Why is Cinnamon the best DE? No other DE I've tried is as customizeable and loaded with keyboard shortcuts. Best file manager too, just a simple ctrl+tab doesn't work in any other file manager I've tried when working with multiple tabs open.
Why is Cinnamon the best DE? No other DE I've tried is as customizeable and loaded with keyboard shortcuts...
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Well Linux Mint is VERY insecure
I'll give you that, but cinnamon is still best.
I actually shoul`d find a new OS and adapt, I'm too comfortable on Mint. I recently reinstalled and didn't clone my installation so everything feels so foreign and alien to me so more of an incentive to ditch Mint.
xfce with i3-style keybinds, it's literally heaven.
Cinnamon? Is that a new way to spell LXQT, the only acceptable DE?
I agree. Plus, it looks good by default.
Just change the settings lmao
xfce forever
You mean until Wayland hits, right?
Neither xfwm nor its sane replacement, openbox, are gonna get ported to Wayland.
So, forever?
you really dont need an actual complete port for minimal shit like that. Whatever's minimal will win and be fine. Full DEs are pretty shit on non-commodity/OEM stuff though.
I love cinnamon, but mint devs are open source cucks, just look at their roadmap github.com
Can we port it to GuixSD? I mean cinnamon, not botnet shit.
Gnome is pretty awesome, but I prefer not to use Gnome.
In principle yes, Debian already has it as one of their options and they actually value freedom.
have they fixed the bugs yet? or is it still as unstable as I remember
Why don't you just install a WM and the programs you actually want/need?
Also, why can't we have only 1 thread for DEs and WMs? (and another for distros)
Go right ahead. Enjoy your (potentially) backdoor'd distro LoL
X11 will be around at least for the next 10~20 years. and it's not certain that Wayland will be the thing that will eventually replace it
So you like that themes get broken with every release and that they remove features?
Didn't know that was a thing.
Laziness. One day I'll sort myself and actually do it.
Good thing about xfce is that you can easily replace the window manager, I've been using bspwm within xfce for over 6 months now, also I removed all the default keybind and use sxhkd instead.
Centos with cinnamon for comfiest environment.
The devs have no fucking OpSec. See
It isn't because Xfce has more features and customizability with a smaller memory footprint. Cinnamon is a joke, in fact.
My dream window manager combines the features of two. I wish a determined soul would take up the task some day.
Cinnamon is GNOME-infested shit. XFCE is the only DE worth using
Gentoo with Deepin-DE looks the best.
How about LXDE and LXQT?
LXDE is deprecated in favor of LXQT. but xfce is still the best DE, imo. however, the best option is to just install the WM of your choice and the software you want.
The big plus of Cinnamon isn't that's highly customizable, it isn't. Nor is the benefit that it's loaded with keyboard shortcuts, it's no better in that regard particularly than any other GNOME-alike.
The chief benefit of Cinnamon is it's polish. It's easily the best-looking Linux DE out there. And it's also adopted a general approach that makes it appealing to Wangblows refugees, especially under Linux Mint, it's homebase project.
Devuan user, Good Life Linux is great if you update the core Devuan stuff, better know how to install a browser in command line though or you're fucked
also the memory leak shit is irritating in Cinnamon
Wayland has already hit. It's more than apparent that it'll never completely take X's market share.
Cinnamon is literally pointless when Mate and Budgie are also both in modern GTK, while being MUCH lighter on the resources.
Wayland will replace X when xWayland is up to task of running everything that's never going to get updated to run in Wayland natively.
Also when other desktops like Mate, Xfce and LXQt finally support it.
Half the reason Xfce is getting ported to GTK3/4 is to support Wayland at some point.
Wayland performs like shit, and if you need xWayland, you might as well just stick to X.
Wayland performs like shit on Nvidia*
I've had no issues with it, performance wise, with Mesa.
At that rate Wayland is just an unnecessary layer of bloat and you're better off just using X.
Cinnamon needs GPU acceleration, uses up a good portion of RAM, and CPU cycles even at idle. Nemo is the only good thing it has. You can creating your own KB shortcuts in XFCE(settings manager>>keyboard)
Unless you were already barely scrapping by on X, you won't notice the difference, but it's there. I'm on intel too, so this isn't about Nvidea being niggers. On top of that, anything running through xWayland will be even worse off, for obvious reasons.
Replacing X is all well and good when you actually have a viable alternative, but currently you don't.
Won't this lead to installing a shit ton of additional software to fulfill dependencies?
Wayland will turn out a waste of time if it's vulnerable to keyloggers (one of the main weakness of X.org).
I sure as fuck notice the lack of tearing.
Mate is better for desktops and tea.
I doesn't even do that on my computer.
pcmanfm-qt works also.
No excuse... even Windows does it correctly.
I've just tested cinnamon, mate and xfce on GNU/Linux Mint 18.3 and cinnamon is the most glithy and RAM eating DE, but in my opinion the easiest , whereas mate and xfce are smother. Hope they've fixed it in cinnamon 3.8. blog.linuxmint.com
Absolute retard, that's a segment UI widget. It's designed to be resizable *both* on Windows and Cinnamon.
Wallpaper source?
Elves are really fucking soy tbqh.
Thanks, fellow fella of good fellowship and fellow shared tastes.
I like it alot, linux mint is just botnet af
On point African
It is. That's why I don't use LM itself. Cinnamon does look very nice on Calculate Linux however.