An appeal to all other European anons
We're reaching the final stretch boys. If any of you live in the Eurozone Or you've got a VPN and a good grasp on a foreign language then please, by all means, try any of the three methods to spread awareness and tell your MEPs (preferably those of already Euroskeptic countries such as Poland, Italy or Austria) to veto this shit.
Highlights include:
The only good news is that it would mean the end of shit like Twitch and Reddit, but you all know where they're going to move towards if this shit passes spoiler: they'll become our rapefugees

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't give a shit.
Internet has already been spoiled by normies. The worse it gets, the better.

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You mean the web. I'd be fine with gopher, irc, ftp, ppp, torrent, ssh, and email. But yes - the faster the web goes to shit, the better.

the įrony

Proof it isn't worth saving.

You're the kind of faggot that would have gladly kept paying taxes to the British because the colonies were already being spoiled by newcomers anyway

You can't expect normies to do anything right I know, just bear with it

Yes, I would've been a British loyalist.

I fucking wish.
which is the best eu country for Zig Forums to move to? preferably one that isn't going to get invaded soon

great link

Can you provide proof for those claims?

duck it, searx it

I only found retarded opinion pieces by non-lawyers about it. Where can I find the actual text?

You said this is not for regular normies
regular normies don't need any freedom in the internet anyway, otherwise they would not use absolutely botnet tier shit like drm ridden netflix, facebook, and similar shit.

We already have a thread about this.

Gopher a shit. We need a new protocol entirely.

Oh, I thought it was about ban on VPNs.
But it's about fucking ban of memes.

Actually, I'll call my MEP to tell him to vote for this. MEGA needs to die. Torrent always was and is the way.

First they came for Kim Dotcom, and then they will come for you (in the butthurt).
VPN is also affected.

GDPR thread is dead so posting this here.

"451: Unavailable for legal reasons

We recognise you are attempting to access this website from a country belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU which enforces the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and therefore cannot grant you access at this time. For any issues, e-mail us at..."

Just got this while trying to watch a sports stream...


Then I support this law. The rest of us will continue doing whatever we want because we know how to use encryption.

Gopher was here long before you, and will be here long after you're gone, Earth n00b.

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Best EU law ever

The same could be said about UNIX, but that don't imply quality nor usefulness.

Gopher is simple enough to work well on 8-bit computers, which are effectively the best way to escape hardware botnet. The web and other more complicated stuff don't scale down nearly as well.

I'll just add that Europe is not a country, so we are very far to have any tool to pressure them.
We simply can't do shit. People need to start realise that.
The european union is the tool used by the USA to dominate us. The founder of the european union, like Monnet, were CIA agents.
The recent sanctions against Iran, that europe is forced to follow is yet another proof that shows that the european union is clearly not a "counter-weight" to the USA. It's the USA that forced the integration of the balkans in europe. They're the one forcing the integration of Turkey in europe (which is already the case unofficially, because aggreements giving right very close to a EU member have been granted to Turkey).

The only solution is for this structure to collapse, and for european countries to FINALLY take independance, from germany from one part, and from USA on another part. Germany alone have to take its independance, rather that this trade off, staying under american domination, but dominating europe.

There is no european people. The one putting pressure on the european parliament are lobbyist, which have a huge building just in front of the europea parliement. There is no people implied in the process. And they're removing referendums, that was mandatory in the past to take decision (I don't remember at what level exactly). Some countries have refused the Maastricht treaty in 2005, but they still applied it.

We need to stop with this scam. The european countries are under occupation since the end of world war two.

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Hey bud, if you want to end the CIA go for it. Take a poll. Nobody will stop you.

ooh it looks like it's too late

those are all literally shit except maybe torrent lol. probably not as shit as web since that's realy hard to beat though

Just for that retarded analogy I'm going to sage your thread.

I'm not gonna lie, this is monstruous.
I don't think that after that, i would ever come back on the internet is it's passed.
The whole point of news right now on the internet is their review and selection by alternative news website. Without them, we come back to what was news before the internet liberation.

