teach you about the Bill of Rights.

seriously, don't click that fucking link it will fuck your shit up fam

Did it even work? You must be using an old web browser.

*to hear

what is it? one of those old shock sites that run a bunch of popups?

last measure

is it 2003 again?

I wish it was user

I'm going to stop now. It's too depressing to think about this.

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Logic for monkeys.

fairly recent firefox (or rather waterfox, which says is on version 56.2.0)

For me what it did (after showing me images of a diseased axe wound) was open up my email client and opened up several new drafts of messages supposedly addressed to the Gay Nigger Association of America, while also popping up several of "what do you want to open this thing with?" messages, with the suggestion being mibbit for some reason.
I have no idea what it would have done if I let it keep going. I hard shutdown and ran a full virus scan just in case it was gonna do something actually malicious.

That sucks. I doubt it did anything though beyond what you described. IIRC it used javascript new window requests to open urls with different protocols and links. Like for email it obviously opened a link to something like "mailto:[email protected]?subject=something". I don't know what the mibbit would've been, maybe IRC or telnet or something.

Well there is >>>/ipfs/ so fuck the FAG (Facebook, Amazon, Google)

My worst fear here is honestly that it might have sent shit out to contacts or something (there'd be a lot of explaining to do). I don't think it did though. I probably would have that in my sent mail if it did.

It would've been in your sent mail folder if anything happened. That thing is so old.