Any Archfags on here who can help me troubleshoot?
Can't view videos on hooktube after upgrading tor browser and updating system
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didn't click, but bumping anyway just to trigger you
I sage because I only bump threads that are worth it.
I don't use sage as a "dislike button" as 90% of newfags think it is.
Also, I'm trying to help you with the video
Since you already pointed out that 90% of newfags use sage as le downboat, then it's safe for me to have assumed that you fell into that category.
But giving you the benefit of the doubt: Do you use the Tor browser? Do you have an up-to-date Arch system? Are you using the latest Tor browser: 7.5.4 (based on Mozilla Firefox 52.8.0)?
If yes to all three questions, then can you successfully watch videos on
Use youtube-dl.
The conversion to /g/ has been completed.
I don't want to download videos, m8. I already know how to do that. I simply want to watch them on hooktube without all the youtube pozz.
If you have youtube-dl installed, you can do the following:
That'll let you stream it with mpv.
I can already do that using VLC. I want to view videos on hooktube using my Tor browser, that's it.
Install Gentoo
God this board is awful. How someone can be such tech illiterate.
I can only share your pain.
I should also have mentioned that I already have javascript enabled for the site. It was working fine before the system update.
If you don't meet the criteria listed here
you can fuck off back to your pone porn
I'm not OP, so I'm not enough of a faggot to directly run Tor on my main distro, without passing through at least whonix, or on tails.
Morevoer, I know about mpv compiled with the youtube-dl library, and about mpv that more roughly can play a video from stdin.
Dude unlike you I don't have stacks of CP on my harddrive that I need to run Tor through tails to hide from the alphabets. I just want to watch youtube without the pozz.
Thanks for your non-relevant response that was already addressed upthread.
The first pedophile you put in front of me, I would glady execute him if I have the opportunity.
off topic either way
I answered you. You can torify mpv and use it to directly play your video without download it.
But whatever, it's /g/ now here.
I already know how to view and download youtube videos using other tools and already pointed that out so, no, you didn't address nor answer the issue at hand.
I actually don't understand how you can play youtube video from the browser without javascript.
The criteria is simple:
>Do you have an up-to-date Arch system? Are you using the latest Tor browser: 7.5.4 (based on Mozilla Firefox 52.8.0)? Can you successfully watch videos on
If you don't meet that criteria, you can kindly fuck off and leave this thread.
Learn how to read:
fucking kek. You must be a troll.
The first ultimate rule to using the Tor browser is to turn javascript off globally. I stop the feed.
It is turned off globally, moron. You can selectively enabled it on a per site basis. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about and should take your own advice and fuck off.
Eat shit
I figured out how stickies work. Delete thread.