Now, I don't think it's gonna pass, because I feel that it's organised fear just to make people forget about all of the other bullshit they're passing, but well, it's not like we can ignore that.

It's internet becoming useless. I can't even imagine my life without all of the liberty and knowledge internet gives me. That'll be quite of a shock.
I'll start to hoard as much "copyright" shit I can. Especially official videos of terrorist attacks, wars etc...

It's gentrification.
It's a good thing.

they are carving up the internet before your very eyes. marvel as you will no longer be able to access any site outside of your country's domain.

IRC needs an anonymity-aware replacement, same for email.


There's no protocol that's as easily loggable and that carries a similar information density as irc. It's like intelligence agencies being handed quality information on semi-interesting people for free. They were stupid if they weren't storing literally all irc communication forever.

just because someone can log on to a server, even though you can require a password/nick combo, and join a channel, that you can further require invite and password, doesn't mean you have to send unencrypted text to the channel or private messages.

I got nothing to hide, so unless you are a pedo or a terrorist you got nothing to worry about

You can use TLS, but other users on the same channels might not. Links between irc servers may also be unencrypted. When someone correlates all packets sent to and from an irc server within a given time frame, your encryption suddenly becomes worthless. Even if all connections to and from all irc servers are encrypted it's still easy to see who you're communicating with.

I don't care about freedom of speech because I have nothing to say.

I am not talking about tls. I am talking about encrypting whatever text you are sending, and then whoever has the key can decrypt and respond in kind.

freedom of speech is just your cover up for hate speech, we are better without it

can you explain what freedom of speech in objective terms?

Actually kill yourself.

No one uses irc that way.

damn I wish you trump supporters just go away

Except for the CIA.

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It doesn't mean people can't use irc that way.

Are you being sarcastic or antagonistic?

But then you might as well use any protocol. Why not xmpp?

I think IRC allows enough room for whatever custom tools people want to implement. Because it's a text protocol, it's simple enough to parse. I just glanced at xmpp and saw that it uses xml. That seems like it would introduce bloat for handling the extra "" bytes necessary. Also, building trees from xml is not trivial, especially when attributes are involved.

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8.8

thumbnail looked like tomoko with a drumset

It won't do anything, the fucking EU just ignores any "undesirable" results of democracy, be it direct or representative. Then pushes for whatever they had already decided on again later. The trend has been established, barring some major upset the constant pushing of draconian bullshit will not stop. With every year the people shitting on everyone's head get more powerful and stand to gain more from doing it, and the people trying to avert it get more fed up and worn out. Barring catastrophe are international rebellion we are fucked.

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I keep telling people this but they don't listen. There's nothing we can do to resist. You will not stop it. You will never get your guns. They are unstoppable. The only thing we can do is kill ourselves. Givew the fuck up and let them win like we at 8ch are doing right now.

Listen to . You can't do anything. They can't do anything. Just fucking stop.

49th post best post. Based blackpill strikes again to plant truth into the hearts of Zig Forumsites.

See . It's going to pass, along with the million headshittings after that. They've gone too powerful for us to resist, and I think it's high time we just stop bothering with this shit. All we can do now is discuss the upcoming dystopia.

Well put. He who plays with fire shall get burned in such due time.

Everyone ITT thinking this can be stopped, say hello to our little friend

I noticed how after this post the thread went dead silent for a while before many others (such as myself) stood to face the truth with it. Could it be that the resistors of Zig Forums have quietly accepted the truths presented here?

Based blackpill strikes again to remind newfags thinking of resisting the draconian bullshits that 8ch is a place for the cynical realists of the world, not cuck idealists. To those newfags: Go back to eating your tide pods and jacking off to the DmC2 trailer.

That's absolutely false. They'd never pass anything that truly upset a huge chunk of people.
That's why they're hiding, that's why they always use indirect ways.

One exemple of a treaty planned in their agenda, was the TAFTA. People were so upset by this that they simply stopped. Obviously, they're trying to pass it chunk by chunk, without talking about it, but it's far harder for them.

That's why saying that you can't do anything is absolutely retarded. Now, I'm not this faggot saying that by signing a petition, you're gonna change anything. Democracy has been a lie since the start. Democracy don't exist and never did.
But believe that they're afraid of violent revolt. That's why they're working as I described. To always control the situation. You're not gonna stop them, but you can make it harder, or make then abandon some part of it, that'll allows us or allow peoples who know, to still have liberty.
That's the latter that interest me.
Let them do their thing, but still with possibilities for us to AT LEAST get educated on the truth. I don't care about anything else. They're far too powerful for us to really act. The revolution will never happen. But that's not an excuse to not resist, at your level.

The fast our degenerate civilization dies, the fast we'll be able to move on. Too bad the next crash will not end this, but only unveil the true nature of our modern time.

Just to end, I think that the "free internet" era is starting to fade definitively. I hope you studied what you needed to study, save what you needed to save. Buy some HDDs, and same the do/k/ument, the Ark, the Mega Folder etc...
Save everything piece of historical videos, before they get erased.

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So truth, but there is still a retards that dont get it, and say that there is gonna be a decentralise internet. Can you shut the retard up so they see truth like we did.

You are very obviously samefagging. Stop.

author here, I'm not.
That's just the logical evolution. Just look at television, or radio evolution.

Democracy is incosistent anyways. This has been known for thousands of years. (((Who))) do you think perpetrates this necessity for democracy?


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Demoralization already took over all of EU countries and people there.
Your pic really sums it up, when time comes people will be too tired and fucking annoyed with politics that they will just want to be left alone in their little corner of the room watching something on Youtube.
Nobody would care even because they became too tired with same bullshit over and over again.

Little by little, year by year, inch by inch, we are coming towards a true one world government.
They won't stop. TAFTA stopped? Rename it and try again 3 years later.
Do you think someone will retaliate and chop off their heads? LOL, wishful thinking.

Some are demoralized, some rationalize that it's all just okay, some genuinely enjoy where EU is heading, some keep fighting the good fight.

One of the most bizarre things with rationalizer group is their defense of EU being a democracy. It goes something like this:

It's the same rationalization as with Chinese democracy, where party leadership is on paper elected by people's representatives. Pointing that out makes rationalizers and fans absolutely ballistic, their default defenses being "you russian troll!!!!1" in complete absence of any intelligence and faced with demolished worldview where EU in their mind is democratic beacon of world.

It's not just inconsistent, it just was never a thing in the first place. The only way direct representation works well is when the scale is little, for example let's say a small city. There, it works very well. But at a bigger scale, it simply doesn't work AT ALL. Moreover, most people are simply none educated. They don't have the philosophical/historical culture to actually make the right decision. The vote of a PHD in philosophy and a blue collar is not worth the same. That's a fact. Now, I'm not saying that the guy having the PHD is not manipulated too, just on another scale through very oriented college courses and social pressure, but still. Democracy, equality simply don't exist. I like this definition of democracy: "This is the privatization of power".

It's just one faggot. Don't other generalize. Even though I know that in my country people are pretty depressed globally. But we're not these common peoples. Equality is a lie. The elites are just profiting from people who sadly can't defend themselves rightly.

Why do you even bother talking about these retards. There are very intelligent people that certainly have a very high understanding of politics and the world. Let's compare us to them, not to the manipulated blue collars listening to CNN.

Reread my post. I may have exaggerated by saying "absolutely false", but all I'm saying is that the situation is more complicated. And I have to say that I pretty much hate your tone. Go suicide yourself elsewhere. We don't want to hear your laments.

I feel that a lot of people, always saying that most people are simply easily manipulated and mostly ignorant, hide behind this to not themselves get higher education. Compare yourself to the people of your caliber, and you'll look like a retard. What peoples need is virtuous elites. There is nearly none of them, when they're not in psychiatric hospital (the new gulag) or simply too degenerated to be anything at all.

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t. Cuckchan

author here, again, I'm not the same guy. And I'm not from halfchan either.

The funny thing is that it's incompatible with current existing european laws:
The E-Commerce Directive forbids general monitoring obligations, which even the European Parliament Research Service says Article 13 would establish. Other premises of Article 13 are also unsupported by existing law and jurisprudence, including the assertion that platforms “optimizing the presentation” of uploaded content become liable for infringements.

As much as I'd hate to see this pass, I'd love seeing google image search, youtube and facebook get fucked sideways.

Are you a fucking retard? It's elected by the parliament, which is elected by universal suffrage by European citizens, and by their own governments, which are in turn elected democratically. Exactly like the government of literally no country is elected by their people. When was the last time Brits elected their government? They didn't, they elected MP's that in turn voted for a head of government, that in turn chose her government. France and the USA? The President was elected by universal suffrage, which then either chose the government himself (USA) or appointed a prime minister who acts as the head of government, and chose his ministers (France). Spain, Germany? They elect MP's, and MP's elect a head of government/chancellor. Hell, you fucking know it.
If you say the EU is undemocratic, at least be consistent and don't think any other country is more democratic. Maybe Switzerland, but that's about it.
BTW, European citizens do have legislative initiative. If you get 1 million signatures from people from I think 15+ EU countries, you can force the parliament to debate a law.

You should be coding your fucking website rather than touching things you don't fucking understand.

Yeah, indeed. But there is no european people. So europe is not democratic by definition. There is so much distance between european people and the finally elected people in the european parliament that you can safely say that it's not elected by people.
You're comparing the uncomparable. You're comparing elected president with direct votes, that then chose the different ministers, INSIDE A COUNTRY, with the european system. People vote for a president, for a program, for a party. There is an unique people voting. So even if the minister are not directly elected, they're a very close proximity between people's vote that elect the president and the minister. In france by the way, the president have the power, so it's even bigger here.
But at the european level, there is 28 FUCKING STATES involved. So you'll never ever get what you voted for. That's simply impossible. And there, we enter in the main fucking problem with the european union: the number of stat involve. It's simple: it can't work. Because you can't resolve all of the different interests between the members. Some countries will always win, and some will always lose in a decision.
So there must be a strong reason why this union exist then, to accept all of this constraints. Wait, there is none.
The two main reason invoked toward the european union contruction is one, the end of wars, and two, the counterweight against USA.
First, every european country, through NATO, under direct american command, are constantly war with the rest of the world. So they're not fighting between each other (that's not even true, if you look at economical warfare abroad, germnay/france for exemple fighting between each other to sell their fucking train), but don't worry, the ammunition factories are working like hell.
Second, a counterweight against USA. That must be the most retarded and wrong argument ever, for one simple reason: the european union have been pushed and build mainly by the USA themselves. The main european "founding fathers" where paid by the CIA.

The truth regarding europe is that it's a contruction built by the USA to passively occupate europe after world war two. France, for exemple, never regained its freedom after WW2. The occupants simply changed, from Germany to USA.

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Another argument against european union is that european people have to vote to approve changes relative to constitution and to treaties, but they removed it because people were voting against.
For exemple, in 2005, French people voted against the Maastritch european constitution, it still have been applied, even though people have voted against.

To conclude, let's talk about the euro currency. You should know that every national central bank have been kept, so what is called euros is actually just a rename. Every national currency have been maintained. To build a constant rate, they had to actually take every currencies, and they averaged them. So the money is very good for the german economy, and the poorer the country is, the worste the money is for the country. Moreover, there is a mechanism that artificially keep a constant repartition of the currency in europe. This is TARGET2. And that is because of TARGET2 that Germany is shitting itself right now.
Get to know TARGET2, and you'll understand why the euro currency will fall, why europe will scramble, and why Germany is gonna be hurt bad.

https ://www.

I'll not even talk about the massive building in front of the european parliament full of lobbyst, that are putting huge pressure against the parliament. There is no people here.

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Germany really bought it upon themselves, selling out their people for fucking Volkswagen profit. That's unsustainable anyway in the long term, but they don't care.
I really wish the EU was something different. It should have started as a military alliance to develop independence from the USA and Turkey, but they have chosen the way to fast and easy money, but it's quickly drying up.

The borders have to close up as much as possible and there has to be restructuring, otherwise there'll be nothing left for us to save or defend. And in countries like the UK, Germany or France that probably necessitates a coup, seeing how they're duped with things like Brexit.

There's several misconceptions and I won't go in deep, but the first thing of all is that France has always remained pretty free from the USA in comparison to other cold war US colonies such as Spain, Greece or Germany. For instance, removing France from the integrated NATO commandment, or the French support of Israel against Egypt (supported by the US and the USSR) during the Suez crisis, or the US (and USSR) support for Algerian independence.

You're right to point out that the EU is foremost a strategic and geopolitical entity rather than what some liberals like to view as an utopia, but it doens't make the EU particularly more or less democratic than its individual members. I don't see what NATO has to do with the EU btw, especially considering that the current EU trend is to form a continental army, effectively opening the possibility for the end of NATO.
The 2005 constitution itself wasn't applied, it was the Lisbon treaty of 2009 that came to replace it, but don't act as if no country ever has enacted laws, or or taken actions, that its citizens did not want. The most recent example I can recall is of the federal US government granting gays the right to vote, which would have probably not passed in an awful lot of states, had it been in a referendum. Or the relationship Spain has with NATO.

Welcome to Capitalism fam, the goal isn't to have a charity, it's to make money.

lol, the blackpiller with his low creativity as usual.

The weak will perish as usual. Let them.

Meant to marry lmao

Not an argument

Thanks to De Gaulle, but this time ended pretty quickly (1968). France always had a special place in europe anyway (after Great Britain obviously). That's the country of the french revolution, and that's the "cultural base" of the oligarchy. USA didn't need to make France submit, because it's an actor of globalisation/egalitarism/New Age itself.

You're only right in the fact that democracy don't exist, and never was a thing in the first place. So saying that european union is as tyranic than states, that's not that wrong. But back to the right, there is no european people, so europe is not democratic by definition.

NATO is the military entity, and EU the political one. They tried to actually include every country that were in NATO, in the european union. So actually NATO is more important than the EU in that regard, and in the regard of the EU being an american created political entity. That's why USA is forcing the european union to accept Turkey. Turkey is unofficially a member anway, through bilateral treaties.

What a fucking argument is that. If a government would do illegal activities, then they need to be punished and inprison. That's not normal. They don't have the right to do that. Saying that EU can be corrupted because governments are corrupted is a none argument. That's an incredibly retarded point of view. Europe don't want to ask for people's opinion because it goes against national interests, very hardly. We're not talking about common people needs, nor talking about gay fucking marriage, you fucking faggot, but about treaties that is gonna change tremendously how things work, the economy, basic liberties work. For exemple, Europe decide ALONE what the general economical orientation is gonna be in the member state. That's the same for immigration. The general destruction of work rights and the passive privatization of national companies is a direct consequence of these orientations. And since the oligarchy is always making elected a pro europe, they're all applied exactly what is said.

But I don't even know why I bother to answer, since you seem to think that democracy is actually a thing. You seem to be european. Some wanker against brexit?


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He's a tripfag and also possibly underage. Don't bother replying.

The US is not dominating you. We're just waking up the crazy horseshit that's been going on here and seeing how bad the same shit is affecting EuroTards. Info control, population replacement, all the molar-pulling hilarity. Keep blaming a nation rather than the Stateless assholes and you just make enemies. The people who work full time jobs just to qualify for foodstamps are not you fucking enemies, you idiot. You need to learn that Nationalism and Jingoism are not the same thing.

Yeah, I almost fell for that. Thanks for pointing it out.

won't work in eastern euro. people are peasants and gov fags are orcs

The thing passed.
So seriously, since news aggregator are vitals to be able to rightfully exploit news daily, I'll go blind on every day news.
But I think that I have enough to react the right way to whatever happen.

Same on the extreme end, they fake it or they make you vote again and they don't listen to the people only the unelected beurocrats and businesses because they have money.

I don't think it was even mentioned in the news here, I want to leave the EU.

I meant same on the other end of eu

Where are you from?

Euro demosceners are some of the smartest ppl on the planet in terms of lateral, autistic intellgence.

If we could devise some carrot + stick way of getting them into parliament it would surely be better than the current situation.